Ace high straight and full house to build the stack!
This is the way.Love these chips, but I’m stuck. If the night keeps going this way, they may be for sale, ala @bergs
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Beautiful chips! Beautiful table! I think I could take a nap on that luxurious looking rail!Getting ready for Game 1 of our 2023 poker league... celebrating our 10th anniversary !
The Paulson Le Noir are seing action for the first time
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Fantastic, glad the cavalry arrived. Chips look great!!I was gutted recently. Went to the effort of cleaning the table. Cleaning the chairs. Moving all the stuff from the shed to the inside of the house. Cleaning the room. Getting a scent defuser. Booking 11 people to play in a 10 handed game. To 24h before, having the game fall apart as one after another everyone cancelled.
I complained far and wide, and to different friendship circles and discovered I had more friends that play poker than I realised. I got my first game up 3 weeks later. Booked 9 and then had a 10th join at the last minute.
We’re all small fish, so 5¢/10¢ blinds @ $10 buy ins, but got my latest ceramics felted, saw my first royal flush with my naked eye (my wife too drunk to truly appreciate the gravity of her hand, winning over a full house), and even though we spent $100 on piazza, had an amazing night while finishing in the green.
This post sponsored by two bottles of rum.
Is that card protector above the new 2022 WSOP hundo?One of my favorite sets to play with. Last time I had the opportunity many years ago I won the tournament.
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Fantastic, glad the cavalry arrived. Chips look great!!