SOLD Jack Cincinnati Sale (11 Viewers)

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I've been trying for hours, no luck yet!

Shocked to see secondary 25s still in stock! Those are so nice!
Yes, none of the others come available, I might want some secondary 25s. I like the larger edge marks on those
He meant that the person was interested in knowing if the chips that've been refunded have been already added back into the pool (and sold out) or if they'll be added back gradually in which case there's the potential of snagging some extras by repeatedly trying to process the sale.
Yes, thank you. People are kinda nasty on here lately.
Yes, none of the others come available, I might want some secondary 25s. I like the larger edge marks on those

Yes, thank you. People are kinda nasty on here lately.
Nasty? Lately? Wow.

Cheers dude.
Pretty consistent $300+ for me.
meaning you consistently have to pay duties on 300+ orders or that's the point where you usually get dinged, but sometimes it's lower and sometimes higher?

not feeling so great now. what's the percent? some charts seem to suggest 13% but seems like it depends on how they categorize it.
Yes, none of the others come available, I might want some secondary 25s. I like the larger edge marks on those

Yes, thank you. People are kinda nasty on here lately.
Welcome to 2021. Try not to take it personally, I think we're all a bit more an edge from the virus and changes in normal life. Plus, we all are fighting for the same chips, so more dog in the fight lol

Yeah I would have gotten some of the secondaries too but the newer condition doesn't match what I have in my mixed set unfortunately. I love those edgespots, I think gear described them as 3 half circles (3HC?) instead of tri moons since they are not elongated like a tri moon. Pretty cool! Colors are nice too
meaning you consistently have to pay duties on 300+ orders or that's the point where you usually get dinged, but sometimes it's lower and sometimes higher?

not feeling so great now. what's the percent? some charges seem to suggest 13% but seems like it depends on how they categorize it.
Can’t you guys drive to the USA and pick them up from a chipper close to the area
Oh snap I didn’t know that.... maybe cus I’m so far away from you fellow Americans
I'm not 100% but last I checked with some friends in Canada they mentioned the border still being locked down
I think they are getting mail from US PO boxes now but as far as physically crossing into the US I believe it is still a no go
Welcome to 2021. Try not to take it personally, I think we're all a bit more an edge from the virus and changes in normal life. Plus, we all are fighting for the same chips, so more dog in the fight lol

Yeah I would have gotten some of the secondaries too but the newer condition doesn't match what I have in my mixed set unfortunately. I love those edgespots, I think gear described them as 3 half circles (3HC?) instead of tri moons since they are not elongated like a tri moon. Pretty cool! Colors are nice too
Yes, I just use the ignore button to eliminate the negativity from my forum experience. Wish there was one irl . . . .
Yes, I just use the ignore button to eliminate the negativity from my forum experience. Wish there was one irl . . . .
Don't we all!
Lol I really try not to use the ignore button but I find it helps me refrain from engaging in unnecessary arguements more often than not lol
Some things are better left unsaid I guess?
Can’t you guys drive to the USA and pick them up from a chipper close to the area
even if this was safe and there was no risk of them inspecting your car and dinging you for duties anyways, the time and money it takes to drive across the border is enough that you'd need a pretty huge order to justify this. unless you value your time at less than $10/h in which case you probably shouldn't be spending > $1000 on poker chips.
even if this was safe and there was no risk of them inspecting your car and dinging you for duties anyways, the time and money it takes to drive across the border is enough that you'd need a pretty huge order to justify this. unless you value your time at less than $10/h in which case you probably shouldn't be spending > $1000 on poker chips.
Makes sense, an risk not getting back into Canada
There are still secondary $25s!!! This... Is... Madness!

I did my part and drunk bought 2 racks. Everyone else is slacking.
I’ve literally been swooning over these for hours. You’re a terrible sponsor...can’t resist much longer! I already got a rack of secondary hundos, might as well throw some of these on.

What a day. Big thanks to Jim for more good times. Received shipment notification :cool


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meaning you consistently have to pay duties on 300+ orders or that's the point where you usually get dinged, but sometimes it's lower and sometimes higher?

not feeling so great now. what's the percent? some charts seem to suggest 13% but seems like it depends on how they categorize it.
The government converts the value on the invoice to CAD and then you pay the taxes in that amount. If it comes USPS, you don’t pay a brokerage fee. If it comes UPS or other commercial carrier, you will pay a brokerage fee on top.
even if this was safe and there was no risk of them inspecting your car and dinging you for duties anyways, the time and money it takes to drive across the border is enough that you'd need a pretty huge order to justify this. unless you value your time at less than $10/h in which case you probably shouldn't be spending > $1000 on poker chips.
Depending on the size of your order, you may be better off with the two weeks mandatory quarantine and risking the inspection! Lol!

In seriousness, in normal non-Covid times, it’s totally worth going over and getting them depending on how close to the border you are. I used to go over every couple weeks, get my chip shipments, grab some groceries and be home all under 2 hours. Being half hour from the border and having Nexus definitely helps.
I've been lucky that way, last few have been 0. I got dinged for hst this week from another shipper for 120. Should only be hst.
Yes, during covid the frequency of tax charges went way down. I just had to pay the other day for a shipment marked as worth $400 cdn.
Not sure what a stonks is lol
Also I hope most folks should know by now I'm not one to flip chips, so even if I sit on it, it wont be flipped for some huge profit. They're used chips anyways, nothing special
I was just making a joke about flipping chips, I know you're not a flipper! "buy low sell high, Stonks=stocks"

Glad you snagged a set! Nice pickup :)
I spent waaay to much during the HSI sales so this time I limited myself to used $1’s to add to a long term casino used set I’d like to finish someday. If they don’t work out then I’ll be selling them for cost in the classifieds.

Thanks as always Jim another fun TCR chip sale!
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