History of Big Top Poker Chips (1 Viewer)

Fuck me. Brb, gotta go delete my account on DuctTapeForum.com.....

Thank goodness nobody has lied to or defrauded GPI on here.
Quite the opposite, I feel I've been duped and defrauded BY GPI. They have made gaming tokens so attractive that I can't stop buying them. Even worse, most of my gambling losses have come while using said gaming tokens. Much like the tobacco industry, and their advertising campaigns to attract kids to smoking, I feel I've been targeted by them in an concerted effort to get me to gamble more, and, buy more chips. I feel a class action lawsuit is what's needed here, let's teach these awful enablers a lesson!
Quite the opposite, I feel I've been duped and defrauded BY GPI. They have made gaming tokens so attractive that I can't stop buying them. Even worse, most of my gambling losses have come while using said gaming tokens. Much like the tobacco industry, and their advertising campaigns to attract kids to smoking, I feel I've been targeted by them in an concerted effort to get me to gamble more, and, buy more chips. I feel a class action lawsuit is what's needed here, let's teach these awful enablers a lesson!
I am in. They have made me do unspeakable things. Hooker juices, murder, chemical baths, misuse of heating pads…the list goes on and on. My relationship with my cat was also ruined forever

I’d advise you to consult with your lawyer before making statements like this that are defamatory per se. And yes, I’m aware that truth is a defense.

Be aware that if you file a frivolous defamation suit in my state, you will be liable for my legal fees. If you want to make my attorney rich, sue away.
Be aware that if you file a frivolous defamation suit in my state, you will be liable for my legal fees. If you want to make my attorney rich, sue away.
I’m not filing anything, as your statements were not directed at me. But since you went after someone who lives in Maryland, my guess is that if a lawsuit is filed it would be filed there. It can be a very plaintiff-friendly jurisdiction.
I am in. They have made me do unspeakable things. Hooker juices, murder, chemical baths, misuse of heating pads…the list goes on and on. My relationship with my cat was also ruined forever

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You're using chips as cat hats?! Have you got written permission from GPI to do this?!
Seeing as my question still remains unanswered, though you have responded to everyone else, I'm going to assume either I am invisible or you actually are a bot.

I am actually interested in the history of BTP chips, and I quit reading the other thread that was posted on the first page because it is over 38 pages long, and 16 pages in, I still have no idea about the history of BTP chips.

So congrats @BarbaraBooey143, you win the "first person I've ever blocked" award. If anyone else wants to let me know if he ever answers my question, then I'll happily unblock him.

And, I'd love to know more about these chips... more than just "they were acquired illegally, and those involved should be shaking in fear."
No jurisdiction over me there.
By that logic, your state has no jurisdiction over a person filing a lawsuit against you from another state, and therefore can't be "liable for my legal fees". That's not how the legal system works. I assure you, were it to come to a lawsuit, the person would do the filing in their home state.

I realize you are just trolling, but that actually makes you dumber than you would be if you believed any of what you are saying.
Now is a good time to share that I am a sovereign citizen of the United States and thusly not a resident of any state.

Not that it matters. A well cooked leg of mutton makes better legal arguments that SallyWaggyDumbFly.

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