Things That Are Bullsh*t (8 Viewers)

I’m not aiming this at anyone in particular. I don’t know how many posts anyone has and I’m not really into counting.

But in my opinion, and it’s just an opinion so you don’t have to agree or disagree, I’m not trying to out anyone or make anyone feel bad.

In my opinion, not based on any facts, if your job relies on the holidays you participate in then it’s not much of a job and your real job should be finding another. But don’t take this in response to anything that’s been posted before, especially from someone that has me blocked and will never see this. It’s just an opinion, means nothing and should not be taken in any kind of offense or harm.

Thank you and I hope everyone has a nice day, and whatever holidays you do celebrate I hope they are what you expect.
Saying I had to spend $50 total to meet or exceed their gifting expectations, so I don't get fired if they want to fire/lay off a few people by random selection.

The vibes told me that: holiday cards aren't enough for some people and I was right
Sounds like a bad strategy and self imposed expectation.

Most managers don’t let their high performers go, unless there are other “issues”. Best way to keep a job is being better at that job than your peers and getting along with others well.
Where the hell do you work? Sounds like a nightmare.

I gave my staff a gift card to a restaurant so they could have a decent meal with their spouse, as I always do. But I expect nothing in return.

I took my staff to a party suite at a Tampa Bay Lightning game plus a Christmas bonus plus a raise - I couldn’t do what I do without them - totally worth it.
If your workplace does any gifting at all, it should be top down. Your manager or department head should provide gifts, but you should not be expected to "gift up". No employee should be required to purchase someone making 20-30% more than them a holiday gift. And any coworker exchange should be totally optional.

We utilize an additional name for other roles we fulfill in the company. Employees were funny and bought management name plates for their faux personas.

Being a startup we can't afford much, but we got them a little something and they got us a little something. Couldn't imagine requiring either side to do something. However I also know that if both sides didn't appreciate each other enough to do said little something, we'd be failing.
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Dunno mate. My job as a department store Santa is on a shaky peg…

You are a one legged pirate Santa?

I don’t want to offend you, but you have enough posts I guess so it may be permissible in your case.
If this offends you I’m open to talking about it, or you can report it and have it removed for hurting your feelings.
My hippy sister once donated a goat in my name to some charity as my Christmas gift.
I still remember the time the charity brought me my own comfort goat. It was named Scott. He didn’t give much milk so my parents cooked him over our campfire. It was the only meat we had that Christmas. I had lots of feelings at the same time. Still miss Scott.
I still remember the time the charity brought me my own comfort goat. It was named Scott. He didn’t give much milk so my parents cooked him over our campfire. It was the only meat we had that Christmas. I had lots of feelings at the same time. Still miss Scott.
Well, Clarice….have the goats stopped screaming?
I’m not aiming this at anyone in particular. I don’t know how many posts anyone has and I’m not really into counting.

But in my opinion, and it’s just an opinion so you don’t have to agree or disagree, I’m not trying to out anyone or make anyone feel bad.

In my opinion, not based on any facts, if your job relies on the holidays you participate in then it’s not much of a job and your real job should be finding another. But don’t take this in response to anything that’s been posted before, especially from someone that has me blocked and will never see this. It’s just an opinion, means nothing and should not be taken in any kind of offense or harm.

Thank you and I hope everyone has a nice day, and whatever holidays you do celebrate I hope they are what you expect.
Is this about me? LoL - I need a decoder ring.
If your workplace does any gifting at all, it should be top down. Your manager or department head should provide gifts, but you should not be expected to "gift up". No employee should be required to purchase someone making 20-30% more than them a holiday gift. And any coworker exchange should be totally optional.
Each year my company has a secular winter party or summer party. All employees and immediate families are invited, and all travel and other expenses are covered by the company.

We never give or receive any holiday gifts, nor do we have holiday celebrations to worry about, and honestly I like it that way. For me, Christmas is a time to celebrate with family and friends. I like the vast majority of my coworkers, but I have no interest in celebrating the holidays with them.
I'd refuse to take part in any workplace gift exchanging. I don't even send co-workers Holiday cards.
I bet big bucks your (meet-up) handlers are being well taken care off :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

and I need your addy for the holiday card…being family and all :love:
Here’s a cracker. I might be allergic to whisky.

I’m noticing that whenever I drink whisky I have a major fit of the sneezes, as in a ridiculous amount of sneezing. People looking at me in the pub amounts of sneezing. I consulted Dr. Google and it turns out that whisky allergy is a thing.

I mean that’s some serious bullshit right there. WTF?!?!
Here’s a cracker. I might be allergic to whisky.

I’m noticing that whenever I drink whisky I have a major fit of the sneezes, as in a ridiculous amount of sneezing. People looking at me in the pub amounts of sneezing. I consulted Dr. Google and it turns out that whisky allergy is a thing.

I mean that’s some serious bullshit right there. WTF?!?!
I actually just yelled “THAT’S BULLSHIT”. Haha
Christmas is BS at work. Like I’m not Christian and don’t do anything for it, but people (both Christians and non Christians) expect me to gift them by asking what’s your gifting plans?

Costed $50 total to lick shoes of my coworkers, but only got $15 worth in return. Loss of $35, good job businesses and marketing people who make the world sound like “you have to gift someone or else you’re stingy piece of shit.” Now I need to make that $35 by flipping coins, chips, and used clothings/shoes like having a holiday sale
You sound super fun haha.

Christmas gifting at work can be annoying though depending on the people. I'll reluctantly give you that lol.

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