My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (27 Viewers)

Do they appear to be overall winning players, or are they consistently cashing out for less than they buy-in for?

I never stay as late as they do so don't see their final cashout

I can't imagine they are some how rigging the game with the dealer. But what is probably happening is they are targeting you. Heads up you can beat either one easily, but even the strongest hand 3 way is going to lose a lot more often. Player A and B are in on it together. You're their mark.

Some of the hands I referenced one of them gets it in pre for $1500 multiway NOT including me with absolute trash against premiums and come out smelling like roses

A number of hands I lost I was only against one of them, but they take extremely odd betting lines, raising shit OOP, then calling off 80% of their stack after I limp repot, leading turns that didn't change the board texture or help them, then spiking miracle after miracle river as 80/20 or 70/30 dogs
I can't imagine they are some how rigging the game with the dealer. But what is probably happening is they are targeting you. Heads up you can beat either one easily, but even the strongest hand 3 way is going to lose a lot more often. Player A and B are in on it together. You're their mark.
I tend to agree with this.

They're very obviously colluding and are splitting their winnings among themselves. Even going in as a 2:1 favorite ordinarily, your pot odds are decreasing each time you go multiways instead of heads up. Your 2:1 favor end up 50/25/25 or 40/30/30 at best. If the two are colluding and splitting the profits, you're behind lots if you're in a pot with them three ways if they're essentially acting as a team.

I wouldn't say they're in cahoots with a dealer, and those are some sick run outs, but it's more likely, especially in PLO, for you to get sucked out even if you're a heavy favorite preflop. I'd bet you'd smoke these guys in NLHE or stud, for example.

Going in later and sitting at another table is a good idea. Especially if you've been getting it in good and you're losing your profits to these guys more often than not when you're in hands with them.
Seems odd to me as well but that’s the probability side of things kicking in. We play a monthly game for cash and yearly point
Total. I can get it in very time with +ev and be a racehorse favorite but seems to me I get riveted more than I should. End of day that’s how those games wind up for me and just got to factor in all the other games I do well in because luck only goes so far.

Harder in your shoes than mine as your making a living doing this. You got more nuts than I do for that, wish you well as you move along and I enjoy this post.
Seat 1 is the guy who:

---- Called off half his stack of $900 preflop with Q983 ds after I limp-potted when I have AAxx and am never folding post-flop, flops 2 pair and turns a house

----- Check-calls my pot bet on a :qc::tc::3s: flop holding :kd::jd::6d::5d: and then on the :5s: turn which changes relatively nothing with the board texture for anyone calling the flop LEADS into me with a bet that commits him to the pot, when my range is always going to be nutted on that flop and have him killed, gets it in, only goes once and spikes the miracle red Ace river

---- Limp-repotted T862 one-suit to $255 to isolate with his 3rd cuban buddy

----- raised to 75 after straddling and getting multiple callers OOP with Q932 with the ONLY suited cards in his hand being the 32 of diamonds, then CALLED my limp-repot with that hand, putting in 80% of his stack preflop against my KK54, flops a Queen, gets it in and spikes the third Q on the turn

----- called TWO all-ins for $1500 preflop with :8h::6h::6c::5s:, goes once and beats KKxx and AAxx who are both never folding pre

----- on a flop of :7d::7c::3d: he holds :2s::4c::5c::6h: and calls my pot-sized bet when I hold :qs::qd::jd::7s: and of course he rivers the straight while I'm a ridiculous favorite again

---- today he pots OOP into two solid players holding JJT2, then on an AK5 rainbow flop he bets pot, calls my all-in repot when I have AK76 and him crushed, and proceeds to spike his J on the turn AND Q on the river

I mean, look, I get it, sometimes bad play is rewarded. But when it's coupled with:

1. A streak 2 months long non-stop of getting it in as an 80/20 or 70/30 dog and NEVER missing

2. Their opponents having hands they are NEVER folding in all the big pots for stacks

3. Their strange betting lines (leading on the turn committing themselves to the hand when the turn changed nothing from the flop texture, calling 50-80% of their stack preflop with absolute trash hands when their opponents can never fold post-flop given SPR and getting there everytime)

It just adds up too much for me to be coincidence at this point. It's not just me their getting, they're getting a lot of other players. We already know they signal one another to setup raises, since they always rush to grab the 1 and 6 seats so they can trap players between them. So there's no doubt in my mind they'd be fine having the deck setup for them somehow.

How that's happening I don't know, there are no auto-shufflers in this room. It's the smallest and least-trafficked room in the area, so there would certainly be incentive for employees to get an extra cut in this manner.

And these two NEVER play any of the other rooms, only this one particular room, despite there being PLENTY of PLO action daily at the Hard Rock.

Maybe I'm paranoid and completely wrong on this, but I've learned to trust my spidey senses when I play, making hero folds or calls and trusting my instincts. And my instincts here are telling me something is very wrong.

So I'm going to stick with my plan to play on table 2 in the future and avoid these two.
Yeah I’m with you, back in Wyatt Earp day someone may have gotten lead poising with all those coincidental suck outs haha. I hate and I mean hate to see horrible play rewarded unless it’s at a friendly home game. Is there the same dealer when they get the best of it like this? Folks can stack decks while everyone watches without a machine, but they have to have dealer in on it.

Glad your moving on to table two. Best to just let that crap be.
Yeah I’m with you, back in Wyatt Earp day someone may have gotten lead poising with all those coincidental suck outs haha. I hate and I mean hate to see horrible play rewarded unless it’s at a friendly home game. Is there the same dealer when they get the best of it like this? Folks can stack decks while everyone watches without a machine, but they have to have dealer in on it.

Glad your moving on to table two. Best to just let that crap be.

I only just started paying attention yo the dealers involved so dunno yet
What I found so far regarding poker cheating with dealer help in my area so far, so I guess my concerns aren't out of the realm of reality

Also found this about two cubans cheating at another property, always sitting diagonal from each other

Sounds like you're already on to it, but my thought was to ask if you've seen cell phone usage or signals between the Cubans? If so, let the floor know. If not, keep an eye out for it.

Even just telegraphing folded holdings changing equities for what I need to hit.

Interested in whether you find dealer collusion.
Sounds like you're already on to it, but my thought was to ask if you've seen cell phone usage or signals between the Cubans? If so, let the floor know. If not, keep an eye out for it.

Even just telegraphing folded holdings changing equities for what I need to hit.

Interested in whether you find dealer collusion.

Yes myself and others have witnessed signals and reported them in the past, but nothing has been done.

There's a reason these two NEVER play at the hard rock. I'm reaching out to this guy on Twitter as well who mentions Boston

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Is it the same dealer each time when the train wreck hands happen? Does the casino have automatic shufflers or hand shuffle?
marking the cards is not an easy thing to do (with dust or whatever) and I think is easy to get caught, especially because the casino can obtain the glasses (Or whatever) necessary to see the markings. However, if that is what they are doing they don’t necessarily need to know what card is coming on the flop turn or river To have a big advantage. all they need to know is that the other players are not holding any 10, which they can see as the cards are dealt (If the cards are marked). If I am holding a pair in my hand and know that both my outs are still in the 16 cards remaining in the deck after the 9 players are dealt, that is a big advantage. Just a thought.
The big hand that showed me that Postle was a dirt bag cheating scum is when he overreacted early to someone else doing something (someone called his raise with a bad hand to force showdown when Postle was bluffing). Maybe, for informations sake, you just fold one of those 80/20 hands and see if they react to it. If they do, you have your answer.

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