SOLD Jack Cincinnati Sale (13 Viewers)

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It was just like that with the HSI sale. There were tons of used 5s and 25s for weeks and weeks. Then they finally sold out, and the endless want ads started.

We are a pretty ravenous bunch.
Hard to find examples of used sales
Seems like it ranges between 1$ a chip to .5c a chip used, and the higher the volume the lower the price.

they originally sold at 59c a chip so it’s pretty stable pricing. And for people who want to hold for a few months I’m sure they could eventually get prices close to chip room prices, but for those looking to liquidate to free up space ... guess we’ll see.
Where can you see the quantities remaining?
Elon Musk originally wrote PayPal app in Python programming language. So I simply separated the back-end algorithms from the front-end JavaScript statement utilities to create an API system that filters live updates from the ongoing permanent state provided by Jim.

Actually I just typed in 20000 and it accepted my order so I typed in 30000 and so on until it said chips were out of stock.
Put them in your bin to check out and see if it prompts you to click buy.

Was debating stocking up on new 1s and decided against it - so many regrats.
I am starting to combine order and print shipping labels. Anyone who orders after now, there is guarantee your orders will be combined. Over 230 orders, it's impossible to keep track
Thanks Jim for all your hard work and providing for us
did you buy any pieces of this set? I held off, already have the big HSI set and awaiting a silly amt of custom card mold/cpc sloth chips
1200 chip playable set 1$—>100$
And maxed out on 2s and snappers, probably to be sold at some point.

I like the sloth design. Do you have extra labels?
I am starting to combine order and print shipping labels. Anyone who orders after now, there is guarantee your orders will be combined. Over 230 orders, it's impossible to keep track
Jim... God bless you. May you continue to provide oil barrels chips, and may we continue to buy them and pay your bills.

Amen, hallelujah.
I am starting to combine order and print shipping labels. Anyone who orders after now, there is guarantee your orders will be combined. Over 230 orders, it's impossible to keep track
Imagine you mean "NO" guarantees.

I received 3 shipping notices with different tracking numbers - assume this will still be combined/extra shipping refunded?

Thanks everyone for another successful sale!! We will combine shipping on all orders, no need to ask. We will issue shipping refunds after all of the orders have been shipped. Wednesday or Thursday. Only a couple of small orders had to be refunded. Thanks everyone for following the rules.

Does this mean that they've already refunded the orders that had to be refunded (for not following the rules, etc.)?
Does this mean that they've already refunded the orders that had to be refunded (for not following the rules, etc.)?
Honestly if you didn’t follow the rules, it’s probably best to just wait it out and hope for the best. Bringing it to everyone’s attention just isn’t going to help :)
I think he/she may have been asking more so in the event of checking if the quantities were restocked yet
When do we know if the orders are accepted? Lots of talk about ordering being cancelled for % screw ups and stuff. Will we know by tomorrow if the order was correct/accepted?
Makes sense. Their first post about it just seemed to imply some anxiety was involved. Either way, I think we all agree letting Jim take care of business is best for everyone! :)
Honestly if you didn’t follow the rules, it’s probably best to just wait it out and hope for the best. Bringing it to everyone’s attention just isn’t going to help :)
I am wondering when I should check to see if any cancelled orders put more 2s or snappers back in stock, or if it is done. I didn't buy any during the first hour.
He meant that the person was interested in knowing if the chips that've been refunded have been already added back into the pool (and sold out) or if they'll be added back gradually in which case there's the potential of snagging some extras by repeatedly trying to process the sale.
Got it. I’ll leave him to keep asking. Thanks for the corrections!
Actual footage of my chips trying to cross the US/CAN border without getting utterly destoryed by duties and import fees.


Declared Value: Tooo Much money...
Item Code: Obsolete Gaming Tokens
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