I'm not sure how to do that - I can take a pic with my iphone but dont think thats what youre looking for
The cutting compound is a superfine polish - used to remove light swirls from a car's topcoat finish. It definitely doesnt affect the edges, as it isnt sufficiently abrasive. When I look at a chip with a loupe and compare it to a HSI sec $5, all the same textures are evident most notably the texture on the outer rim where the hat and canes are. Cutting compound should have the same effect as magic erasers - both are very fine abrasives. I think the cutting compound works better as the abrasive material is held in a suspension and the yellow gets pulled into that suspension while with the magic eraser the yellow just gets pushed around the chip. I *think* the cutting compound is neutral where flitz will lift tarnish from brass and so is more reactive - probably not good long term as you note.
I have an ultrasonic coming tomorrow so can compare the outcome.