SOLD Huge Giveaway, Winners Announced, Yay (1 Viewer)

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And it's easy to forget, the most impressive people at the best of times. Not sure if she has been mentioned, but @liftapint is a Pillar of this community. She is just unreal. I've been on the receiving end of her kindness a few times and I could be so lucky to have come across a chipper like her.

And lastly, man, that @RocAFella1 , is the comedian that keeps this place laughing and entertained like no other. He feeds the out-of-context thread daily, sometimes hourly. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Okay...I'm all done. All others I want to nominate have either been nominated already or have posted.

Thanks @BarrieJ3 ,truly magical!
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Everything’s updated. Op updated; Add whoever you want in that you think meets the criteria, limits lifted.
I nominate @horseshoez for sending me a chip to complete a sample set of mine, free of charge, only because he heard from someone else here that I was looking for it. Zaki is a class act all the way!

Anything I can do fo help man. I’m glad my broken barrel is going to good use for those looking really hard for them!
@PAZ. I don't really think this needs an explanation.

You don't get the nickname "Chip Santa" for no reason. The most generous chipper human I've ever met.

Edit: There are lots and lots of people who have been generous enablers along my chipping journey. So many great people here.
Well, the two people I want to nominate most are already nominated and also are already much of the subject of conversation in how incredibly nice and awesome they are in this thread! The first one being my first PCF friend here, who really went out of his way to befriend me behind the scenes, showed me around a couple places here, introduced me to a few people and truly, really got me going into my chipping endeavors since then while offering his guidance, advice and friendship every step of the way. He even sent me a set of cut cards he designed for free just for the hell of it. And of course, his partner in crime who, after I assisted with a 3rd member here in designing an inlay for his cash set, went out of her way to buy and mail me a chip I most desired of all, free of charge! And this was only after a very short time of meeting her here in this forum! (No wonder why they’re together! Any guess who they are?)

And the next 2 people I want to nominate also appear to be nominated! @BarrieJ3 and @Josh Kifer who just because they liked some of my posts and comments in their threads, decided to gift me chips!

So that leaves me 2 other names that stick out. First is @duffman who responded to my wanted add for 2 blank Paulson grays, as close to the showboat gray color as possible. I fully intended to oay for the ships of course, but Duffman answered my ad and offered the chips free of charge, including shipping! It didn’t atop there. The chips he had were hot-stamped and I needed chips that were ready for relabeling. I told him I had no way to mill them or murder chips in any way and he happily milled them himself, . . . again, free of charge! And it didn’t end there! When I got the chips, he went ahead and threw in a free GPI PCF tournament chip as well! All out of his way for 2 measly little chips!

The other name is @Jeevansluck whom I recently made a purchase from and ended up being my first ever “foreign” transaction here. I had never purchased from anyone outside of the CONUS before, or who did not at least have a US based PP account. I was not aware of the fact paying with PP’s default services ended up converting currencies to less than what I would initially pay when compared to actually current exchange rates. So when I sent a payment in “USD” I thought I just needed to make sure my total on my end was $25 in USD and PP would take care of the rest in converting to the proper CAD amount. I had no idea that I was supposed to or even could avoid the PP exchange service altogether and just send 25 USD the whole way. The exchange ended up shorting Jeevansluck $2. I offered to pay the difference immediatley in USD this time, to ensure he got the full amount but he outright refused and quickly sent me the chips anyway. He then acted as if nothing happened while continuing to chat casually with me afterward!
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I'll be honest, I haven't done anything exceptionally kind to people on this forum. And you're right that I should. Because some people were exceptionally kind to me. Some have sold me things that weren't actually for sale publicly. Others have done giveaways that I've been lucky enough to win.

@detroitdad in particular, I have to nominate for that reason. His giveaway was truly epic.

BUT... I have taken the PF love and paid it forward. I've given several shuffle stacks to friends that didn't know the difference between dice and real chips. I've also given many of the chips, cut cards and dealer buttons that came in a lot that I won to others locally. So the things that people shared with me, have been passed along to other people, spreading the goodwill.

If that's enough to be entered, cool. If not, I appreciate the reminder that I should pay it forward more online here, as I've done offline. And thank you for organizing this!
Well, the two people I want to nominate most are already nominated and also are already much of the subject of conversation in how incredibly nice and awesome they are in this thread! The first one being my first PCF friend here, who really went out of his way to befriend me behind the scenes, showed me around a couple places here, introduced me to a few people and truly, really got me going into my chipping endeavors since then while offering his guidance, advice and friendship every step of the way. He even sent me a set of cut cards he designed for free just for the hell of it. And of course, his partner in crime who, after I assisted with a 3rd member here in designing an inlay for his cash set, went out of her way to buy and mail me a chip I most desired of all, free of charge! And this was only after a very short time of meeting her here in this forum! (No wonder why they’re together! Any guess who they are?)

And the next 2 people I want to nominate also appear to be nominated! @BarrieJ3 and @Josh Kifer who just because they liked some of my posts and comments in their threads, decided to gift me chips!

So that leaves me 2 other names that stick out. First is @duffman who responded to my wanted add for 2 blank Paulson grays, as close to the showboat gray color as possible. I fully intended to oay for the ships of course, but Duffman answered my ad and offered the chips free of charge, including shipping! It didn’t atop there. The chips he had were hot-stamped and I needed chips that were ready for relabeling. I told him I had no way to mill them or murder chips in any way and he happily milled them himself, . . . again, free of charge! And it didn’t end there! When I got the chips, he went ahead and threw in a free Paulson PCF tournament chip as well!
I've enjoyed your company, bud.
@jeff123 has giving me more advise and info than I could ever consume and reached out to me own his own. Stand up guy Thanks again Jeff.

@Marhault is my second. He has given me aTON OF INFO. Hell he even invited me down play or maybe take my Thanks again for all your help as well.
I would like to thank:

For inviting me to my first ever chipper meetup and educating me all about the nuances of Paulson chips!
This sent me down a rabbit hole that I thoroughly enjoyed and am very grateful for!

For showing me the ABCs on reshipping and purchasing chips in the most cost-effective manner in Singapore.
Sharing your knowledge and offering samples to look at and generally being super nice all around!

Mel for taking the time to organize group buys and being super patient and helpful with the PMs on Matsui Racks. This helped me secure my Matsui Racks. Also for reaching out and sharing knowledge on plastics which I am looking to dive into next :D

Chris for sharing his vast knowledge of chips!

@FordPickup92 and @Ben8257
Brie and Ben for the many giveaways that you've sponsored along with the chipping knowledge, and all-around posts and liveliness you bring to the forums.
Also, Brie a big thanks for all the tags when I first started out with my PCA set and organizing the DB buys. Couldn't have gotten my set so quickly without them tags! :rolleyes:

@Jeevansluck For his many different giveaways and generally being super helpful all around with his advice in the forums

@Nuhockey For his awesome pandemic giveaways!

Last but not least.. @Tommy for creating such a simple yet fun environment for everyone. Taking the time to do giveaways and group buys.
None of this would have been possible without you!
Well, the two people I want to nominate most are already nominated and also are already much of the subject of conversation in how incredibly nice and awesome they are in this thread! The first one being my first PCF friend here, who really went out of his way to befriend me behind the scenes, showed me around a couple places here, introduced me to a few people and truly, really got me going into my chipping endeavors since then while offering his guidance, advice and friendship every step of the way. He even sent me a set of cut cards he designed for free just for the hell of it. And of course, his partner in crime who, after I assisted with a 3rd member here in designing an inlay for his cash set, went out of her way to buy and mail me a chip I most desired of all, free of charge! And this was only after a very short time of meeting her here in this forum! (No wonder why they’re together! Any guess who they are?)

And the next 2 people I want to nominate also appear to be nominated! @BarrieJ3 and @Josh Kifer who just because they liked some of my posts and comments in their threads, decided to gift me chips!

So that leaves me 2 other names that stick out. First is @duffman who responded to my wanted add for 2 blank Paulson grays, as close to the showboat gray color as possible. I fully intended to oay for the ships of course, but Duffman answered my ad and offered the chips free of charge, including shipping! It didn’t atop there. The chips he had were hot-stamped and I needed chips that were ready for relabeling. I told him I had no way to mill them or murder chips in any way and he happily milled them himself, . . . again, free of charge! And it didn’t end there! When I got the chips, he went ahead and threw in a free GPI PCF tournament chip as well! All out of his way for 2 measly little chips!

The other name is @Jeevansluck whom I recently made a purchase from and ended up being my first ever “foreign” transaction here. I had never purchased from anyone outside of the CONUS before, or who did not at least have a US based PP account. I was not aware of the fact paying with PP’s default services ended up converting currencies to less than what I would initially pay when compared to actually current exchange rates. So when I sent a payment in “USD” I thought I just needed to make sure my total on my end was $25 in USD and PP would take care of the rest in converting to the proper CAD amount. I had no idea that I was supposed to or even could avoid the PP exchange service altogether and just send 25 USD the whole way. The exchange ended up shorting Jeevansluck $2. I offered to pay the difference immediatley in USD this time, to ensure he got the full amount but he outright refused and quickly sent me the chips anyway. He then acted as if nothing happened while continuing to chat casually with me afterward!

@cascadiapoker Thanks for the kind words my friend. No sweat, just glad I could help you out!
I guess since the floodgates have opened, I will nominate some. There’s a ton of cool people who have done/are doing stuff for me that I’d even consider friends, but I’m hoping they just find their way to the thread. Instead, I’m going to @ people who put their money where their mouth is.

@detroitdad, @Beakertwang, @Marc Hedrick, @Señor Tony - thank your for unsolicited donation towards our running PCF games, I think it’s legitimately people like you that allow us to have nice things occasionally.

@Toby @stocky @Steamtrain @ThinkingFold - that you can easily squeeze more money out, and choosing not to, supporting other PCFers in whatever their endeavor is (custom samples in this specific example).

Thank you all for assisting and giving to a chipper you didn’t previously know with no expectations in return.
I’ll nominate @WedgeRock . We’ve never spoken, but I know if I ever need someone to talk to when I’m down, he will be there. Worth more than any set of chips.

And for the exact same reason, I also want to nominate @Chippy McChiperson . I know it’s more than 1, but they are rock solid people behind the big green curtain. (Or orange in this case)


I’ll second @WedgeRock. This was a long time ago but when my son first started playing hockey years ago Wedge on his own sent me tons of gear gratis and gave a bunch of advice. I was blown away by the generosity and how nice it was.
@One Eyed Dollar for being extremely helpful and generous with information and sharing 3d print files

anyone who did a giveaway should be nominated
While I agree, I believe myself and the vendors who have items that can be won (whether donated or paid for) should not be added into the contest. But I'm sure he appreciates the gesture!
While I agree, I believe myself and the vendors who have items that can be won (whether donated or paid for) should not be added into the contest. But I'm sure he appreciates the gesture!
But I wanted to win free milling... You son of a....
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