Vendor Sale Made-to-order Custom Table Toppers (32 Viewers)

I still can’t believe you could possibly interpret my initial comment as criticism or being rude. That said, I probably overreacted to you being soft. And I’m glad you got your comments off your chest, which apparently was not jamming up the thread. Moving on as requested.
I probably overreacted to you being soft.
Moving on as requested.
I’m looking to have a custom topper designed with a Sacramento Kings theme. Currently, custom designed are paused and was looking to see if anyone with design experience would like to design it for me? Would like the Light The Beam incorporated and definately some purple!!

DM me if you can help me out. Would like to get it ordered soon!!
Thanks! This may sound silly, but how do you install it over the current felt? Is there a video or something showing how to do this?
Like @aaron2786 said: its a high quality mat with rubber backing so its got some friction and padding, makes for a great playing surface. Can be used on a poker table with existing felt or thrown on any normal table.
I still can’t believe you could possibly interpret my initial comment as criticism or being rude. That said, I probably overreacted to you being soft. And I’m glad you got your comments off your chest, which apparently was not jamming up the thread. Moving on as requested.
You overreacted? Ha! Not even a little bit. I suspect ole Aaron was hitting the sauce last night and didn't have any self control. Now today he's either too embarrassed or too self absorbed to apologize.
We're almost at 50 pages in this thread which makes me incredibly humbled and happy! Let's keep the happy vibes going. @aaron2786 is an awesome contributor to this effort, having designed incredible work for probably 30-40 PCF'ers. I think he just meant that he was excited to post something that was "finished" only to have it receive immediate criticism. That's all. We've all been there, showing something you're proud of and then having someone say it should be changed, it's not a great feeling.

Let's just all go back to admiring a design that has received zero negative feedback, lol


We're almost at 50 pages in this thread which makes me incredibly humbled and happy! Let's keep the happy vibes going. @aaron2786 is an awesome contributor to this effort, having designed incredible work for probably 30-40 PCF'ers. I think he just meant that he was excited to post something that was "finished" only to have it receive immediate criticism. That's all. We've all been there, showing something you're proud of and then having someone say it should be changed, it's not a great feeling.

Let's just all go back to admiring a design that has received zero negative feedback, lol

View attachment 1183397

Bikini bottom should be a G string.
You overreacted? Ha! Not even a little bit. I suspect ole Aaron was hitting the sauce last night and didn't have any self control. Now today he's either too embarrassed or too self absorbed to apologize.
Dude, the only person I'm embarrassed for is you. That's good, yesterday it was I needed a Snickers and a Xanax, now apparently I was some hot tempered drunk.

So what do we think is a more likely here, that I'm some strung out "asshole" (yeah, that's what @Himewad called me), or that it was a reasonable reaction to tell someone that giving unsolicited suggestions on a work they just finished "is rude, don't do that". Maybe it wasn't the first time he did it either, maybe it's been multiple times and I thought, "enough of that, I didn't ask".

You know man, you've got me really backwards, the both of you do. Any guesses what I charged @inapinch for the design? How about @lolfdgb, @UniLover, @MrBoosh, @OneGearManySpeeds ? Here's a hint, it's less than a penny. What kind of asshole spends his free time helping people out, and asking nothing in return? According to you guys, the biggest you've ever seen. You dudes would be great at art shows, just walking up to a guy's work and going, "how about making this part you did look more like this?". See how no one would do that?

Look man, I already responded all I felt I needed to @Himewad this morning, and considered this a done thing, didn't even care to respond to his last couple of jabs, because this isn't my page, this isn't the place for it, it's not worth it and I'd prefer to give @rjdev7 the due respect of not having a school yard "oh yeah? Well.." match on his sale page. So now I'm giving you the end of it as well. You don't like me? That's fine, I'm not here for you man. I'm here to help out some people with what small amount of skill I've managed to accumulate in the time I've been here.

I'm out. Peace.
Dude, the only person I'm embarrassed for is you. That's good, yesterday it was I needed a Snickers and a Xanax, now apparently I was some hot tempered drunk.

So what do we think is a more likely here, that I'm some strung out "asshole" (yeah, that's what @Himewad called me), or that it was a reasonable reaction to tell someone that giving unsolicited suggestions on a work they just finished "is rude, don't do that". Maybe it wasn't the first time he did it either, maybe it's been multiple times and I thought, "enough of that, I didn't ask".

You know man, you've got me really backwards, the both of you do. Any guesses what I charged @inapinch for the design? How about @lolfdgb, @UniLover, @MrBoosh, @OneGearManySpeeds ? Here's a hint, it's less than a penny. What kind of asshole spends his free time helping people out, and asking nothing in return? According to you guys, the biggest you've ever seen. You dudes would be great at art shows, just walking up to a guy's work and going, "how about making this part you did look more like this?". See how no one would do that?

Look man, I already responded all I felt I needed to @Himewad this morning, and considered this a done thing, didn't even care to respond to his last couple of jabs, because this isn't my page, this isn't the place for it, it's not worth it and I'd prefer to give @rjdev7 the due respect of not having a school yard "oh yeah? Well.." match on his sale page. So now I'm giving you the end of it as well. You don't like me? That's fine, I'm not here for you man. I'm here to help out some people with what small amount of skill I've managed to accumulate in the time I've been here.

I'm out. Peace.
You literally responded to every single post I made. To say you haven’t responded is just a flat out lie. I have yet to see you explain why you think my comment was rude and critical. You literally posted a picture of a gator, and I thought a faux gator skin pattern might be a cool effect. For you to come at me like you did, I made a snap judgement and called you an asshole. After seeing your follow up responses, I stand by my snap judgement.

And maybe you don’t go to many art galleries yourself. But people are critical of art ALL THE TIME. You know why? Because art is subjective. But what I did wasn’t criticism. It wasn’t harsh. It wasn’t offensive. It wasn’t rude. Just because your feelings got hurt by seeing a gator skin post doesn‘t change that.

And the fact that you haven’t charged people for your work is admirable. But it doesn’t give you the right to be an ass.
I have yet to see you explain why you think my comment was rude and critical.
I mean he posted a design someone had wanted, didn't seem like he was looking for redesign feedback, you didn't even say "nice work" or anything and just immediately went to "how about this alternative design" after his post had been up for ~5 minutes.

Then you went out of your way to try and justify this as if it's just 'feedback', claim he's soft ...etc.

Art might be subjective, but it was rude. You gave unsolicited feedback on how to make X better (also known as criticising someone) don't expect people to just run with the idea that you're being totally reasonable here.

He's not being an ass. His post wasn't "what could I add to my designs to make them better". It was just him sharing a finished piece of work and the first thing you said was essentially "it could be better, you might try the alligator skin?"
Oh you're out now? After you got in the last word. OK. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Dude, the only person I'm embarrassed for is you. That's good, yesterday it was I needed a Snickers and a Xanax, now apparently I was some hot tempered drunk.
I was just trying to imagine why you might have posted such an irrational response to such a harmless suggestion. You're literally acting like you don't understand what it means when someone says you need a Snickers. OK, I'll spell it out. It's giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are not being yourself. That you overreacted to the situation. That you should probably calm down and reassess before you say anything else even more stupid.

So what do we think is a more likely here, that I'm some strung out "asshole" (yeah, that's what @Himewad called me), or that it was a reasonable reaction to tell someone that giving unsolicited suggestions on a work they just finished "is rude, don't do that". Maybe it wasn't the first time he did it either, maybe it's been multiple times and I thought, "enough of that, I didn't ask".
After everything else you've posted here today? I think the answer to your question is pretty obvious, but I'll let everyone decide for themselves.

You know man, you've got me really backwards, the both of you do. Any guesses what I charged @inapinch for the design? How about @lolfdgb, @UniLover, @MrBoosh, @OneGearManySpeeds ? Here's a hint, it's less than a penny. What kind of asshole spends his free time helping people out, and asking nothing in return? According to you guys, the biggest you've ever seen. You dudes would be great at art shows, just walking up to a guy's work and going, "how about making this part you did look more like this?". See how no one would do that?
Everyone here except for you seems to understand the "spirit of PCF." We have all posted up design ideas, as well as finished products, and had others come back with comments, some wanted, and some unwanted. You just let the unwanted ones roll off of your back. You could have easily responded with something like, "yeah, that's an interesting idea. Just not the direction that this person wanted to go in. Thanks for the input." But you chose this road instead, so here we are.

Look man, I already responded all I felt I needed to @Himewad this morning, and considered this a done thing, didn't even care to respond to his last couple of jabs, because this isn't my page, this isn't the place for it, it's not worth it and I'd prefer to give @rjdev7 the due respect of not having a school yard "oh yeah? Well.." match on his sale page. So now I'm giving you the end of it as well. You don't like me? That's fine, I'm not here for you man. I'm here to help out some people with what small amount of skill I've managed to accumulate in the time I've been here.

I'm out. Peace.
Bravo! Good for you man. I'm glad that you are so sure that you handled this correctly. And you actually did keep responding when you could have let it drop, with your snarky little JT pic. And then this post. I'm pretty sure you're convinced that everyone is out to get poor little you. All you had to do was recognize that you did overreact to what was nothing more than a harmless comment, and this would have all been over long before now.
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There ya go, my opinion of why it's rude. Pretty simple.
I never said change the design. This site has mock-ups of designs all over the place. People make suggestions. You can take it or leave it. I have never once seen someone call such a post as rude.
I mean he posted a design someone had wanted, didn't seem like he was looking for redesign feedback, you didn't even say "nice work" or anything and just immediately went to "how about this alternative design" after his post had been up for ~5 minutes.

Then you went out of your way to try and justify this as if it's just 'feedback', claim he's soft ...etc.

Art might be subjective, but it was rude. You gave unsolicited feedback on how to make X better (also known as criticising someone) don't expect people to just run with the idea that you're being totally reasonable here.

He's not being an ass. His post wasn't "what could I add to my designs to make them better". It was just him sharing a finished piece of work and the first thing you said was essentially "it could be better, you might try the alligator skin?"
He posted an image. Not necessarily a finished product. It looks like any other mock-up that gets posted all the time on this site. I definitely won’t be giving him feedback from now on. Except maybe to say this.

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You could have easily responded with something like, "yeah, that's an interesting idea. Just not the direction that this person wanted to go in. Thanks for the input." But you chose this road instead, so here we are.
So your advice here is just to be a pushover. If you're out golfing, I'm sure you let it roll off your back when some random in your party decides to chime in on how much better of a shot it would have been if you didn't move your head so much on that last shot you took.

He decided to stand up for himself a bit and then you guys jumped on him, calling him soft and drunk during the day(?).

I never said change the design. This site has mock-ups of designs all over the place. People make suggestions. You can take it or leave it. I have never once seen someone call such a post as rude.
He posted an image. Not necessarily a finished product. It looks like any other mock-up that gets posted all the time on this site. I definitely won’t be giving him feedback from now on.

1. I think he left it a while back when he told you to pound sand lol
2. He posted an obvious design that he did for someone else, and that was all. You're now saying it wasn't a finished product because it makes your case seem more reasonable and like this is a group effort to get to the finished product. You nearly immediately respond with 'feedback' (i.e. 'I think your design could be better or cooler with alligator skin').

Seriously is it common for you to tell people around you all the time how things might be better when it's the literal first comment you make? Not even a "looks good! I think it might be classy with alligator trim? Just a suggestion"... just immediate "I think this could be better or the design could be improved".

And you got called out for it. What, you don't like us criticizing the way you've represented yourself here? We're just sharing feedback on how it's appropriate to share feedback :)

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