A lot of interesting opinions on poker in this thread... It's impossible for someone to tell the variance from that session when nobody knows what I even bought in for

I could've been stuck. Or even. A good Limit Hold-Em poker player expects to make about 1 big bet per hour, if anybody cares.
...But yes, Limit Hold-Em can have some big short-term variance swings.
75/150 Limit Hold-Em
Backstory: I play a huge game twice a week where often most people at the table are in for $5-10k, and after 8 hours of play, there are inevitably a few huge stacks in the game, sometimes one of which is mine. Often we kick the game up to 100/200 later in the night. I've been in the game for $25k before in a single session when we kicked it up to 200/400 and I was running bad. My stack size is actually not that crazy for the game, and it's not too uncommon to win or lose $10k in a session in this game.