Star Wars The Force Awakens Discussion Thread (2 Viewers)

The thing about JJ Abrams as a director (substantially distinguishable from JJ Abrams as a producer/writer) is that he is essentially a cipher. He can present other worlds created by other people and even mimic directorial styles almost identically. That style applied to the Star Wars world almost inevitably leads to the type of film as we have here.

As I said earlier, that's not by definition a bad thing to me, but it is what keeps this, a great movie, from being one of the best movies of the year. While I disagree that the movie needed expository conversations of the kind found in the prequels, I will say that the movie could have used the more complex world-building that George Lucas is good at. Lucas has the structural ability to put all those things in place, but is fairly incompetent at executing on the story and script once the worlds are built where Abrams, who didn't here exhibit the broad structural talent of Lucas, can execute nearly perfectly on the story and script. That, when paired with his general directorial skill, makes for a much more satisfying experience than the prequels.

And that's what I found the Force Awakens - a joyously satisfying experience. But even that feels like I'm putting it too softly. It was absolute, unmitigated fun, probably the most fun I've had at the movies this year, perhaps apart from Mad Max: Fury Road, but very close just in sheer enjoyment.

I think it would be fun on a second and third watch (or maybe third and fourth so I can just enjoy the second again without thinking too much) to try to find all the nearly exactly analogous scenes, lines, settings, edits, etc. that match between the Force Awakens and the original trilogy. There are many. And sure, that keeps it from being a transcendent film, but the ability of JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan to bring the perfect spirit to the story and the movie comes from the same place that drives them to match so much from the previous films, so it's hard to look that gift horse in the mouth.
While I was watching, I was definitely enjoying the ride. I was in a mood to overthink after it was over.
So non spoiler question that is going to skirt up to spoilers. I am taking my nearly seven year old daughter to see this tonight but have been warned there will be some tough stuff for her in the movie. Someone told me "there's a point in this move that rips your heart out." Without revealing anything concrete will she be ok?
I took my 7 yo tonight and she was frightened by a lot of scenes. She crawled into my lap and buried her head for a while before I kicked her out back to her own seat so I could enjoy the movie. Many people said that it should be fine, but I think ymmv depending on the child.
Some observations without spoilers:

- Great performances all around. That black guy was honestly hilarious at a couple points and not in a so-cheesy-it's-funny way. Just really funny.
- That escape scene from Jakku was amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing.
- So, so, so many plot points/sets/scenes that matched almost identically with A New Hope. Not sure whether this is good/bad/neutral yet.
- The use of practical effects and costumes instead of CGI really made the difference. This actually looks like Star Wars.

I'll be seeing this in the theater at least once more before it leaves and I can't wait for Episode VIII.
I agree about so many things being identical with A New Hope. It's almost like a re-envisioning of the original. My daughter, who isn't a diehard fan, mentioned after the movie that one scene she remembered was right out of one of the other episodes. Even the X-wing pilots chosen for the last air battle were identical to episode IV. It may be the reason that so many people are saying that it feels like the original movies. All in a good way, and mostly not blatant though.

This one is by far the best Star Wars yet. It's got a dark edge to it without all the hokey BS to appeal to the kindergartener crowd. The humor that it has is actually funny and appropriate for the scene, not just comic relief crap added to make the kids laugh, like JarJar stepping in poo.

Loved it.
Yeah some not so child friendly scenes :).

Stoked the company I work at got the whole group a private viewing. No lines!

The movie was more than expected but I had low expectations. The writing was better. Still contrived in some instances but so much better written, acted, and directed than episodes 1 to 3. It's a step in the right direction.
I agree about so many things being identical with A New Hope. It's almost like a re-envisioning of the original. My daughter, who isn't a diehard fan, mentioned after the movie that one scene she remembered was right out of one of the other episodes. Even the X-wing pilots chosen for the last air battle were identical to episode IV. It may be the reason that so many people are saying that it feels like the original movies. All in a good way, and mostly not blatant though.

This one is by far the best Star Wars yet. It's got a dark edge to it without all the hokey BS to appeal to the kindergartener crowd. The humor that it has is actually funny and appropriate for the scene, not just comic relief crap added to make the kids laugh, like JarJar stepping in poo.

Loved it.
Yeah finally humor for adults without the stupid slapstick jar jar. Most disney movies actually pull off the adult/child humor pretty good. Glad they went adult humor in this movie and less pandering to sell toys. I am sure they will still sell plenty bb8's.
So non spoiler question that is going to skirt up to spoilers. I am taking my nearly seven year old daughter to see this tonight but have been warned there will be some tough stuff for her in the movie. Someone told me "there's a point in this move that rips your heart out." Without revealing anything concrete will she be ok?

I took my soon-to-be 9 year old, I would have taken him probably from age 6 up. Didn't take our 4-year-old twins, but I will likely be OK letting them watch it on TV at home when it's out on video. It's pretty intense at times and might be a bit much for kids 5 and under, especially on a big screen in a packed theater, but you know what your kids can handle. Mine would probably be okay, but I know one in particular would be asking so many questions that it would be annoying to anyone around us.

I've been twice, now -- first with my wife to pre-screen as it's PG-13 and I didn't know how bad it would be. Picked up a decent amount the second time through that I'd missed ...
When Poe returns to rescue everyone and Fin is watching him, just watch Poe's ship. It's an incredible sequence that almost takes place in the background ... you can easily miss that it's literally one ship that hits five tie fighters and picks off the stormtroopers right next to Han and Chewy if you take your eyes off his X-wing.

Best part for me was the ride home, listening to my son dissect the movie and characters' motivations. He's my oldest so seeing how much more complexity he can insert into the plot than he could with the original trilogy is blowing my mind. He was devastated when he found out that the next one doesn't come out for another 18 months.
Saw it yesterday.....meliked it a lot as a fan, but still.....THEY CAN'T DO THAT !!!!!!
(Not gonna say what in order not to spoil. But you know what I mean)
I'll date myself and say I watched the original 40 (ish) years ago! (Thank God I couldn't drive yet!). Enjoyed this one far more than I expected and I will go back and watch it a few more times (in 3D) which is rare. As with the latest Star Trek movies, I actually think JJ Abrams does a wonderful job of injecting just enough of the original version into the new movies so as to make the movie all that more enjoyable. I was wary of "old" Spock and Solo being in their respective movies but thoroughly enjoyed each of them! Really enjoyed watching Harrison Ford in this! So much I enjoyed but don't want to be a spoiler. Just relieved that I don't have to hear/ watch a whiny f&@king Anakin again!!!
I'll date myself and say I watched the original 40 (ish) years ago! (Thank God I couldn't drive yet!).

I don't think you have to worry about dating yourself around here. A photo of the theater when my wife saw the first one.

That's a great photo!
I was 12 and paid to see it 11 times. I grew up in a small eastern Oregon town but first saw it on a road trip to Austin with my Dad. "Huge" theater (too me)! Great timing and great memories!
Just saw it.

Nitpick this, blah blah that, whatever, but I can't imagine how they could possibly have modified it to make a larger cross-section of fans joyously happy than they did. I'm grinning from ear to ear (even though I understand it's "shortcomings.")

That was fucking outstanding.
Likely heading back to the $5 Tuesday theater for a second viewing. Great off-day deal at one of the nicest theatres in the Twin Cities (Plymouth Mann Theater off 55).
Just saw it.

Nitpick this, blah blah that, whatever, but I can't imagine how they could possibly have modified it to make a larger cross-section of fans joyously happy than they did. I'm grinning from ear to ear (even though I understand it's "shortcomings.")

That was fucking outstanding.

I saw it for a second time on Saturday night and still feel this way. What a great, fun time. Seeing it through again made it a bit more obvious that the third act drags a bit, but who cares? It's so much fun that it hardly matters.
Harrison Ford punks Conan staffer Jordan Schlansky

I'm kinda hoping that the punking was an act, and that this dude's actual lego falcon wasn't destroyed... Like it was switched for a secondary falcon. Because that dude will forever hate Ford otherwise..

To be honest, if it wasn't switched out, it was a dick move by Ford.

I have some expensive lego SW sets (the Death Star, for instance), that my kids and I painstakingly constructed. It was a labor of love with my kids (that took weeks), and if Ford had done that to me, he'd probably get his lights punched out... I mean, he'd have to pretty quickly come forward and say it was all a planned joke, and that MY actual DS set was behind a curtain (safe), etc...
I'm kinda hoping that the punking was an act, and that this dude's actual lego falcon wasn't destroyed... Like it was switched for a secondary falcon. Because that dude will forever hate Ford otherwise..

To be honest, if it wasn't switched out, it was a dick move by Ford.

I have some expensive lego SW sets (the Death Star, for instance), that my kids and I painstakingly constructed. It was a labor of love with my kids (that took weeks), and if Ford had done that to me, he'd probably get his lights punched out... I mean, he'd have to pretty quickly come forward and say it was all a planned joke, and that MY actual DS set was behind a curtain (safe), etc...

It was clearly staged, otherwise why would Jordan lead with "be careful, it's fragile" right before he hands it over? That sets the joke up
It was clearly staged, otherwise why would Jordan lead with "be careful, it's fragile" right before he hands it over? That sets the joke up

The part about the lightsaber was 100% schtick, and was staged, but I sorta wondered if the Falcon bit wasn't actually the staffer's actual display item. Cuz, they're really worth 5k, and take MANY hours to construct. Seems brash to destroy one for the sake a joke. As a Lego AND Star Wars fan, I find the part of the skit with the falcon rather offensive, lol... Damn you solo.

Always shooting first and sh!t!

Just found this link:

Looks like the much larger model from 2007 (5x the pieces of most of the other Falcon models) is the one that costs thousands. But in the Conan video Jordan says it's the model from 2011 that goes for 5 grand..............quick Trihonda, make a Conan Fan Correction video and let him know of their error!
Has anyone started a spoilers thread yet? I sure would like to discuss the movie without having to sidestep all of the details. I'm hesitant to start one myself because I don't want to get bashed by people who might not like it.

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