PCF Member Taking Advantage Of Community Generosity (2 Viewers)

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??? Why would I care what people do with their money? Or how they get their money, whatever their “job” is.

I already raised kids. I don’t need to be in control of anyone else’s life or financial decisions. I make mine and live with them.
I care for a lot of reasons. But primarily because I used to give cash to the homeless all the time. Now I don't, because there are so many fake homeless professional panhandlers out there. I'm glad to help somebody out, but I refuse to support somebody who's idea of work is standing on a corner with a lying sign, conning the public out of a buck. The people who actually need help are getting a lot less of it because of these con artists.
The people who actually need help are getting a lot less of it because of these con artists.

So you have to work a little harder to get help where it’s really needed.

You guys know that all we are talking about here is some poker chips. We aren’t dividing up land territory or allegiance to a noble cause.

You probably will never ever get your car repaired because there are a lot of con mechanics out there I guess.
So if you found out that he wasn't actually homeless, that he had a nice home and car because he was a professional panhandler who was pretending to be homeless, you'd be cool with that?
I just assume that’s the case with 70% of the panhandlers out there. I only give money to the ones who have signs that say they’re gonna use it to buy beer.
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So what I’ve taken from this thread is that @ekricket is fine if someone defrauds him into giving a gift. Interesting.

Also, it’s amazing to me that people are willing to give their hard earned money to some rando on the internet. This guy just as easily could’ve been Poppin or whatever that fraudster’s name was. In fact, maybe they are one and the same.
I gave help to someone who said they needed it, and then forgot about it. It didn’t come with strings attached or a promise to repay or to do better. What the fuck is wrong with people nowadays, on both sides of this stupid shit.
I’m in Seattle and gave a homeless guy a buck earlier. I don’t expect him to take that money and go to college, I could give two Fuchs what he does with it, it’s his now not mine.
I think this is more akin to someone coming to your sandwich shop and asking for a free sandwich, and then walking across the street to their own sandwich shop than it is to giving a homeless person money.

I agree with your sentiment generally, but this is certainly a different shade of it. A more generous way to look at it would just be to say that this person was going through a hard time previously, needed help, and now is back to a place where they can interact with the site in a normal fashion.
I think this is more akin to someone coming to your sandwich shop and asking for a free sandwich, and then walking across the street to their own sandwich shop than it is to giving a homeless person money.

I agree with your sentiment generally, but this is certainly a different shade of it. A more generous way to look at it would just be to say that this person was going through a hard time previously, needed help, and now is back to a place where they can interact with the site in a normal fashion.
dudes a clown. if you're able to buy and sell again, give those who supported you FIRST their money back, then buy and sell
I care for a lot of reasons. But primarily because I used to give cash to the homeless all the time. Now I don't, because there are so many fake homeless professional panhandlers out there. I'm glad to help somebody out, but I refuse to support somebody whose idea of work is standing on a corner with a lying sign, conning the public out of a buck. The people who actually need help are getting a lot less of it because of these con artists.
meals are always the move.
ate with some guy the other day then after lunch he asked me for $40 for his insulin... lol
I have been around long enough to see this community come together and help many people that needed it. Yes, I still think of us as a community despite our growing numbers and the addition of some flippers/greedy people. I would hate to see that ruined.

The difference has been that most of these people that needed help were selling/auctioning off their stuff and others will donate and or run their own sales and auctions to help. Life can suck and curve balls are inevitable. Hell, I gave a small amount yesterday to someone doing just that. The part that rubbed me wrong here was asking without trying everything possible to raise funds on their own as well as the fact that having more children isn’t an unplanned emergency or expense.

Anyways, I would rather donate to someone on PCF, especially if they have been a contributing member to the place I really love, than some stranger. But I get to decide who and when. It feels good to help someone out and hopefully this won’t ruin that.
So what I’ve taken from this thread is that @ekricket is fine if someone defrauds him into giving a gift.

What I’ve taken from this thread is that there are a lot of judgmental members here who are willing to quit helping their fellow man because someone somewhere took non life changing money from them and hurt their - pride maybe?
I gave some money away. It didn’t have strings attached and I didn’t require a resume.

It’s a pretty big stretch to say I’m “fine”, but what I’m not is butthurt or whiny about a minor thing in life.

Karmas a bitch. And you judgmental people are on the wrong side of it. You don’t know anything about any of these circumstances except a few posts on the internet.

Don’t judge me because I tried to help someone. Maybe it didn’t work out, who really cares.
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I gave help to someone who said they needed it, and then forgot about it. It didn’t come with strings attached or a promise to repay or to do better. What the fuck is wrong with people nowadays, on both sides of this stupid shit.
I’m in Seattle and gave a homeless guy a buck earlier. I don’t expect him to take that money and go to college, I could give two Fuchs what he does with it, it’s his now not mine.
Maybe I've misunderstood the purpose of your post, but you seem to have a problem with this thread where we are calling out a fraud in order to warn others. So they can make an informed decision whether or not they choose do business with him. It's a community service. Unlike a couple others here, I happen to think that PCF is still a community, and every community has both good and bad apples. I think it is our responsibility to warn other members when we discover one who seems willing to take advantage of the generosity of others.

Because of threads like this one, and the previous one, we all have access to information that we might not not otherwise have. Each member can still make up their own mind, but with additionals facts, it's a more informed decision.
Maybe I've misunderstood the purpose of your post, but you seem to have a problem with this thread where we are calling out a fraud in order to warn others. So they can make an informed decision whether or not they choose do business with him. It's a community service. Unlike a couple others here, I happen to think that PCF is still a community, and every community has both good and bad apples. I think it is our responsibility to warn other members when we discover one who seems willing to take advantage of the generosity of others.

Because of threads like this one, and the previous one, we all have access to information that we might not not otherwise have. Each member can still make up their own mind, but with additionals facts, it's a more informed decision.
I appreciate the heads up. It remains my responsibility to research past transactions and behavior before risking money or chips; however, I am grateful to be given the opportunity to make a more informed decision.
What I’ve taken from this thread is that there are a lot of judgmental members here who are willing to quit helping their fellow man because someone somewhere took non life changing money from them and hurt their - pride maybe?
I gave some money away. It didn’t have strings attached and I didn’t require a resume.

It’s a pretty big stretch to say I’m “fine”, but what I’m not is butthurt or whiny about a minor thing in life.

Karmas a bitch. And you judgmental people are on the wrong side of it. You don’t know anything about any of these circumstances except a few posts on the internet.

Don’t judge me because I tried to help someone. Maybe it didn’t work out, who really cares.
f*ck the judges.

you gave to what you thought was a good cause at the time. thats all that matters.

this forum is filled with piggy backers and hypocrites bro.

we got some good people on here, also quite a few that feel the urge make fun of people who they feel they are better than, and then those who choose to join the clique.

keep doing good things
What I’ve taken from this thread is that there are a lot of judgmental members here who are willing to quit helping their fellow man because someone somewhere took non life changing money from them and hurt their - pride maybe?
Can you point to one, single post in this thread where someone suggested that they weren't going to ever help others in the future because of this situation? I don't think you can. These posts are about one specific member and his actions. Not charity in general.
I gave some money away. It didn’t have strings attached and I didn’t require a resume.
Good on you. I don't believe I saw anyone criticizing you for doing that.
It’s a pretty big stretch to say I’m “fine”, but what I’m not is butthurt or whiny about a minor thing in life.
I'm not really seeing the problem with someone being upset that someone else defrauded them. And then sharing that information with others in the community. So you're "not fine" with it, but you don't want others to share the experience? Why?
Karmas a bitch. And you judgmental people are on the wrong side of it. You don’t know anything about any of these circumstances except a few posts on the internet.
The individuals posting are describing their personal experience with this member. And any of us can go to the previous thread and see exactly how this ass-hat responded when he was called out. It's not hard to come to an informed conclusion.
Don’t judge me because I tried to help someone. Maybe it didn’t work out, who really cares.
Again, not seeing any posts where anyone is judging you because you helped. You're being judged for criticizing those who are calling out the fraudulent behavior. And then further calling out the way he reacted.
I lost track of the ball in this conversation, but for me its just disappointment. If I was desperate enough to rely on a GoFundMe, kindness from strangers, that means I will not have play-around-hobby money for a long time until I really build up a nest for myself and loved ones. Sure, dinner out with the wife does wonders but hundreds to buy chips this soon after is bananas. Go put it in a pile, rainy days happen.

I'm not judging anyone for helping out, I donated and didn't expect any type of refund, it wasn't a loan; the disconnect is if I was desperate to pay rent, paid rent with other's money, then all of a sudden had cash in hand a month later? I wouldn't be back to buying and selling toys, I'd be remembering that hunger. I've been food insecure and got by, but it took a long time before I bought myself a nice meal, even after I could easily afford it. Stuck to beans and rice because I remembered that hunger and wanted to make sure I could afford to handle it better next time. That's my issue: the bounce between desperation and comfortable hobby money, it doesn't seem genuine.

This isn't shock or surprise or anything, just disappointed. I hope the savings are there for an emergency or problem should they arise but I wish everyone the best and will continue to assume the best in others.
Look, all I know is how I feel towards @VMR911 and I'd hate for someone else to ever feel the same way. I dont feel my pride got hurt or I'm whining and butt hurt. I just feel there's a snake among us and he's carrying on without a care. I see no remorse from him that just 4 months ago his cries of poverty compelled me and others to help out when clearly he could have helped himself. I want everyone on here to know who they're dealing with. It's not much different than giving someone a good endorsement and saying they're safe to deal with.
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