So maybe it's my tilt talking, maybe I'm just paranoid. But I'm going to start keeping track of who is dealing when these Cubans hit their miracles, which include but are not limited to:
Gets it in three-ways preflop with

for $1500, goes once and wins
Gets it in with


on a flop of

and magically turns the

and fades the river flush and full house outs to chop
Gets it in preflop with

for $1500 three-ways, flops set of 6's, turns flush and rivers straight to beat KKxx and AAxx
Raises OOP in a $10 straddled pot to $75 with

and after two callers I limp-repot and he just calls leaving himself $130 behind, flops QJ3 against my KK54 and spikes the Q on the turn to win that one.
Called off half his stack preflop (a raise to $450 out of his $900) with

against my

and flops Q9x and turns the 9 after we get it in on the flop.
Calls off $1,200 as the FOURTH all-in player preflop with

and goes twice (this was pre-Covid) and wins BOTH BOARDS up against AAxx, KKxx and AKQT suited.
I mean, it's just fucking uncanny some of the monster pots and absolute setups where their opponents are NEVER folding these guys put their chips into with absolutely nothing. And it's starting to make me wonder if there's more going on than meets the eye here. These two drive to Tampa from fucking Miami to play this game, which only adds further to the suspicion (it's a 4 hour drive)
So yeah, going to start keeping track of the big pots they win with garbage and who was dealing and the action, see if I can't find something nefarious going on.