Long day of of cards, two tourneys, two diff cash games.. in the last tourney (a league game), I snagged second place and a ton of points that all but guarantee I will get to a juicy final table seat (in December). After locking in 2nd place, I meander over to the cash game table, and was encouraged to sit down and play. It’s a weird cash game, with with a Low buyin of $100, but 1/2 stakes. Half the players are on the fishier side, so I take a seat. A closer friend of mine (and very competent player) makes a last minute seat change to sit on my left… he’s super LAG.
In about 15 mins I run my stack up to $200, and the table decides they are tired and want to wrap things up. My buddy (let’s call him jimmy), wants to play three handed, but I decline. He asks for just two more orbits (presumably so he has a chance to get unstuck), so I agree.. on what was going to be the very last hand, I pick up pocket kings in the BB. Jimmy opens for 4x, I pop it 3x, Jimmy calls (heads up). jimmy started the hand with around $150.
Flop is

I bet 1/3 pot, Jimmy calls Turn is the

and I again lead out. Jimmy min raises…. I ship it, and Jimmy snaps and announces “I have the nuts”, and I respond “I have outs”. Jimmy tables

for broadway.. He deals the river, a glorious

Jimmy exits the arena, wholeheartedly defeated and deflated. He says a few choice words on his way out, but I couldn’t hear him clearly over my table celebration.
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