Fold preflop. KK33 is not a good hand in O8, unless you're playing stacks deep enough to get tons of action with kings full. Every other feature of the hand, you're setting yourself up to catch something second-best.
On the flop, potting all but guarantees you'll only get action when you're up against at least a queen—which may have you dead or has up to 9 outs twice.
If you check, however, the preflop raiser may c-bet much lighter holdings than a queen, and then you can check-raise all-in. So that's one way you could get action here even when you're way ahead.
This flop is a great example of why KK33 is a bad hand. The 33 hurts more than helps. When it hits, the set it makes is too small and puts a low card on board, and anything short of quads will always be very vulnerable. When it misses, now half of your hand is dead weight (with suits as backup in this case, but they may turn out to be useless too).