So the best pro in the room seems to be continuing whatever meltdown he's on.
A few weeks ago I saw him call a 2K river bet on a board with three spades and run into the nut flush (he didn't show)
The very next hand the player who beat him raises to $150 pre, I cold-call and the pro raises the button to $600. The original raiser cold-calls, then I repot to $2,450 and the pro snaps in $1,600 with
Then last week the pro was the one pushing all the straddling action in that crazy 5/5/10 game where I won the massive pot the first hand I played. He was trying to be the largest possible straddle every hand (the first hand we were restraddled to $320!)
Had a buddy say the pro called a 5-bet holding J832 today!
The possibilities of one of the toughest opponents in the game becoming the action player is certainly an interesting one, and could be beneficial for me moving forward if this continues.
Back at it tomorrow!