And honestly the replicate / black market can exist. God knows how many fake Rolexes are out there, I’ve seen experts guess 30-40% of Rolexes you see are replicas. I’m not saying don’t buy them.
They just wouldn’t be posted on a rebutable site @Tommy
All direct copy cat casino chips (retired or live) should be banned on PCF
And this includes “Arias Tina card molds” imho.
And again, I even think Tina chips should qualify for the PCF HOF voting. A chip is a chip!
They just wouldn’t be posted on a rebutable site @Tommy
All direct copy cat casino chips (retired or live) should be banned on PCF
And this includes “Arias Tina card molds” imho.
And again, I even think Tina chips should qualify for the PCF HOF voting. A chip is a chip!
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