Star Wars The Force Awakens Discussion Thread (3 Viewers)

Anthony Martino

Royal Flush
Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
So the Official Trailer was released during Monday Night Football, here she is:

Pretty sure that the helmet-wearing baddie is going to be Luke Skywalker (I will finish what you started) and the girl I have a feeling will be the daughter of Leia and Han. No idea about the black stormtrooper and his connection with the force though, I think this is the first time we've seen him wielding a lightsaber.
From what I understand, and I don't know a whole lot about the Star Wars mythology, but I have read that Skywalker started a new Jedi temple. And I've seen pictures of the new Sith without his helmet and it's definitely not Luke. It'd be interesting if that girl was Jade Solo, but I don't know why they'd allude to the fact that she's a scavenger if that were the case.
The big bad helmet guy is named Kylo Ren and is played by Adam Driver. So he is not Luke unless they've been lying about casting. The girls name is simply "Rey". No last name so I'm curious if she is a Skywalker or Solo.
You guys are right, looks like Kylo Ren is played by another actor. Damn, was hoping Luke had gone dark, guess it could still happen. There's rumors that Kylo Ren is Luke's son or Rey's brother.
Now it is awful conspicuous that Luke isn't in the trailer OR on the poster even though Mark Hamill is high on the billing. Something is up there.
Now it is awful conspicuous that Luke isn't in the trailer OR on the poster even though Mark Hamill is high on the billing. Something is up there.

Does not show his face, but you see the metal hand... I have read that he is living in solitude a la Ben Kenobi, Possibly watching over Rey on Tatooine
Does not show his face, but you see the metal hand... I have read that he is living in solitude a la Ben Kenobi, Possibly watching over Rey on Tatooine
That COULD be Luke. Although Luke had a full prosthesis and not a robot hand last we saw him. They are being very secretive about him.
First time since online ticketing became available that I've bought tickets more than a couple days in advance. Not seeing it until 11:30pm on 11/17, but I think I'll be able to avoid spoilers for the second half of that work day.
I can't wait to see this movie! Now I just wish they'd make a KOTOR 3 or similar game to go with the launch of a new Star Wars movie.
remember, there is going to be three movies, so Luke not playing a big role in this one might not mean so much ( but I still wanna see him)
remember, there is going to be three movies, so Luke not playing a big role in this one might not mean so much ( but I still wanna see him)

Just leaked footage from the set!

Curious they haven't touched on any aspect of the story line as I know it. They haven't shown any of the "inquisitors", nor any of the jedi except for a few figures holding sabres. I'm positive the story is WAY bigger than what the ad has shown. Unlike most movie ads, this IS truly a teaser.
Curious they haven't touched on any aspect of the story line as I know it. They haven't shown any of the "inquisitors", nor any of the jedi except for a few figures holding sabres. I'm positive the story is WAY bigger than what the ad has shown. Unlike most movie ads, this IS truly a teaser.

There are a number of purported script leaks and tons and tons of speculation, but I've avoided it to this point. Kind of crazy how I wasn't really counting down the days until this most recent trailer.

Looks really good and I've got tickets for first night, but I'm only cautiously optimistic. I've been burned before...
After discussing it with friends and hearing lots of opinions, I would bet that Kylo Ren is Han and Leia's son, and the girl is their daughter. Luke will make an appearance towards the end of the movie as a savior after all appears lost, to turn the tides in the next movie.

Luke isn't Kylo Ren, there are some production stills that show him without his helmet. You also see him at the end of this latest trailer confronting Finn, he has dark wavy hair.

As far as Star wars mythology, it's all aout the window since Disney said it wasn't going to use the Expanded Universe as canon. In a way, it sucks because we were all told that the EU was canon approved by George Lucas himself. He had set aside a certain number of years that writers couldn't touch for him to make his movies in, and everything else was canon. Now all of a sudden it's the equivalent of fan fiction. But at the same time, it's good because we don't know the story any more.
Got my tickets for Opening Night! I'm excited because;
1) This movie is not produced by George Lucas
2) This movie is not written by George Lucas
3) This movie is not directed by George Lucas

He even turned over to Disney all of his notes, storylines, etc., for episodes 7-9, and Disney chose to use none of it! I will forever be grateful to him for the Original Trilogy. But those "prequels" were brutal!
As far as Star wars mythology, it's all aout the window since Disney said it wasn't going to use the Expanded Universe as canon. In a way, it sucks because we were all told that the EU was canon approved by George Lucas himself. He had set aside a certain number of years that writers couldn't touch for him to make his movies in, and everything else was canon. Now all of a sudden it's the equivalent of fan fiction. But at the same time, it's good because we don't know the story any more.

I've heard the same criticism of the Star Trek reboot, in that it looks and feels nothing like Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek. I can appreciate that argument, but damn the new movies are entertaining.

But in Star Wars' case, not following Lucas' vision doesn't bother me in the slightest. He lost all credibility with the prequels.
I also took from the trailer that "the old stories" that "were all true" as indicated by Han, that maybe the newer films won't be so far-fetched. This attitude seems to have permeated the whole movie industry; namely 007's, Star Treks and the late remakes like Total Recall and the like. I would be over the moon to a more ruthless, malevolent empire depicted thus making the films more for adults.
After discussing it with friends and hearing lots of opinions, I would bet that Kylo Ren is Han and Leia's son, and the girl is their daughter. Luke will make an appearance towards the end of the movie as a savior after all appears lost, to turn the tides in the next movie.

Luke isn't Kylo Ren, there are some production stills that show him without his helmet. You also see him at the end of this latest trailer confronting Finn, he has dark wavy hair.

As far as Star wars mythology, it's all aout the window since Disney said it wasn't going to use the Expanded Universe as canon. In a way, it sucks because we were all told that the EU was canon approved by George Lucas himself. He had set aside a certain number of years that writers couldn't touch for him to make his movies in, and everything else was canon. Now all of a sudden it's the equivalent of fan fiction. But at the same time, it's good because we don't know the story any more.

I bolded what I consider the important part. Really looking forward to this, based on the trailers thus far.
But in Star Wars' case, not following Lucas' vision doesn't bother me in the slightest. He lost all credibility with the prequels.

Absolutely agree. Fuck George Lucas. Anyone who has any doubt about whether we should disregard his boneheading thinking should watch the making of the Phantom Menace. He comes across as the most delusional, over-confident studio director. His comments during the Anakin casting sequence and about Jar Jar are all you need to know.

I love that during the sale of the franchise rights Lucas threw in the rights to his notes and ideas for further movies and Disney used absolutely none of it. Such a warranted slap in the face.

Absolutely agree. Fuck George Lucas. Anyone who has any doubt about whether we should disregard his boneheading thinking should watch the making of the Phantom Menace. He comes across as the most delusional, over-confident studio director. His comments during the Anakin casting sequence and about Jar Jar are all you need to know.

I love that during the sale of the franchise rights Lucas threw in the rights to his notes and ideas for further movies and Disney used absolutely none of it. Such a warranted slap in the face.

X2 - here's another good one picking apart everything about the Phantom Menace (warning NSFW - also warning, this is hysterical and you may end up killing an hour watching all 7 parts):


5:58 of this. This kid's audition was equally as terrible as Lucas' statement minutes earlier that "Jar Jar is key here". Stopped watching at 6:03

5:58 of this. This kid's audition was equally as terrible as Lucas' statement minutes earlier that "Jar Jar is key here". Stopped watching at 6:03
Yes, he says he's the key, because he's funnier than any other character they've had before. What a dope.

I like how he describes the kids. He basically says that one is really proffesional and one constantly makes mistakes. Let's use the one who sucks. I kind of see what he means, he hit pay dirt with Mark Hamill, an unknown that resonated with audiences. But still, not a great actor. But this time he had a practically limitless budget, he could choose whoever he wanted and he chose the kid who couldn't act. On purpose!

This video is very telling of why he sucks at Star Wars. It's summed it up when he compares the movies to stanzas in a poem. One stanza sounds like the next, and each movie is like the other. He's saying that he's just been repeating the same shit over and over!
First time since online ticketing became available that I've bought tickets more than a couple days in advance. Not seeing it until 11:30pm on 11/17, but I think I'll be able to avoid spoilers for the second half of that work day.
8:30pm on Thursday

Can. Not. Wait.
X2 - here's another good one picking apart everything about the Phantom Menace (warning NSFW - also warning, this is hysterical and you may end up killing an hour watching all 7 parts):

Plinkett's reviews are excellent. I haven't watched all of them, but the ones I have seen have been really funny and spot on.
Crew of the USS Eisenhower made their own trailer for Sea Wars: the IKE Awakens. Pretty fantastic.


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