Yes… 30 min per chip can be very normal for older chips. Roulettes, Paulson fantasy etc can be very, very difficult and it’s hard to tell until you get in to it. In general my experience is that the older the chip the tougher the removal.30min per chip?! Outch!
Maybe they were exposed to high heat?
This is not normal - NANPR solve everything that was glued on whatever…
In a tutorial i saw, the guy let sit the soup for about 20min.
NANPR works best when it‘s liquid, and it vaporizes very fast!
When i let sit for 10-20min. it‘s like i did nothing at all…
It‘s 5sec after the application you‘ve got 5-10 sec to remove the label. Otherwise it sticks again like before.
At least with the product i use…
Newer chips ( ie the BTP and AS you’ve shown and most RHC’s) are quite easy - as you’ve described. But don’t discount how tough an older chip can hold on to that inlay - even with all the various tools, potions and tricks.
I’ve murdered thousands of chips. Many were easy. Some were a real bitch.