SOLD Huge Giveaway, Winners Announced, Yay (2 Viewers)

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Appreciate the nomination @Ben8257. If I could pick 2 people for this based on just this past year alone, you and @FordPickup92 would be my choices.
You guys have come into this community with complete enthusiasm and positiveness over the last year. It’s been interesting, fun and wonderful to see 2 newer members be and get involved like you have.
The place has definitely brightened up a bit since you guys have rolled up in here.
That aside, I’m going to play by the rules set up by #SingleButterBalls or whatever he is (lots of love @BarrieJ3) and my single nomination goes to @Seeking Alpha Social Club.
When I was newer in the hobby I met Kevin through a mutual poker friend. I was instantly invited to play in his regular game and got to learn much more about the world of chipping.
What I can say about @Seeking Alpha Social Club is this, Kevin would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.
He got me up to speed on many things chipping when I was new to this and has treated me like family ever since. I can’t thank him enough for his kindness and generosity.
Thank you brother! My nomination goes to you!
As for the rest of you, the entire Michigan crew, the east coast Mid Atlantic crew, SQM crew, my biggest chipping competition from Seattle, Mel and anyone I’ve done business with, Thank you and love you guys.
All of you keep this place special. :)
Your #butterysweetLilTuna. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Appreciate the nomination @Ben8257. If I could pick 2 people for this based on just this past year alone, you and @FordPickup92 would be my choices.
You guys have come into this community with complete enthusiasm and positiveness over the last year. It’s been interesting, fun and wonderful to see 2 newer members be and get involved like you have.
The place has definitely brightened up a bit since you guys have rolled up in here.
That aside, I’m going to play by the rules set up by #SingleButterBalls or whatever he is (lots of love @BarrieJ3) and my single nomination goes to @Seeking Alpha Social Club.
When I was newer in the hobby I met Kevin through a mutual poker friend. I was instantly invited to play in his regular game and got to learn much more about the world of chipping.
What I can say about @Seeking Alpha Social Club is this, Kevin would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.
He got me up to speed on many things chipping when I was new to this and has treated me like family ever since. I can’t thank him enough for his kindness and generosity.
Thank you brother! My nomination goes to you!
As for the rest of you, the entire Michigan crew, the east coast Mid Atlantic crew, SQM crew, my biggest chipping competition from Seattle, Mel and anyone I’ve done business with, Thank you and love you guys.
All of you keep this place special. :)
Your #butterysweetLilTuna. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Thanks #butterytunasinglet.
And we love you too! Thank you for including us in all of your awesome convos and introducing us to kev and gunny!
I'm not worthy of being entered into this, but I think you should have a shot at this @BarrieJ3. Not just from this post, but you've hooked me up at COST for a Tourney Set to make my High Demons worth a two-three table when you were charged almost double for your first set of the same chips! I also have a 50% off cash set you shipped on its way. You are a leading example for this community! I hope to meet you some day to shake your hand and buy you a drink or 20! Hope you and your family remain safe. Good luck everyone!
Man I gotta be in on this one! Ran a GB for MSK jetons about 4 months into my membership and I recently have done quite a few giveaways related to my one year anniversary and my latest solids set that I finished.

GB -

Giveaway 1 -

Giveaway 2 -

A few of the people I would have nominated have already been chosen so I'll have to give this some more thought as I would really like to include a nomination alongside my entry.
I don't know if this qualifies, but @Marhault should be eligible for spending a shit load of time dealing with china and be willing to handle and the reshipping in this time of madness. Keeping Donkeys happy one SFRB at a time.
Y’all determine what qualifies by writing them in, but if it was me? Fo shizzle. I sure as hell don’t want 40,000 chips on my doorstep to send back out.
I'm not worthy of being entered into this, but I think you should have a shot at this @BarrieJ3. Not just from this post, but you've hooked me up at COST for a Tourney Set to make my High Demons worth a two-three table when you were charged almost double for your first set of the same chips! I also have a 50% off cash set you shipped on its way. You are a leading example for this community! I hope to meet you some day to shake your hand and buy you a drink or 20! Hope you and your family remain safe. Good luck everyone!
All about it brother! And I don’t normally jump into contests unless it’s something I need or could use, but damn this ended up being a lot bigger than I thought. Wish I could, but should be exciting for those that are in!
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I’m nominating @pltrgyst too, for his kindness in sending along a Casablanca $5 chip at his expense to help replace a missing chip. A small gesture but a huge help nonetheless. That chip is currently en route having been collated, along with about 20 other items, by @ReallyGoodUsername (my 2nd nomination). Tom’s helped me a few times, kindly receiving, repackaging and reshipping items for me to save on international shipping. A true star. Same should also be said for @arch3r, my 3rd nomination, who also helped with reshipping a year back. Lastly, @kaimat for the kindness shown with all the recent giveaways, of which I was luckily enough to win one! Keep on chipping.
I'm new to the forums but I'd like to give my shout out to @The Nuts for sliding in to my DMs and really providing good insight about this hobby. It's refreshing to see how open and welcoming this community is to the newer members like me. Thanks dude.
Not to complicate things, but does the nice heather have to have been done in connection with this forum? Or can it be a poker enthusiast who has done something worthy unrelated to poker or this forum?
I''ll nominate @AK Chip - he ends up doing collections and payouts for the nightly pokerstars tournaments more than everybody else combined.
Honorable mention goes to @BGinGA for all the legwork he does on the pokerstars tournaments.
Not sure if this is eligible, my friend And former colleague Brian Stolarz (an attorney), worked For years (and for free), to get a wrongfully accused man off death row. The case was actually previewed on episode 8 of the Innocence Files on Netflix. It is an unbelievable story. He loves poker but is not a member of this forum.
Not sure if this is eligible, my friend And former colleague Brian Stolarz (an attorney), worked For years (and for free), to get a wrongfully accused man off death row. The case was actually previewed on episode 8 of the Innocence Files on Netflix. It is an unbelievable story. He loves poker but is not a member of this forum.
Definitely a big thumbs up! Loves poker, he should join here!

If I start going off forum, I’ll get my nuts cooked and fed to me unfortunately.
Appreciate the nomination @Ben8257. If I could pick 2 people for this based on just this past year alone, you and @FordPickup92 would be my choices.
You guys have come into this community with complete enthusiasm and positiveness over the last year. It’s been interesting, fun and wonderful to see 2 newer members be and get involved like you have.
The place has definitely brightened up a bit since you guys have rolled up in here.
That aside, I’m going to play by the rules set up by #SingleButterBalls or whatever he is (lots of love @BarrieJ3) and my single nomination goes to @Seeking Alpha Social Club.
When I was newer in the hobby I met Kevin through a mutual poker friend. I was instantly invited to play in his regular game and got to learn much more about the world of chipping.
What I can say about @Seeking Alpha Social Club is this, Kevin would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.
He got me up to speed on many things chipping when I was new to this and has treated me like family ever since. I can’t thank him enough for his kindness and generosity.
Thank you brother! My nomination goes to you!
As for the rest of you, the entire Michigan crew, the east coast Mid Atlantic crew, SQM crew, my biggest chipping competition from Seattle, Mel and anyone I’ve done business with, Thank you and love you guys.
All of you keep this place special. :)
Your #butterysweetLilTuna. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Thank you brother!! The feeling is 100% mutual!! From the very first time I met you I knew you were one of the good ones. And I guarantee you, it takes a lot to be one of the good ones in my book!!

There are a number of GREAT people in this community, but anybody who has ever had the honor of interacting with Matt knows how awesome he is. He's a no bullshit straight shooter who would go out of his way to help anybody. I am honored to nominate @Lil Tuna as the king of AWESOME!! (:
I’ll nominate @WedgeRock . We’ve never spoken, but I know if I ever need someone to talk to when I’m down, he will be there. Worth more than any set of chips.

And for the exact same reason, I also want to nominate @Chippy McChiperson . I know it’s more than 1, but they are rock solid people behind the big green curtain. (Or orange in this case)

Everything’s updated. Op updated; Add whoever you want in that you think meets the criteria, limits lifted.

Also updated prizes. Good luck to everyone running, this has turned out to be quite the magical giveaway. Many of the vendors involved have donated part or all of their items and time. When you have a moment, take a look at their offerings/wares.
Everything’s updated. Op updated; Add whoever you want in that you think meets the criteria, limits lifted.

Also updated prizes. Good luck to everyone running, this has turned out to be quite the magical giveaway. Many of the vendors involved have donated part or all of their items and time. When you have a moment, take a look at their offerings/wares.
In that case,

Id like to nominate @Saoliver . A class act who has never failed to take the time to read and respond to my messages. You are a great friend and I cant wait to meet you someday. He also hooked me up with free Blue Chips and I'm forever grateful Scott. Thanks for being the great chipper and person that you are.

I'd also like to nominate @Steppenwolf . He's been a friend and confidente for me and has helped me in ways I don't think anyone else would on this entire site. He's that amazing. He's off this board for the most part but I believe he checks in when he can. He's a new dad now, and life takes precedence over PCF, but I want him to be recognized as a great person that I'm also hopeful to meet.
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