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I must be really crappy at poker but... Garret bets, gets raised and then shoves with a draw. And we're complaining about her play? He's the one who boated the pot trying to get her to fold. And when she didn't and he lost to jack high, he can't really complain.

I honestly can't believe he took his money back. I also can't believe she offered it back. All this episode has told me is that Garret is a dick who plays at being a nice guy and the lady is about as good at poker as I am.
If it would have happened the other way everyone would be talking about how this woman poker player tried to run over him but he made a miraculous J high call that shows how truly great of a player he is.

Of course he wouldn’t offer her the money back, because he’s a great player and great players just don’t do that.
You probably wanna do some reading on semi bluffing and fold equity. His huge all in is supposed to put a lot of pressure on the opponent making them fold out better hands and thus winning the hand without a showdown. If it does get called he still has a real good chance at winning the pot regardless with the straight and flush draw.
Looks like that’s exactly how it played out, except the chance of winning. But it’s nice to know that you will always fold to a large bet when you are a marginal favorite. Because evidently that’s what pros do.
I agree with you - very rarely do I play with people whose motivation is money. They may claim different, but winning or losing money is usually just a side effect of their true motivator.

Just ask anyone - they are “only playing with money they can afford to lose”. If that’s the true case then it’s not money driving them, they can just throw it away if they want.
If I play poker at a casino, I want to win money. I'm not really there for the social aspect. (yes, I take what I can lose, and I'm not trying to "get rich"), but my motivation is monetary. Home games are different
If she had tabled her hand, and verbally declared that she misread her hand saying she had J3, would any of this even be an issue?
I must be really crappy at poker but... Garret bets, gets raised and then shoves with a draw. And we're complaining about her play? He's the one who boated the pot trying to get her to fold. And when she didn't and he lost to jack high, he can't really complain.

I honestly can't believe he took his money back. I also can't believe she offered it back. All this episode has told me is that Garret is a dick who plays at being a nice guy and the lady is about as good at poker as I am.
Garrett was a favorite going into the river and he was still smiling after he missed both times knowing all he had was 8 high. He wasn’t mad because he lost the pot or because he needed the money, he was mad because he felt he got cheated once she turned over J high.
You probably wanna do some reading on semi bluffing and fold equity. His huge all in is supposed to put a lot of pressure on the opponent making them fold out better hands and thus winning the hand without a showdown. If it does get called he still has a real good chance at winning the pot regardless with the straight and flush draw.

Edit to add: agree taking back the money is bad.
This is where I think the majority of the issue is - Garret played a book line and the fish didn't do as she was expected to because maybe she hasn't read the book!
Everybody in here is way off. Way, way, wayyyyyyyyy off. You’re all wrong and you’re clearly missing a key piece of information that proves you’re all wrong.

No way she had a butt plug, even though the slut appeal sorta qualifies for one. The vibrating device was lodged in between her tits.

Case closed.
This is where I think the majority of the issue is - Garret played a book line and the fish didn't do as she was expected to because maybe she hasn't read the book!
That doesn't mean his line is bad. It may not be THE most profitable line depending on his opponent, but it can't be bad almost no matter what.
So…… how?

How does she cheat?

Clearly there’s a vibrating butt plug giving her signals, but, what signal is being intercepted, and how then is the signal intercepted, translated, and relayed?

I see a lot of “she’s def cheating because who does that?” So let’s talk about how she does it.

Berkey on Day One of this fracas showed a screenshot of what looks like the outline of a rectangular object showing through her stretch pants.

Cell phones are apparently confiscated pre-game, he said.

I guess Robbi claimed that shape was her actual hip bone. But it didn’t look like any hip I’ve ever seen.

Has there been any follow-up on that?
2). That’s it. No more evidence, just grasping at straws and your run of the mill Mysogony

I have to disagree with you on the mysogony angle. Saying she likely cheated is giving her credit. It's saying, "no one is THIS bad at poker". To just assume that she in fact IS this bad is the more mysogonistic viewpoint. Because, you know... "Women and poker".

Which, now you've got me thinking... I used to run a ladies tournament at a casino many years back. I also dealt those tournaments. Usually about 40 players or so... Maybe she didn't actually cheat?
I must be really crappy at poker but... Garret bets, gets raised and then shoves with a draw. And we're complaining about her play? He's the one who boated the pot trying to get her to fold. And when she didn't and he lost to jack high, he can't really complain.

I honestly can't believe he took his money back. I also can't believe she offered it back. All this episode has told me is that Garret is a dick who plays at being a nice guy and the lady is about as good at poker as I am.

Whoa. Now THAT'S a hot take! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
This hand is crazy, granted, but my opinion is very much innocent until proven guilty.

I've seen absolutely no reasonable evidence – just lots of speculation – thus far that makes me think she cheated.

At least with Postle it was clear that he was always looking down at something. Lots of people seem to be getting very carried away with Gman's different-than-usual reaction to losing a big pot being some sort of concrete evidence that it must have been cheating.

She could well have cheated, yes — but I'll believe otherwise until it's actually been confirmed. With that in mind, I'm looking forward to seeing the results of Hustler's investigation.
Which, now you've got me thinking... I used to run a ladies tournament at a casino many years back. I also dealt those tournaments. Usually about 40 players or so... Maybe she didn't actually cheat?

Once I was sat in a tourney at a table where I was the only man.

I’d like to say that the ladies defied the common stereotypes about female poker players... That they were tough, smart poker players... That they played the game no differently than the men who typically play in that same tournament.

But I can’t honestly say that.

It was a table of seven passive stations, plus me. The big meanie who did stuff like, I dunno, sometimes raise preflop, often apply pressure on the turn, and occasionally bluff the river. Whenever I raised, they gave me sour looks to say, “What the fudge is the matter with you—playing aggressively and spoiling our fun afternoon?”

Whenever one of them won a nice pot, the winner would apologize to the loser.
Berkey on Day One of this fracas showed a screenshot of what looks like the outline of a rectangular object showing through her stretch pants.

Cell phones are apparently confiscated pre-game, he said.

I guess Robbi claimed that shape was her actual hip bone. But it didn’t look like any hip I’ve ever seen.

Has there been any follow-up on that?

Pics or gtfo
This hand is crazy, granted, but my opinion is very much innocent until proven guilty.

I've seen absolutely no reasonable evidence – just lots of speculation – thus far that makes me think she cheated.

At least with Postle it was clear that he was always looking down at something. Lots of people seem to be getting very carried away with Gman's different-than-usual reaction to losing a big pot being some sort of concrete evidence that it must have been cheating.

She could well have cheated, yes — but I'll believe otherwise until it's actually been confirmed. With that in mind, I'm looking forward to seeing the results of Hustler's investigation.
Hundreds of posts here, and this is the most accurate one. All we have so far is suspicion, innuendo, and stereotyped assumptions. Until there is any actual evidence of cheating, any accusations are nothing more than conjecture. The most egregious action that night was the so far unfounded accusations from Garrett. No matter what comes of this, short of actual proof that he possessed at the time the hand ended, the one absolute in my opinion is that Garrett has got to be severely reprimanded for having made the accusation of cheating, based only on his feelings that there is no way she should have called with that hand.
She could well have cheated, yes — but I'll believe otherwise until it's actually been confirmed. With that in mind, I'm looking forward to seeing the results of Hustler's investigation.
I doubt we will ever see any kind of definite conclusion. Hustler Casino and HCL definitely don’t want concrete evidence of cheating coming out so it will all be settled behind the scenes most likely.
I also just noticed this:

The hand immediately prior to the one in question - Robbi had J3s.

This sort of leads to me to lean in the direction that she was nervous, felt pushed around/intimidated and made a bunch of bad decisions under pressure. Despite the word salad and horrible explanations, I really feel like she thought she had J3, was making a hero call and then was embarrassed by misreading/misremembering her hand and so she tried to change up the explanations rather than admit a mistake.
I implied it in another post, but my final opinion will likely hinge on whether Ivey ever plays that game again.
Yeah. A Lot of self proclaimed experts in poker who can’t show or prove ANY cheating but somehow their expert ‘observation’ trumps everything. Including the fact she just called with a shit hand and he had a worse hand and lost.

Is it possible cheating happened ?


But based on everything so far it’s extremely unlikely, and then you have to ask what evidence do the ‘she cheated’ camp have ?

Their evidence so far:

1). They don’t like the fact she called with J4 and won. Even though she may have misread her hand and calling thinking she had a 3 would have been hailed as a great hero call if she actually had a 3.

2). That’s it. No more evidence, just grasping at straws and your run of the mill Mysogony

Here’s a few obvious strikes against her:

A) Plays with her backer without disclosing their relationship to the table. — Shady

B) Backer puts her in a nosebleed stakes game with several top pros even as her camp admits she’s a novice who doesn’t understand basic poker concepts. — Very odd

C) Changes her story repeatedly — Hurts credibility

D) Says she thought Garrett only had Ace high, which would have beat her — Either dishonest or utterly stupid (in which case, see point B.)

E) Makes call which makes no sense whatsoever unless you are either tripping balls or else know your opponent’s exact hand — Very suspicious

F) Supposedly innocent person gives back $100K plus — Looks guilty as hell
Giving the money back just supports the her being a derp who doesn’t care about the money narrative.

It’s just not consistent with what someone involved in a scam would do. They’d probably go on some tirade about questioning their integrity and disappear shortly after.
Here’s a few obvious strikes against her:

A) Plays with her backer without disclosing their relationship to the table. — Shady

B) Backer puts her in a nosebleed stakes game with several top pros even as her camp admits she’s a novice who doesn’t understand basic poker concepts. — Very odd

C) Changes her story repeatedly — Hurts credibility

D) Says she thought Garrett only had Ace high, which would have beat her — Either dishonest or utterly stupid (in which case, see point B.)

E) Makes call which makes no sense whatsoever unless you are either tripping balls or else know your opponent’s exact hand — Very suspicious

F) Supposedly innocent person gives back $100K plus — Looks guilty as hell

If she had J3, then saying I put you on Ace high makes sense.

If she had J3, saying I have a bluff catcher makes sense. 33 is a bluff catcher

Changing her story AND giving Garret the money falls into the same category as flustered, inexperienced, feeling pressure , and not wanting to look stupid.
Seemed pretty straight forward when she said she asked Garret what she could do to make it right and he said ‘maybe give me my money back’
And she went on to say that she would return money if he would come back and play and not block her from playing
He agreed.
This is of course her version of the story which is partly corroborated by Ryan

I personally don’t blame Garret for coming back and leaving due to the hostility thrown at him by RIP
Even though avoiding a stabbing from my friends is par for the course When I play.
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I keep reading this in various posts and I have to say this “shows her guilt” is probably the dumbest thing I’ve consistently heard about the whole thing.
I would give back money if I thought whoever lost it is really desperate or some other similar circumstance but I can’t picture any scenario where I would give someone money back if they claimed I was cheating when I wasn’t especially if I was in the safety of a casino and not some back alley game.

Yes I wish we all had 20/20 hindsight for the stupid things we’ve said and done

She more than likely knows she flubbed, more than a few times in this situation. And that is tough to shake off
But I have a feeling she’s not a stupid person but we are all guilty of being stupid sometimes.
This was her moment
F) Supposedly innocent person gives back $100K plus — Looks guilty as hell

Giving the money back just supports the her being a derp who doesn’t care about the money narrative.

It’s just not consistent with what someone involved in a scam would do.
Hmmm somebodies cheating here since you have differing opinions on

“Stupid Things People Say And Do Under Pressure”

Because we know there is only one correct answer, all others must be wrong.

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