Have Chinese cards mold replica sets gone too far? (20 Viewers)

Is it okay to buy and build a Shelby Cobra replica kit? Once I have built my car, is it okay for me to take it to a car show?

Do you think while I'm at this show that the owners of REAL Shelby Cobras are going to come over to my car and berate me, and tell me that I'm ruining the market for their cars? You know, the ones that can sell for over $1 million dollars, while my replica might be worth $50K.


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I dunno. Are the original creators/engineers of the Cobras compensated for the use of their original design? Did the creators of the kits obtain permission to use the design? If a factory in another country could produce shells of this car with a golf cart motor and sell it for $5000 to anyone and everyone, then it's totally OK solely because there's a demand?
If a factory in another country could produce shells of this car with a golf cart motor and sell it for $5000 to anyone and everyone

and then produced them for every single car.

“Took the ol’ 911 Singer out last night. Tomorrow it’s this sweet ‘68 fastback. Thinking about picking up a Shelby this weekend. Any thoughts? Sweet Camaro btw!”

Of course
they’re not fooling anyone, and of course a fake Shelby isn’t literally decreasing the cost of a real Shelby. But do hundreds of golf cart Shelbys and Camaros and Porsches at a car show start to devalue the sports car show experience?

I think they do.

I guess everyone has a different perspective on an ideal sports car forum or art forum or poker chip forum, and that’s ok. I just don’t see how reps or reprints or whatever on the home page make for a better place.

But like @krafticus said, there are much more important things to discuss — so why discuss this at all. Besides, who gives a crap what anyone else thinks around here! (Thanks for the pointer!)
and then produced them for every single car.

“Took the ol’ 911 Singer out last night. Tomorrow it’s this sweet ‘68 fastback. Thinking about picking up a Shelby this weekend. Any thoughts? Sweet Camaro btw!”

Of course
they’re not fooling anyone, and of course a fake Shelby isn’t literally decreasing the cost of a real Shelby. But do hundreds of golf cart Shelbys and Camaros and Porsches at a car show start to devalue the sports car show experience?

I think they do.

I guess everyone has a different perspective on an ideal sports car forum or art forum or poker chip forum, and that’s ok. I just don’t see how reps or reprints or whatever on the home page make for a better place.

But like @krafticus said, there are much more important things to discuss — so why discuss this at all. Besides, who gives a crap what anyone else thinks around here! (Thanks for the pointer!)
For the record, I said I don’t care if you care about what “I” think. Not everyone else. You do you though
Of course they’re not fooling anyone, and of course a fake Shelby isn’t literally decreasing the cost of a real Shelby. But do hundreds of golf cart Shelbys and Camaros and Porsches at a car show start to devalue the sports car show experience?

I think they do.
I think it only devalues it to the collectors that are at these shows to show off what they have to other like-minded owners.
There are also Shelby copy owners that just love the vehicle and have no interest in showing it off, rather taking it out for a drive once in a while for their own enjoyment.
For the record, I said I don’t care if you care about what “I” think. Not everyone else. You do you though
All good here!

As usual, my guess is even extremely opposing beliefs on this topic are actually quite close in reality.

Queue more dildo jokes from @Josh Kifer :)
All good here!

As usual, my guess is even extremely opposing beliefs on this topic are actually quite close in reality.

Queue more dildo jokes from @Josh Kifer :)
I think this summarizes the root of my original post.

Yes, fakes are fakes -- ceramic or not -- but when they're regularly promoted and glorified on PCF (especially without description), we all become a bit desensitized to the real thing (e.g., "Oh neat, the seventh home game this week using BTPs!").

Should it matter? No more than some famous person's twitter post mattering. But somehow it kind of does.

@bergs you keep mentioning it's harmless because they're ceramic. Are you saying making clay replicas is what takes things too far? Or is that also inevitable so we might as well accept it, too? Is there a "too far"?

As I shared previously, I don't really care what people do with their money, and don't blame/judge anyone for buying replicas. That said, I just don't see how so many collectors here can confidently claim that fakes are good for the hobby.
To each their own but I just see ceramics as an entirely different kind of chip.

Put it tbis way, if someone copied my Truman’s House Paulsons exactly on ceramic, it wouldn’t bother me. It’d be kinda funny cuz it’s my dog, but whatever.

If someone made a clay exact copy, that would sorta piss me off. Equally weird, but I feel like it infringes on my set more now.

Same thing if I built a rare casino set of Paulsons.

I guess I can get behind not copying live casino chips on ceramic even though I think they’d never be able to get snuck into a game. I personally wouldn’t get a ceramic copy of a live chip - only ones I’m getting/have are the Arias (not an exact replica) and 3 sets from closed casinos (1 is for a friend back East, 1 is a set that isn’t reasonably obtainable but means a lot to me, and 1 that is a set I’ve always wanted and will spread for microstakes cash).
I never really got sets to impress other people. I guess I can see the perspective that knockoffs are bad if that’s your goal.

Jesus, I wish I was into chipping for that. I’ve sold so many sets back in the day at a loss because I ran bad with them or just got bored with them or whatever that if I held them and sold them now - I wanna throw up just thinking about it.

I’m also coming around to the idea that replicas of live chips may not be a good idea. Not sure this is good for anyone. They look sweet though.


Edit: I still don’t think a dealer or cage would confuse these with clay though. Guess I’m on the fence about the live chip thing.
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I never really got sets to impress other people. I guess I can see the perspective that knockoffs are bad if that’s your goal.

Jesus, I wish I was into chipping for that. I’ve sold so many sets back in the day at a loss because I ran bad with them or just got bored with them or whatever that if I held them and sold them now - I wanna throw up just thinking about it.

I’m also coming around to the idea that replicas of live chips may not be a good idea. Not sure this is good for anyone. They look sweet though.


Edit: I still don’t think a dealer or cage would confuse these with clay though. Guess I’m on the fence about the live chip thing.
Those aren’t live chips though. I’m not sure there have been any CM chips made that represent live chips. I could be wrong though.
...... Just my 2c. I feel the opposite way. I think the fact that people make knock off Rolex watches or knock off PCA chips actually elevates the status of the originals.
Interesting concept to think about.

I do think that there is something to others seeing cool stuff which turns them into wanting those cool things. This effect can/could certainly
increase demand for the "cool stuff"

I think it is certainly up for debate as to whether or not the knock offs are good or not for the hobby in general.

Hard to imagine much positive coming out of TinaHC's printed to match Paris LV exactly other than a few guys getting a set or two through that look cool and are extremely close to the real thing. Once noticed by Caesars Entertainment (Owners of Paris LV) they most certainly will have to take some sort of action. Start throwing around law suits, change the chip rack, put rfid in all chips, idk whatever maybe stop using chips all together. None of that seems good....

.........Of course[/I] they’re not fooling anyone, and of course a fake Shelby isn’t literally decreasing the cost of a real Shelby. But do hundreds of golf cart Shelbys and Camaros and Porsches at a car show start to devalue the sports car show experience?

I think they do.
100% agree

I guess everyone has a different perspective on an ideal sports car forum or art forum or poker chip forum, and that’s ok. I just don’t see how reps or reprints or whatever on the home page make for a better place.
Unless I am unaware of some secret home page with pics of replica/fake poker chips on it, this is a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?

I am in no way condoning someone making TinaHC on a ceramic blank and making everything wide open including making exact (as possible) copies of live chips, however it has already moved enough in that direction that no amount of whining about it is going to stop it.

I think we need to either learn how to deal with it: ie a) maybe have a separate part of the forum for it or b) some other form of accepting that it is here to stay in one form or another or c) ban all mention of it and all pictures of it and ban anyone that doesn't comply
Interesting concept to think about.

I do think that there is something to others seeing cool stuff which turns them into wanting those cool things. This effect can/could certainly
increase demand for the "cool stuff"

I think it is certainly up for debate as to whether or not the knock offs are good or not for the hobby in general.

Hard to imagine much positive coming out of TinaHC's printed to match Paris LV exactly other than a few guys getting a set or two through that look cool and are extremely close to the real thing. Once noticed by Caesars Entertainment (Owners of Paris LV) they most certainly will have to take some sort of action. Start throwing around law suits, change the chip rack, put rfid in all chips, idk whatever maybe stop using chips all together. None of that seems good....

100% agree

Unless I am unaware of some secret home page with pics of replica/fake poker chips on it, this is a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?

I am in no way condoning someone making TinaHC on a ceramic blank and making everything wide open including making exact (as possible) copies of live chips, however it has already moved enough in that direction that no amount of whining about it is going to stop it.

I think we need to either learn how to deal with it: ie a) maybe have a separate part of the forum for it or b) some other form of accepting that it is here to stay in one form or another or c) ban all mention of it and all pictures of it and ban anyone that doesn't comply
I'd settle for just a little awareness, which I guess was the only point of my post.

I do the same with my kids sometimes: "Hey, you seem to be going to bed later and later each night, not sure that's healthy."

It's quite possible staying up late can be a good thing, but not necessarily in excess. Without any pushback at all, things can spin out of control.

Regardless, I had no idea how passionate some were about them and I've clearly angered some, so I'll bow out. Cheers!
Some people will literally argue anything!

Own, love, Be proud of what you have and can afford... absolutely!

But showing up to a car show with a bunch of clone rip off go carts with matching bodies and expecting to be accepted by those that have devoted their lives, years of hard work, Sacrifices elsewhere to own a true piece of history. Then get upset a shout that your feelings are hurt when they don't "accept you in as equal"

Yeah sure... be happy with what you have but you have NO business at that car show trying to act like you have something you don't!

But bitching about people "showing off" thier hard work and efforts (often years worth of time) because "it's not fair to the people that can't afford the same thing!" WTF

The fact of the matter here is that dice chips can and will suit the needs of your poker games every single time, as far as security... if someone is sneaking in chips then know your group better and get the sleeze ball out of it!

This hobby is for people that have "more than what they need!" Sure we all fall into different financial brakets and there is nothing wrong with that! Post 1000 pictures of your cards molds in play, be proud of what you have... after all the memories made with those chips are what it's really all about anyways. I have said it 100 times that I would giveaway every chip in my collection just for a picture of growing up woth my family around the dining room table playing poker with Drunk grandpa before he died.

I bought this shitty set years ago and people begged me to bring "the heavy chips with the denoms on them" to almost every game I went to (often more than once a month) for years

We played a crap ton of T1 based tournies on this set, had tons of fun and honestly it's all I would ever really need for a home game.

So if I decide to host a meet up, would it be cool to put those on the cover as the "feature set for the weekend" I realize a bunch of you just for the sake of argument are going to say "sure what's wrong with that!" But when exactly has that EVER occurred on this forum? Again be proud of what you have but we don't praise dice chips, slugged ABS plastics... we praise the "real deal" dedication to a hobby and building something YOU CAN'T JUST BUY ON eBay FOR $135!!

Just keep watering it down, watering it down! Everyone gets a participation trophy and last place is the exact same size and shape as first place!

"How dare you come on a poker chip forum and show off your over beautiful rare chips! Did you ever stop and think how that would make others feel that can't afford (or are too lazy) to do/build the same thing!!! Shame on you indeed!"


@aggie my good friend Asher, thank you for having the Balls to post a thread of what every single private group is talking about behind the scenes day in and day out! Remember

Also to those NOT investing in rip off chips I suggest investing in Velcro stock! Folks are going to need a ton of it as the new continues to wear off on their "prized possessions"
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Are people really posting Cards Mold sets and trying to show them off as the real thing and acting like they have a grail set?

Y’all will never see pictures of mine. They’re for me and I don’t see the point of posting pics of them but whatever.
I did a cards mold order in 2021. A friend here jumped on board and made fully custom "Zurich" themed chips - something he never would have done otherwise if not for the accessibility of the chips and for me making our group aware that there were better things than "official casino weight" garbage out there.

My order started out as a joke tbh. I saw the cards molds Starlite copies and thought they'd look better with a Canada Goose and a Maple Leaf. The price was cheap enough and the process fun enough that I had them made.

Screenshot 2022-12-03 at 19.40.22.png

It was a fun and inexpensive endeavour, but in the end, I realized that I would never put these chips into play over one of my other CPC or Paulson sets. All the "Canada Bird Cruise" chips were sold off and I can't see myself going down the Tina route again.
Banning. Hmm. Haven’t seen that move in a while.

We can’t even get people banned for threatening violence with guns in the Politics subforum and you want to ban people for pictures? LMFAO.
I miss Jack!

There's that "evil denom" of a human!! In all actually one of the nicest dudes I ever met!
Banning. Hmm. Haven’t seen that move in a while.

We can’t even get people banned for threatening violence with guns in the Politics subforum and you want to ban people for pictures? LMFAO.
Yes Bergs. I was serious. I want you cards mold people BANNED FOR LIFE!!!!
But showing up to a car show with a bunch of clone rip off go carts with matching bodies and expecting to be accepted by those that have devoted their lives, years of hard work, Sacrifices elsewhere to own a true piece of history. Then get upset a shout that your feelings are hurt when they don't "accept you in as equal"

Yeah sure... be happy with what you have but you have NO business at that car show trying to act like you have something you don't!
I don't think you mean this, but what your are saying here seems to suggest that people with cards mold sets and less serious collectors (or people with less disposable income) are not welcome here on PCF.

People gotta start somewhere. That kind of elitism is not healthy for the hobby at all. Poker players and collectors (new AND old) should be welcomed here as equals no matter if they can afford a set of leaded THCs or not.
Here’s some new WSOP chips just in time to surprise your sig other for Christmas.
Of course everyone knows they aren’t real - whatever

I went to look at these, but the post was no longer up. What was the first item that DID show up? A hot dog roller!:)

And, I'm fine with the replica chips. The chips are clearly ceramic and have a cards mold on them, I don't see how anyone could confuse them with real chips. I also think it's right to have at least a little variation in the art to distinguish them as well.
I think the ceramics will make people want the real thing. I’m expecting this to happen to me. Could be good for the hobby in a weird way.
I think you're right that it will be a gateway drug to some people. I'm sure someone will just get a set and leave as well which is also fine. Its a good (probably best) option in that price range.

I started the journey as many others. 7 years ago, I started with a set of used RHC, but still hanging around because of cool pron, discussions and nice people. I've been more or less interested in periods, but overall I've enjoyed this board a lot.

Currently have multiple sets including THC, rhc, flower molds, triclubs, diamond molds, thc solids, 36mms, and yes cards molds as well. Different sets for different games and the variety is fun. It's what we are here nerding on about. We all have different journeys. Some people start with a cards mold set, some people with a TCR sale with used rhcs. Some with china clays, and some people come in guns blazing and go straight for leaded thc or trk scrowns. It is what it is, but we shouldn't discourage and alienate new members based on where they start out.

And make no mistake, I'm not saying scamming people is OK. Claiming card molds copies of a vintage set are real is obviously complete BS. But getting them as an entry into the hobby (with no intention to say they are real) is all good and well if you ask me, and it also does not impact the real sets some lucky few people have.
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Good grief, this discussion has gone off the tracks. We are now saying that people who don't buy $10+/chip Paulsons, TRK or the like shouldn't be considered as part of the the chipping hobby or shouldn't post pictures of their stuff here, and possibly be banned (wtf) because they don't like or seek these chips but like/can only afford lower value chips or buy chips not approved by the snobbery chipping elite. :wow:

My, my, no wonder some folks are turning sour on this hobby.
Are people really posting Cards Mold sets and trying to show them off
as the real thing
No, I would hope not. And they'd get a lot of grief if they did.
and acting like they have a grail set?
Nope. Just some fun, cheap chips.
Y’all will never see pictures of mine. They’re for me and I don’t see the point of posting pics of them but whatever.
You're certainly welcome to feel that way. But I would hope no one would care if others do want to post pics of theirs.

I love my custom cards mold tourney set, and the Aria's tribute sets. I've posted dozens of photos of both. I'm as proud of MY chip as others are here with chips worth many thousands of dollars. Because they are mine.

I put a LOT of time and effort into designing my customs, and in helping J5 to design the Aria's cash set and add on denoms to the tournament set. They're my babies. I think I will always be proud of them, even after I have my leaded THC set completed that I'm working on.
I never really got sets to impress other people. I guess I can see the perspective that knockoffs are bad if that’s your goal.

Jesus, I wish I was into chipping for that. I’ve sold so many sets back in the day at a loss because I ran bad with them or just got bored with them or whatever that if I held them and sold them now - I wanna throw up just thinking about it.

I’m also coming around to the idea that replicas of live chips may not be a good idea. Not sure this is good for anyone. They look sweet though.


Edit: I still don’t think a dealer or cage would confuse these with clay though. Guess I’m on the fence about the live chip thing.
I was impressed when I first met you.

Mainly because you were betting on the cowboys during a season it was clearly a bad idea. That's my kinda guy!

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