Play A Hand With Me 2/2/5 PLO (1 Viewer)

Preflop - limp / call. Hero has garbage aces and is deep stacked (even with the rock making things more shallow). Bad position makes matters worse. Still, the hand has enough potential to improve that Hero can pay to see a flop.

Flop - ok, so this isn't so bad a board. But what is Hero's plan for the hand? Is he calling villain down to the river? Is hero wishing for the wheel or to somehow make a full house? We don't have a read on the villain, though Hero surely must have some ideas. Is there much chance to turn Hero's hand into a bluff and check raise on the turn? I'd hate to play this hand vs a LAG who will be spewing fire all three streets.

My crystal ball is flashing yellow already. Unless Hero hits a modest draw he is tabling AA at the river. How much money is Hero willing to risk? This question should be asked now as we plan out the hand.

I vote check / call on the flop. More eager to take this line the less Hero thinks villain will three barrel. Hero rates to have more trips in his range than villain, but no one should have a two in their hand very often. Perhaps villain can be slowed down - but I think Hero needs to wait until the turn to try aggression.

Good luck Hero!
I'm check/calling here, but I acknowledge the Hornet knows his shit, and check/raise looks legit.
Lol, I never said check/raise although I wouldn’t rule it out. I’m thinking check/call more likely.
I think you gain more information with a bet then if you simply give up all control of the pot to the button.

50% check/call 50% check/fold. Omaha is not about what you have as much as it's about what you can draw, and this flop did not help us at all.
50% check/call 50% check/fold. Omaha is not about what you have as much as it's about what you can draw, and this flop did not help us at all.
While I agree when we are seeing this flop against 4 people, here we are heads up. This flop also most likely missed the or flop raiser as well. Unless he has a magical 2 or 44, this flop is good. Not great, but good. We can't always flop a set, but neither can villain.

Definitely continuing.
While I agree when we are seeing this flop against 4 people, here we are heads up. This flop also most likely missed the or flop raiser as well. Unless he has a magical 2 or 44, this flop is good. Not great, but good. We can't always flop a set, but neither can villain.

Definitely continuing.
I'm just saying man - we have very little invested here, the flop sucks, you know there are plenty of better hills to die on than this one.
@Anthony Martino


Button is $5 Rock/Straddle
SB Folds
Hero Limps with :ac::as::7h::3c: for $5
Other Players Fold
Button raises to $20 and has Hero covered (over $800)
Hero calls


Hero is OOP and relatively deep-stacked. If stacks were more shallow it's ok to repot here and get it in or create an SPR of 1:1 where your flop decision is automatic.

While I wouldn't classify our hand as "shitty Aces", they certainly aren't premium Aces either. The A3 and the 37 are connected to make some straights, but will rarely make the nuts.

Our opponent is competent enough that if we repot him he'll likely know half our hand, allowing him to have not only a positional advantage on us postflop while deepstacked, but also an informational one. By calling we keep our own hand range wider, denying our opponent the informational advantage we'd provide if we reraise here.


Pot: $40


Hero first to act and ?


pot $40

:2h: :2c::4d:

Hero checks
Button bets $25
Hero ?

pot $40

:2h: :2c::4d:

Hero checks
Button bets $25
Hero ?
I don't know. Flip a coin. I understand that the aces probably means I am ahead, but I am not as much ahead as people here act. In the same breath the flop did absolutely nothing to help me, and I don't have a lot invested here ............ And I have to slightly more than double my investment to stick around ........... I can think of a much better hill to die on than this ........ I mean, I get it. The aces means I am probably ahead so if you wanted to call, ok. I can also see laying this down wondering what exactly I am fighting for with this hand. I mean seriously people. Yeah we have a wheel draw, but it isn't the top straight if it hits, the board already paired, didn't flop 2 clubs, didn't flop an ace, .......... I can lay this down. I am not happy about it, but nothing about this hand has made me happy from the get go. I am not liking this hand one bit. You can't lose what you don't put in the middle.
No way I’m folding the best 2 pair hand heads up, especially when the pair on the board is 2’s.

If button is likely to continue betting the turn of Hero calls I’m waiting until the turn to check raise, especially if we pick up a club draw in the turn. There aren’t many draws on this flop and Hero has 3 blocker cards to the wheel draw already. Button can continue with all of his over pairs like KK, QQ, JJ thinking it is the best hand in this dry board and an opponent that has shown no aggression.

Call, or raise, either work. I’d raise now if Hero thinks villain shuts down most turn cards. Call of villain is likely to bet again on the turn.
Make it $75 to go and easily fold if he 3 bets. You can probably check through turn if you need to. Take control of the hand before the nit police ask you to put your short arms behind your back.

Button is $5 Rock/Straddle
SB Folds
Hero Limps with :ac::as::7h::3c: for $5
Other Players Fold
Button raises to $20 and has Hero covered (over $800)
Hero calls


Hero is OOP and relatively deep-stacked. If stacks were more shallow it's ok to repot here and get it in or create an SPR of 1:1 where your flop decision is automatic.

While I wouldn't classify our hand as "shitty Aces", they certainly aren't premium Aces either. The A3 and the 37 are connected to make some straights, but will rarely make the nuts.

Our opponent is competent enough that if we repot him he'll likely know half our hand, allowing him to have not only a positional advantage on us postflop while deepstacked, but also an informational one. By calling we keep our own hand range wider, denying our opponent the informational advantage we'd provide if we reraise here.


pot $40


Hero checks
Button bets $25
Hero calls $25


This is a fantastic flop for Hero. Villain's raising range is unlikely to include many 2xxx or 44xx combinations. There's no flush draws to be concerned with and Heros hand is extremely under-repped.

Hero doesn't have to be concerned about Villain making a two pair to beat his naked Aces, as Hero now has the best two pair combo possible. There's little value in raising as we want to keep Villain in at this point, and a raise is most likely just going to blow him off bluffs or off hands he may incorrectly perceive as being ahead (like JJ, QQ or KK). Provided Villain is behind (which is the majority of the time in this spot) his only wins are:

runner-runner flush
runner-runner trips if he didn't pair any card on the flop
2 outs if he holds a pair
a straight (but we have a good chunk of the blockers to the straights that connect with this flop


pot: $90


Hero ?
Checking. Depending on villain, maybe check raise, maybe check call. Villain reads would be valuable. It is hard to figure out what villain is betting if he bets both streets.

For that matter, just how TAG is villain preflop? Is he the sort that might raise any four cards just because of the rock? Could he have a two in his hand in any sort of regular way? The "no duce in hand" is a key assumption for Hero's line.
Checking. Depending on villain, maybe check raise, maybe check call. Villain reads would be valuable. It is hard to figure out what villain is betting if he bets both streets.

For that matter, just how TAG is villain preflop? Is he the sort that might raise any four cards just because of the rock? Could he have a two in his hand in any sort of regular way? The "no duce in hand" is a key assumption for Hero's line.

I mean, Villain could raise a hand like AKJ2 suited, or KK44 suited. There are certainly possibilities where villain might have hit the flop, but the majority of his raising range should be hands not containing 2xxx or 44xx

Button is $5 Rock/Straddle
SB Folds
Hero Limps with :ac::as::7h::3c: for $5
Other Players Fold
Button raises to $20 and has Hero covered (over $800)
Hero calls


Hero is OOP and relatively deep-stacked. If stacks were more shallow it's ok to repot here and get it in or create an SPR of 1:1 where your flop decision is automatic.

While I wouldn't classify our hand as "shitty Aces", they certainly aren't premium Aces either. The A3 and the 37 are connected to make some straights, but will rarely make the nuts.

Our opponent is competent enough that if we repot him he'll likely know half our hand, allowing him to have not only a positional advantage on us postflop while deepstacked, but also an informational one. By calling we keep our own hand range wider, denying our opponent the informational advantage we'd provide if we reraise here.


pot $40


Hero checks
Button bets $25
Hero calls $25


This is a fantastic flop for Hero. Villain's raising range is unlikely to include many 2xxx or 44xx combinations. There's no flush draws to be concerned with and Heros hand is extremely under-repped.

Hero doesn't have to be concerned about Villain making a two pair to beat his naked Aces, as Hero now has the best two pair combo possible. There's little value in raising as we want to keep Villain in at this point, and a raise is most likely just going to blow him off bluffs or off hands he may incorrectly perceive as being ahead (like JJ, QQ or KK). Provided Villain is behind (which is the majority of the time in this spot) his only wins are:

runner-runner flush
runner-runner trips if he didn't pair any card on the flop
2 outs if he holds a pair
a straight (but we have a good chunk of the blockers to the straights that connect with this flop


pot: $90


Hero ?
This is why we raise flop. Any face card is potentially really shitty for you.
The turn card is a bit icky as KKxx just got there, but also because it makes QQxx/JJxx want to check back. On the other hand Kxxx that was just taking a stab on the flop now has something and the diamond draw opened up, neither of which we block. I think we can still win a modest pot this hand, but heavy action is not favorable for us. This looks like a fun spot to donk, taking control of the action and the size of the pot. Bet/fold $45.

Button is $5 Rock/Straddle
SB Folds
Hero Limps with :ac::as::7h::3c: for $5
Other Players Fold
Button raises to $20 and has Hero covered (over $800)
Hero calls


Hero is OOP and relatively deep-stacked. If stacks were more shallow it's ok to repot here and get it in or create an SPR of 1:1 where your flop decision is automatic.

While I wouldn't classify our hand as "shitty Aces", they certainly aren't premium Aces either. The A3 and the 37 are connected to make some straights, but will rarely make the nuts.

Our opponent is competent enough that if we repot him he'll likely know half our hand, allowing him to have not only a positional advantage on us postflop while deepstacked, but also an informational one. By calling we keep our own hand range wider, denying our opponent the informational advantage we'd provide if we reraise here.


pot $40


Hero checks
Button bets $25
Hero calls $25


This is a fantastic flop for Hero. Villain's raising range is unlikely to include many 2xxx or 44xx combinations. There's no flush draws to be concerned with and Heros hand is extremely under-repped.

Hero doesn't have to be concerned about Villain making a two pair to beat his naked Aces, as Hero now has the best two pair combo possible. There's little value in raising as we want to keep Villain in at this point, and a raise is most likely just going to blow him off bluffs or off hands he may incorrectly perceive as being ahead (like JJ, QQ or KK). Provided Villain is behind (which is the majority of the time in this spot) his only wins are:

runner-runner flush
runner-runner trips if he didn't pair any card on the flop
2 outs if he holds a pair
a straight (but we have a good chunk of the blockers to the straights that connect with this flop


pot: $90


Hero checks
Button checks


Barring our opponent having just outdrawn us with a KKxx holding, this turn card isn't terrible. It does present the possibility of our opponent going runner-runner flush on us in this spot, but we're still going to exercise pot control and check it back.


pot: $90


Hero ?
I feel like we need to lead here for about 1/2 pot. $40-50 is good. Hero should have the best hand the majority of the time and we need to get value from any Kxxx holdings that may check back for pot control as well.
Bet $50. Not sure if this is a bet / fold or bet / call. Hard not to be biased because it is a posted hand and the surprise river raise could be a real stick spot.

Late edit - if we had the right villain read, Hero might be best served with a check / call line vs a villain who generally stabs at the pot when checked to. Too bad we never got a villain read besides a vague TAGish description.
Last edited:
Bet $50. Response to river raise will be very player dependent.

Button is $5 Rock/Straddle
SB Folds
Hero Limps with :ac::as::7h::3c: for $5
Other Players Fold
Button raises to $20 and has Hero covered (over $800)
Hero calls


Hero is OOP and relatively deep-stacked. If stacks were more shallow it's ok to repot here and get it in or create an SPR of 1:1 where your flop decision is automatic.

While I wouldn't classify our hand as "shitty Aces", they certainly aren't premium Aces either. The A3 and the 37 are connected to make some straights, but will rarely make the nuts.

Our opponent is competent enough that if we repot him he'll likely know half our hand, allowing him to have not only a positional advantage on us postflop while deepstacked, but also an informational one. By calling we keep our own hand range wider, denying our opponent the informational advantage we'd provide if we reraise here.


pot $40


Hero checks
Button bets $25
Hero calls $25


This is a fantastic flop for Hero. Villain's raising range is unlikely to include many 2xxx or 44xx combinations. There's no flush draws to be concerned with and Heros hand is extremely under-repped.

Hero doesn't have to be concerned about Villain making a two pair to beat his naked Aces, as Hero now has the best two pair combo possible. There's little value in raising as we want to keep Villain in at this point, and a raise is most likely just going to blow him off bluffs or off hands he may incorrectly perceive as being ahead (like JJ, QQ or KK). Provided Villain is behind (which is the majority of the time in this spot) his only wins are:

runner-runner flush
runner-runner trips if he didn't pair any card on the flop
2 outs if he holds a pair
a straight (but we have a good chunk of the blockers to the straights that connect with this flop


pot: $90


Hero checks
Button checks


Barring our opponent having just outdrawn us with a KKxx holding, this turn card isn't terrible. It does present the possibility of our opponent going runner-runner flush on us in this spot, but we're still going to exercise pot control and check it back.


pot: $90


Hero bets $45


Villains check on the turn means he's likely trying to pot control and we have the best hand, if we check he will probably be checking behind. So decided to go for some value here, in case he has a hand with enough showdown value that he can call our bet.


pot: $90


Hero bets $45
Button raises to $200
Hero ???
Any villain reads? Does he bluff rivers or with blockers in particular?

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