Things That Are Bullsh*t (15 Viewers)

So @Frogzilla brought up office pot lucks as bullshit - eating others prepared food that may or may both have been sitting out all day.

So how does everyone feel about homemade holiday treats? In my neighborhood there are about 12-15 houses that participate in holiday dropoffs on the porches - cookies, snacks and other homemade treats.

Yea or nah?
That’s pretty amazing that people do that with their neighbours. If someone turned up at my door offering cakes and sweets my suspicions would immediately be raised and I’d be reaching for the 7-iron I keep behind the door :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Has anyone mentioned office potlucks yet? They are certainly bullshit.

-some people are kind of gross, not wash hands, etc.
-it’s more difficult to prepare night before, transport, and reheat properly in a work break area than just making dinner in kitchen like normal. Without formal food prep training someone could easily f this up
-it’s a numbers game and numbers are against you. It only takes one to ruin your week.

I refuse to participate. I faked illness to skip one today. They are terrible. I thought this one gonna be the tiny silver lining of Covid era, nobody would possibly want to do office potluck anymore, but wrong.

At a previous job, we would keep track of who doesn't wash their hands in the restroom. Then you show up to the pot luck and know they brought something, but don't know who brought what. No thanks!
So @Frogzilla brought up office pot lucks as bullshit - eating others prepared food that may or may both have been sitting out all day.

So how does everyone feel about homemade holiday treats? In my neighborhood there are about 12-15 houses that participate in holiday dropoffs on the porches - cookies, snacks and other homemade treats.

Yea or nah?

Unless I've been in there house and watched them cook, wash hands, etc, HARD PASS!
To all of you that are disgusted by the idea that someone may have not washed their hands before cooking your food...

Never, ever, order a pizza.

Christmas is BS at work. Like I’m not Christian and don’t do anything for it, but people (both Christians and non Christians) expect me to gift them by asking what’s your gifting plans?

Costed $50 total to lick shoes of my coworkers, but only got $15 worth in return. Loss of $35, good job businesses and marketing people who make the world sound like “you have to gift someone or else you’re stingy piece of shit.” Now I need to make that $35 by flipping coins, chips, and used clothings/shoes like having a holiday sale
Stingy people who live life transactionally :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Yep I’m one of many stingy millennials! The pay for younger folks are shit for most cases, so have to be that way. That’s I’m launching a few businesses next year, one of them is for chips by being a chip vendor.

Plus I got $15 in food gift cards I don’t use, so ended up giving away to someone for free. Total of $50 loss for holidays. $50 is fine if I’m Christian and celebrating Christmas, but I’m NOT!
So @Frogzilla brought up office pot lucks as bullshit - eating others prepared food that may or may both have been sitting out all day.

So how does everyone feel about homemade holiday treats? In my neighborhood there are about 12-15 houses that participate in holiday dropoffs on the porches - cookies, snacks and other homemade treats.

Yea or nah?
While not entirely bereft of bullshit, having nice neighbors is generally, on the balance, alright.
Christmas is BS at work. Like I’m not Christian and don’t do anything for it, but people (both Christians and non Christians) expect me to gift them by asking what’s your gifting plans?

Costed $50 total to lick shoes of my coworkers, but only got $15 worth in return. Loss of $35, good job businesses and marketing people who make the world sound like “you have to gift someone or else you’re stingy piece of shit.” Now I need to make that $35 by flipping coins, chips, and used clothings/shoes like having a holiday sale
3 ghosts visiting your place tomorrow night…
Yep I’m one of many stingy millennials! The pay for younger folks are shit for most cases, so have to be that way. That’s I’m launching a few businesses next year, one of them is for chips by being a chip vendor.

Plus I got $15 in food gift cards I don’t use, so ended up giving away to someone for free. Total of $50 loss for holidays. $50 is fine if I’m Christian and celebrating Christmas, but I’m NOT!
I'm glad it was taken well, it was meant as a joke. And besides, this is a group of poker players where being transactional seems to be a fundamental attribute - again not negative at all, just an observation in my short years here.

For what it's worth I'm a millennial who launched a business in the last 2ish years or so, super small time. If I was transactional in any way, I would be horridly depressed and drowning in the weight of what it is to be in business for yourself - I couldn't imagine. Instead, I'm much more of a social and net results kind of guy, so I hang my hat on the fact that we've been able to hire a person or two who really enjoy their work and feel like they're compensated fairly.
3 ghosts visiting your place tomorrow night…
Better than someone who gossips who gave what and reuses someone else’s holiday chocolate gift, so that person doesn’t have to spend their pocket money!

Or a ghost who wants to see the coin collections I bought for me to collect, sort, and flip.
Better than someone who gossips who gave what and reuses someone else’s holiday chocolate gift, so that person doesn’t have to spend their pocket money!

Or a ghost who wants to see the coin collections I bought for me to collect, sort, and flip.
You Scottish? You’d fit in well over here :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
“If you’re doing just enough not to get fired, you’re probably getting paid just enough not to quit.”
I know! Pretty much holiday gifts were an investment so I don’t get fired if they need to pick let’s say 3 people out of the entire office, so only gave to people who’re “important” for my paycheck. I know some people judge more about more than my good work ethics, so again I call that an investment. I’m fast and reliable at work, just like how I sell chips.

You Scottish? You’d fit in well over here :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
No, I’m Japanese American.
Christmas is BS at work. Like I’m not Christian and don’t do anything for it, but people (both Christians and non Christians) expect me to gift them by asking what’s your gifting plans?

Costed $50 total to lick shoes of my coworkers, but only got $15 worth in return. Loss of $35, good job businesses and marketing people who make the world sound like “you have to gift someone or else you’re stingy piece of shit.” Now I need to make that $35 by flipping coins, chips, and used clothings/shoes like having a holiday sale
You had to pay $50 to lick your coworkers shoes??????
Yep I’m one of many stingy millennials! The pay for younger folks are shit for most cases, so have to be that way. That’s I’m launching a few businesses next year, one of them is for chips by being a chip vendor.

Plus I got $15 in food gift cards I don’t use, so ended up giving away to someone for free. Total of $50 loss for holidays. $50 is fine if I’m Christian and celebrating Christmas, but I’m NOT!
I'd refuse to take part in any workplace gift exchanging. I don't even send co-workers Holiday cards.
You had to pay $50 to lick your coworkers shoes??????
Saying I had to spend $50 total to meet or exceed their gifting expectations, so I don't get fired if they want to fire/lay off a few people by random selection.

The vibes told me that: holiday cards aren't enough for some people and I was right
Where the hell do you work? Sounds like a nightmare.

I gave my staff a gift card to a restaurant so they could have a decent meal with their spouse, as I always do. But I expect nothing in return.
Me too

If your workplace does any gifting at all, it should be top down. Your manager or department head should provide gifts, but you should not be expected to "gift up". No employee should be required to purchase someone making 20-30% more than them a holiday gift. And any coworker exchange should be totally optional.
Yep I’m one of many stingy millennials! The pay for younger folks are shit for most cases, so have to be that way. That’s I’m launching a few businesses next year, one of them is for chips by being a chip vendor.

Plus I got $15 in food gift cards I don’t use, so ended up giving away to someone for free. Total of $50 loss for holidays. $50 is fine if I’m Christian and celebrating Christmas, but I’m NOT!
Jesus, that existence sounds miserable.

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