SOLD Jack Cincinnati Sale (14 Viewers)

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Me after resisting this sale:
wow, i was able to throw together a half decent tournament set this late. no need for one, so i didn't pull the trigger but damn, there must be a ton of these chips.
I like the THC chips and everything but it is crazy how the RHC HSI with same spot pattern can be bought significantly less. Not crapping on TCRs prices because they obviously understand the market and demand. Just pointing out how much need there is for THC chips.
When do we know if the orders are accepted? Lots of talk about ordering being cancelled for % screw ups and stuff. Will we know by tomorrow if the order was correct/accepted?
I like the THC chips and everything but it is crazy how the RHC HSI with same spot pattern can be bought significantly less. Not crapping on TCRs prices because they obviously understand the market and demand. Just pointing out how much need there is for THC chips.
so if you have a THC set that's missing a 1 in large quantities and you could snap up 400 1s for ~600 that would fit into your set, that's just a no brainer.

If you don't are about THC/RHC in the same set then you don't care, but if you do, this is a great oppourtunity
When do we know if the orders are accepted? Lots of talk about ordering being cancelled for % screw ups and stuff. Will we know by tomorrow if the order was correct/accepted?
You should be able to look at your PayPal receipt to confirm your order... if it meets the percentages it will be processed... if it doesn’t, it won’t... it’s just math.
wow, i was able to throw together a half decent tournament set this late. no need for one, so i didn't pull the trigger but damn, there must be a ton of these chips.
The Horseshoe Cleveland and Cincinnati chips had what, almost a million chips each? I can't imagine Jack ordering much differently.
Lookin for some snappers. The newer the better. :cool No need to tell me it’s a long shot.
Looks like there’re huge quantities of used 5s and 25s. Will be interesting to see what they sell for on the auctions. Would be interested in very large volume at the right price.
Looks like there’re huge quantities of used 5s and 25s. Will be interesting to see what they sell for on the auctions. Would be interested in very large volume at the right price.
It was just like that with the HSI sale. There were tons of used 5s and 25s for weeks and weeks. Then they finally sold out, and the endless want ads started.

We are a pretty ravenous bunch.
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