I don't even remember seeing her get injured. I saw the guy shot in the leg and the guy bit on the back/shoulder, but don't recall seeing her leg get injured. Not to mention, how is no one pissed that Rick pretty much jinxed the whole group when he took Michonne & Glenn aside (while the group was still healthy and ahead of the horde behind them) to say that the others wouldn't all make it, like, way to fucking go Rick!
Also, they outran the horde behind them, so not sure why they're encountering segments of the horde in the woods ahead of them. Oh wait, did the bad leg girl trip and fall or something, no wait, I think that only happened when she left the pet shop before being devoured.
And what's with the injured people suddenly being martyrs without fear "no, leave me behind, you guys go on and save yourselves!" Like, people would be losing their shit about to get chomped into and have their flesh torn by gnashing zombie teeth.