If I could turn back time (advice for newbies) (1 Viewer)

Have any of them been open to creating CPC sets?

Have not mentioned CPC. All of these games have custom chips. The more sophisticated ones get them made in the UK, by the same manufacturer that makes chips for a bunch of UK casinos. They’re usually ceramic-feeling, but quite decent to play with. The Paulsons with stories get the best reactions.

I have a goal to get to net cost zero by the end of the year, and still have about 300,000 chips left. On track to getting there. :ninja:
The more sophisticated ones get them made in the UK, by the same manufacturer that makes chips for a bunch of UK casinos. They’re usually ceramic-feeling, but quite decent to play with.

Would love to learn more about these chips and this manufacturer.

I have a goal to get to net cost zero by the end of the year, and still have about 300,000 chips left. On track to getting there. :ninja:
Best of luck hitting your goal!
1) If you've got a regular long standing game, go after your 'end game' wants - there's no point in the crappy 'starter' sets that you'll have trouble offloading (or at least trouble offloading at or close to cost) when you are going to trade them in anyway
2) Determine how much is enough and what you are looking for - don't buy tournament sets if your folks always only play cash, etc.
3) Be patient - don't name/brand your poker room after 5 minutes of thought or an internet poll, don't order CPCs after spending two hours in the custom design tool, don't buy chips just to buy them
4) Listen to the consensus on here - it's consensus for a reason
1. If you are seriously considering buying something after doing a bit of research, don't hesitate. Buy it. I'd be long retired from Paulsons and have a PCA secondary set (which is now a more than distant dream) if I followed this. I would have also somehow saved a lot of money from where I am now.

2. If you have a Golden Ticket, use it.

3. Buy chips to put in play, not to collect dust. Having top-tier poker chips and accessories will vastly improve your game and make the experience exponentially better. No one wants to play online ever again, whereas before many planned in-person sessions would compromise to move it online if there were potential availability issues.

4. If your gut is telling you something is off with someone here, listen to it. I only reported one person here ever; three months later and it was revealed this person was a major scammer and piece of shit (Poppin). Which leads to my final piece of advice of...

5. Don't be afraid to ask veteran/upstanding members of the community their thoughts on literally anything.
Have not mentioned CPC. All of these games have custom chips. The more sophisticated ones get them made in the UK, by the same manufacturer that makes chips for a bunch of UK casinos. They’re usually ceramic-feeling, but quite decent to play with. The Paulsons with stories get the best reactions.

I have a goal to get to net cost zero by the end of the year, and still have about 300,000 chips left. On track to getting there. :ninja:
Would also be interested in who the UK manufacturer is, only UK site I can think of that do customs is premier poker chips, they do make nice chips though
Cher sang "if I could turn back time'" in 1989 - she was 43.
I was 16 at the time and 43 seemed impossibly old. Still, I had a bigtime crush on her.
So hot
View attachment 890055
I remember that outfit well Lol, used to freak me out that her son was also in the video though and they both kept getting a bit to close for comfort
I'll be shipping out of my room any day now (been in it since 08) my last rack should be here soon.
Let me know if you need the No.

Graylands Hospital​

Claremont Western Austraalia
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I think I’d focus more on quality rather than quantity! Of course. It’s hard to know what “quality” chips are when you start out… in the end, it’s all what you like, and it’s a fun ride!
Cher sang "if I could turn back time'" in 1989 - she was 43.
I was 16 at the time and 43 seemed impossibly old. Still, I had a bigtime crush on her.
So hot
View attachment 890055
LOL, when I was a kid, Cher looked like this:
Thanks for making me feel even older :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
If you could go back in time and meet yourself on the day that you got into chipping what advice would you give yourself?

Obviously “get samples” is a given as is “don’t get married” but what else?

I would probably tell myself to just cut to the chase and order a CPC limit set from the get go!!

View attachment 889337
Buy more of these than I did for this price.
I remember Rarcon LTD sold me 120 primary PNY $1000 for $500 before anyone knew anything. Have 2 left
Same thing I tell every new custom chip designer:
1. Take your time.
2. Peruse the CA Card Rooms guide, the PCF Chip DB, and any other chip guides out there. Document what you love and hate. Use that to guide your approach.
3. Ask for input.
4. Iterate, iterate, iterate.
5. Don’t rush.

Will save thousands and make a better design in the end.
Same thing I tell every new custom chip designer:
1. Take your time.
2. Peruse the CA Card Rooms guide, the PCF Chip DB, and any other chip guides out there. Document what you love and hate. Use that to guide your approach.
3. Ask for input.
4. Iterate, iterate, iterate.
5. Don’t rush.

Will save thousands and make a better design in the end.
I cannot agree with this more. I'm glad I haven't tried to get deep down the custom chip side yet as a complete newbie. It has really surprised me how much your preferences can change early on (not even just color/pattern/label, but even mold, etc). The more I've spent on browsing the forum, I'm constantly surprised how well (and as often not well) chip designs work across all denoms in a set. I've come to appreciate how much of a work of art that a set can be.

If I'd gone custom off the bat... I'd have an ugly set. I've also learned that singles are your friend too. (Can be) cheap, and easy to get a variety to see how they actually look in person with other colors, etc. Warning though, before you know it you'll have a sizable collection of singles, shuffle stacks, random barrel's (since they were "to cheap to pass on"), oh and of course multiple sets. Glad I listened to the consensus of samples, samples and more samples early on though too. Otherwise, I don't think there is much I'd change but I am only a few months down this rabbit hole.
Have not mentioned CPC. All of these games have custom chips. The more sophisticated ones get them made in the UK, by the same manufacturer that makes chips for a bunch of UK casinos. They’re usually ceramic-feeling, but quite decent to play with. The Paulsons with stories get the best reactions.

I have a goal to get to net cost zero by the end of the year, and still have about 300,000 chips left. On track to getting there. :ninja:


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If you could go back in time and meet yourself on the day that you got into chipping what advice would you give yourself?

Instead of going back to when I got into chipping, I'd go back in time to when Paulson still sold chips to the home market. Then I'd get 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mortgages on my house to afford as many Paulson chipsets as possible.
Instead of going back to when I got into chipping, I'd go back in time to when Paulson still sold chips to the home market. Then I'd get 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mortgages on my house to afford as many Paulson chipsets as possible.
But 2 years in, your roof is leaking, the car broke down and you busted your shoulder....

Sell chips or lose the house ?

10 years later...enter @navels @colter ripton or @Windwalker to post a discovery of a dozen unknown leaded & shaped inlay paulson sets in awsome colors & spots the scored for a song & a dance

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