Hey everyone, here's a few tips to make it simple:
- Every order gets a free train chip.
- First link is for labeled, second is for unlabeled.
- Prices will show $0.45 for everyone. There will be a step in later in the checkout process to specify when you paid and the email you used to pay. Be prepared to pay the full retail price, you will be reimbursed the difference.
- Add your quantities by using the + and - symbols, otherwise they won't add to cart.
- The very last box under "Ship to a different address?" says 'Order notes (optional)". This is where you will put the transaction date for your deposit, as well as the email you used for it.
- I cannot stress enough, you will pay the retail price front, and you will later be reimbursed the difference of your deposit + the rate you were actually supposed to pay.