Things That Are Bullsh*t (9 Viewers)

The "Magic Roundabout" at Swindon, UK:
People bitching about an English Roundabout on 5/4.

Only in Canada are they so jealous of their big brother that they don't realize the reason the $2 was discontinued was it was extremely rare in the 60's when it was killed and the people in the story are unfamiliar with it because they probably weren't born in the same decade it was last made rather than hating our own currency, whatever that means. The $2 bill is like having quarters and halves on the table in the same $3/$5 game, there's a real good reason why a lot of people have never seen it in their till box. lol @ nobody involved knowing it was legit though, you would think that before they got back to the convenience store somebody would have said "Hey guys, lol, you know this is real right?!?!"... :D
Only in Canada are they so jealous of their big brother that they don't realize the reason the $2 was discontinued was it was extremely rare in the 60's when it was killed and the people in the story are unfamiliar with it because they probably weren't born in the same decade it was last made rather than hating our own currency, whatever that means. The $2 bill is like having quarters and halves on the table in the same $3/$5 game, there's a real good reason why a lot of people have never seen it in their till box. lol @ nobody involved knowing it was legit though, you would think that before they got back to the convenience store somebody would have said "Hey guys, lol, you know this is real right?!?!"... :D
The $2 bill is still being printed now.
We offer it as an "incentive" to participate in our surveys, and amazingly, it increases response rates. Love the $2.
I used to keep them whenever I came across one. I had a nice stash of ~$400 that I lost at one point in time because I couldn't remember where I hid them. I ended up finding them in my ceiling when replacing a cracked tile. I stopped hiding cash after that. ;)

The "Magic Roundabout" at Swindon, UK:

Round-A-Bout #1: That's a movie. I hate to break it to you, but that is not a scene from real life and was filmed for comedic value, movies were horrible before the 90's so it fails horribly in that regard as is normal. What's more, the people are actors, all of them, and they are only pretending to not be able to get out of the intersection. Unfortunately not an acurate representation.

Round-A-Bout #2: That is not a standard roundabout design and would never be the way it was intended for the way the traffic is flowing. You can see the traffic in the "circle" having to stop for traffic coming in at the top left of the video, that's not how they work, you never stop in a roundabout, the traffic entering the circle yields so you don't jam up the circle. This is obviously an overcrowded intersection in the middle of a big city (description says Paris) where the traffic looks to have outgrown the infrastructure a long time ago. Again, definitely not an acuratte representation.

Round-A-Bout #3: Vietnam and their scooter/traffic/driving culture is about as far away from normal traffic as you can get, other than Mexico City I guess. That would be like me showing you a picture of a Chinese building under construction and their criminal shoddy construction and saying "this is why buildings are a bad idea". There is absolutely no correlation between an intersection in Vietnam and the traffic circles on Lundeen Parkway in my town.

Round-A-Bout #4: The Magic Round-A-Bout, way cool!!! I've seen a picture of it before but never knew it had a name. Makes sense to me, I can understand it and would have no problems navigating it. If I had never seen a picture of it and worked out in my mind how it works I feel like after one time of being in it with traffic it would be like anything else you know how to do. Wikipedia says that even though it looks intimidating and seems dangerous, the traffic moves so slow that collisions are actually pretty rare and it's one of the safer intersections. Good stuff!!

So in conclusion, traffic circles=bullshit is itself, bullshit. :D ;)
Total bullshit.

Have to admit, as much as I want to defend traffic circles in every way, sadly you got me...the simplest of things can boggle peoples minds all over the planet. Seriously, it's not that hard, is it? I can't be the worlds best driver or smartest man (close, but not theee best ;) ), how come it seems so simple to me? Want to really fry people's brains? Use your turn signal the way it is supposed to be used in a traffic circle, no one will know what you are doing even though you are doing it right. :D
Have to admit, as much as I want to defend traffic circles in every way, sadly you got me...the simplest of things can boggle peoples minds all over the planet. Seriously, it's not that hard, is it? I can't be the worlds best driver or smartest man (close, but not theee best ;) ), how come it seems so simple to me? Want to really fry people's brains? Use your turn signal the way it is supposed to be used in a traffic circle, no one will know what you are doing even though you are doing it right. :D

I signal left and go right, keep 'em guessing...and I know that is total bullshit!
Getting it all in on Qc 8c 5d flop with AcAQJc vs KcKQTc, running it 2x and losing both. Top board he binks T, bottom board a K. #thingsthatarebullshit
  1. Traffic circles that are too small - You just built a 4 way stop with an obstacle to obstruct vision
  2. Parking lots with "green islands" every 10 spaces - You're not saving the environment.
  3. Strip mall parking lots that are bisected by an island making it impossible to drive from the Lowes to the grocery store without having to re-enter traffic for 50'
  4. Gated communities - I hate getting a call for a CPR in progress and not being able to get through the gate until someone can finally let me in.
  5. That guy passing 50 motorists, then cutting off a truck just as his lane ends.
  6. People making 7 figures bitching about taxes. - Look fucktard, if the government took 50% (after your deductions) you'd still make more than your best hourly employee makes in 10 years before taxes.
having to work on cinco de mayo (or ANY drinky holiday)
@jbutler I think I win

things that are bullshit - when receiving deli meat, the store puts the sticker label over the zipper and folds it. when you go to open the bag, you try to rip the sticker label which tears the bag, making you put the deli meat in a second bag

Double back tape where one backing side comes off too easy and the other backing side is melted into the tape somehow,you end up destroying the stickiness trying to get the adhesive exposed which is bullshit.
@jbutler I think I win

things that are bullshit - when receiving deli meat, the store puts the sticker label over the zipper and folds it. when you go to open the bag, you try to rip the sticker label which tears the bag, making you put the deli meat in a second bag


Oh yeah, Sargento "resealable" cheese packaging is total fucking bullshit. If it requires weapons banned under the Geneva Convention to even open it, you ain't resealing that shit.
This week, it's not being able to get more than two other people for a Saturday poker game :(

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