Giveaway Lady Luck Hotstamp Tournament T25 & T100 plus MORE (2 Viewers)

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Round 2 - Table 2

All set



All games of Big O should be played open-face. I would shove in this spot thinking I'm way out in front, but in actually, only like 27% or so.
Table 6: Since I'm pretty new to Big O, I'm trying to walk through all the options going into the river.

my 9s are leading but lots of outs will beat me. Pairing the board gives me the nuts with a boat.

Any spade that doesn't pair the board and @auto takes hi with a flush.

Any non-spade 8, J or K and @Blacksox1 takes hi with straight or set of Js.

Anything else and I think my set holds on for hi.

A third low card and I don't think anyone can beat @auto for low. Otherwise, there is no low.

Am I missing anything?
A 4 gives KK622 a straight and counterfeits auto's low. He would have 7543A for low, and 65432 beats that. They would scoop in that case
A 4 gives KK622 a straight and counterfeits auto's low. He would have 7543A for low, and 65432 beats that. They would scoop in that case
Yep, I missed the 4 for straight. And I guess I don't understand how low works. I thought it was like the opposite of a flush. You looked at lowest card first, then only went to the next card if there were a tie. Thanks for straightening me out on that one. So its the lowest sum of all 5 cards?
No - you compare the highest of the 5 cards first. Auto would have a 7 low, any 6 low beats it.

Let's say they have 7543A vs. 76432... you compare the highest card in each hand, it's a 7, so they both have a 7 low. The next cards are 6 and 5... a 75 low beats a 76 low.

Let's say they have 7543A vs. 75432... you compare the first, they both have a 7 low... they both have a 5 as the second card (i.e. they both have a 75 low)...

The 4... the 3... then you finally compare the last two cards. The A is lower than the 2, so the 7543A would win in that case.
No - you compare the highest of the 5 cards first. Auto would have a 7 low, any 6 low beats it.

Let's say they have 7543A vs. 76432... you compare the highest card in each hand, it's a 7, so they both have a 7 low. The next cards are 6 and 5... a 75 low beats a 76 low.

Let's say they have 7543A vs. 75432... you compare the first, they both have a 7 low... they both have a 5 as the second card (i.e. they both have a 75 low)...

The 4... the 3... then you finally compare the last two cards. The A is lower than the 2, so the 7543A would win in that case.
Next round table seat selection has been updated:

For the return of one of the 'round 1' eliminated player I think I am going to do a 5 handed Blind Baseball run out (the way I play - 9 cards, 3s and 9s are wild, 4 gets you another card from the deck, best 5 card hand wins). The 5 players to participate will be randomly selected sometime soon.
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