Tiger Palace Chips - Are they worth the price? (3 Viewers)

I personally think that the primary color Tiger Palace chips are sexy as hell. Would I spend the money on them to build a set, absolutely not!!!!

Are they worth it? That is up to the buyer on what they prefer to do with their money. The value of something is determined by how much someone will spend on it.
Tigers have one of the nicer NAGB inlays IMO.

I pretty much think anything that isn't custom or personally meaningful is garbage. I wouldn't even pay >
$10/chip for a custom CPC level 200000 edge spot.

All y'all's r cray cray!!!

But I'm a boring minimalist that's not a baller.
Your set is one of the best looking I’ve ever seen and I really dig the minimalist style. Mines not as stripped down as yours, but it is pretty basic. That said, I think there is a place for an explosion of color and patterns, and what not especially if like most of us, you have one set for tournaments and one set for cash, the more they differ the better it is.
What if you’re one of us whackos who needs a couple extra racks of $5s in the set?
If you know there aren’t enough extra racks of $5s, you won’t buy the set. If you know there are plenty of extra racks of $5s, you’ll buy the set, then buy the extra $5s. But if the amount of extra $5s is a secret, dangled like a carrot, what do you do? Gamble? Here at pcf, probably.
Same goes for fracs and some tournament denoms.
And by the way, though I agree with you about buying chips to play them, not spin them off for profits, that’s kind of irrelevant. Unless you think that the seller kept the quantities secret purely to discourage flipping. I don’t. I think the seller kept the quantities secret because it gives the seller advantages across the board. The junkies here will buy buy buy, with the hopes that they can buy more.

The other day my kids asked me how much $$ I make. I told them it’s none of their business.

“So you are just shrouding the truth in secrecy to manipulate us!?!?”

Nah. I’m just not telling you. It doesn’t always have to be complicated.

At the end of the day, it’s none of my damn business why the seller held back numbers. He said he wasn’t going to share them and I purchased them anyways.

Besides, whether there are 60 racks of fives or 600, knowing that won’t help you a lick — because you don’t know how many are vaulted or even how many sold. Is he supposed to share all that, as well? What else does he “owe” us to prove his motives are pure and holy?

Quantity as a variable is effectively irrelevant at this point in the hobby, anyways, except to singles collectors. Even then, too much emphasis is placed on it. Take PCA $5s, for example. Lots of ‘em. None available. Things have changed.

I could easily make the case that releasing quantities hurts your chances in your search, because there are plenty here who would intentionally lock up limited denoms.

And God only imagine if he did share numbers. Dude would be crucified here by half for selling too many and the other half for not selling enough.
I could easily make the case that releasing quantities hurts your chances in your search, because there are plenty here who would intentionally lock up limited denoms.

And God only imagine if he did share numbers. Dude would be crucified here by half for selling too many and the other half for not selling enough.
"WANTED: I have 15% of the TP primary 5s that were made. Looking to up that number to 25%, let me know if you've got a few racks to sell. Grail-set would include >30% of existing 5s. LMK!"
"WANTED: I have 15% of the TP primary 5s that were made. Looking to up that number to 25%, let me know if you've got a few racks to sell. Grail-set would include >30% of existing 5s. LMK!"
So is the goal to judge someone’s character here or do you actually need help finding some fives?

Because I can only help with one of those :)
I’ve said WAY too much here because the truth is there isn’t much of a goal. Just that when the Tigers were announced, I was taken in. I believed that this was something closer to a group buy, by chippers for chippers.
Now I’ve changed my mind and I think it was just another cash grab that put some cool chips into some happy buyers’ vaults.
No character judgements.
I’ve said WAY too much here because the truth is there isn’t much of a goal. Just that when the Tigers were announced, I was taken in. I believed that this was something closer to a group buy, by chippers for chippers.
Now I’ve changed my mind and I think it was just another cash grab that put some cool chips into some happy buyers’ vaults.
No character judgements.

That’s more than fair. I will add/concede that FOMO was borderline schoolgirl-shrill fever-pitch at its peak, and imaginations did run wild. But I believe we only have ourselves to blame.

For perspective, though, I’m in a random group that just sold out of a hyped $1,000 backpack last week (quantities unknown). I saw a $9,000 bottle of bourbon snap bought just yesterday (quantities unknown). A pocket knife just auctioned for $13k (a one-off but will likely end up as a production). I actually bought a $700 ring last week that I’ll probably never wear just to support the maker. Let’s not even get into guns or watches or comics or sneakers. I also drive a used Nissan Maxima because I’m cheap AF and can’t imagine anyone even spending $50k on a car.

As has been shared ad nauseam, value is relative, and we all have different values. I grew up thinking the p-word (profit) was dirty. That upbringing really harmed my business in my earlier years, and still does on occasion even today. I've since come to appreciate that profit is a good and necessary thing to encourage ongoing creativity and improvements, as long as Real Value is being added.

With Tigers, I plopped down $6k or whatever it was for poker chips that I deemed “probably worth” half that. I saw no punches pulled or flagrant missteps (aside from the apparent miscommunication on limit sets). I even have a few extra racks I might have to eat $$ on, not sure. But I have a cool, complete set and I’m quite happy I do. I can’t wait to felt them. For me, that’s added value.

As an aside, my heart is still with leaded chips that tell a much different, much deeper story. Hopefully I get to prove that once again soon in Mail Call. But these Tigers were a thrill to buy and I’m delighted to own them.

I vote worth it.
I wonder if other collection forums have the same threads, is “beanie babies” worth it? (Ok that’s a NO) Is “comic books” worth it? Is a “600 HP sports car” worth it? Is a “Weller 20 year single barrel oak aged whiskey” worth it?
Spearmint Rhino celebrity VIP- is it worth the price?
something closer to a group buy, by chippers for chippers.
There have only been two of those in the GPI era that were not profit-motivated -- the Boat chips and the Big Tops.... and neither were public buys.

For those that have since made direct factory purchases, the potential profit motive is what made the venture worthwhile.

And it's pretty unlikely we will ever see a future public group buy, where an unlimited number of people get to order the exact quantities they want at a shared true-cost price from the factory -- even if the design was dictated and not up for debate. For the organizer(s), the logistics are incredibly difficult, the risk is high, and any reward is very small/non-existent.
The other day my kids asked me how much $$ I make. I told them it’s none of their business.

“So you are just shrouding the truth in secrecy to manipulate us!?!?”

Nah. I’m just not telling you. It doesn’t always have to be complicated.
We agree across the board on 99%.

I think most opposition is not well thought out, although maybe it's sellers in general that give people pause and their arguments some creedence.

I'm a custom samples collector. I've been repeteadly told "only sample set available", "last custom sample available", "only error chip period". Yet, they often sell additional chips, they come up for sale, they give some away free to friends later that later hit market, etc. It's their chips, their prerogative, but extremely poor buyer experience.

TCR is a great contributor chip wise. Happy to have the ability to purchase the sets I could. But when he makes large amounts of money off of his sales, doesn't disclose any numbers or condition of chips, *and* pulls minitish chips out of the buckets to give to friends and helpers without disclosing that - am I as a new chipper who doesn't know these things supposed to just not care because without him I wouldn't get them?

So when all that type of stuff repeatedly happens to buyers, yeah, when Tigers come along I can see a little bit of rolling of eyes. Very appreciative of him digging into his own stash of chips, and I can't imagine the organization of the whole thing, but availability does come to mind a bit. I'm sure he tried the best he could, but if we're paying top of the market prices with chips still sitting there, I think the desire to know what's going on has some credence, just based on prior experience and ongoing issues with sellers, both individuals and vendors.
These are ideal milling canidates. If you are into that, awesome... but then you have to pay more to mill them and then again to have the labels made.

Worth is in the eye of the beholder... But Tiger Donkeys are gonna Tiger donkey.

40+ chips using over half the available color palate by my count. Two complete, cohesive sets from .25 to $25k (and every denom in between), with bold colors, incredible spot progression, no dirty stacks, and a crispy, legible inlay with wide appeal. Toss in a 3d14 hot stamp tournament set and some wild bearclaws clearly intended to wow/pop/whatever for the fun of it.
Yet in the photos I see many cases of the same or nearly the same color used in back to back chips. Maybe there are subtle differences, but there is a lot of repetition as far as I see.

I'm not sure I agree with you on spot progression. It looks like a handful of the busiest patterns are used, at least to me. I'm not a proponent of "spot progression" as it's often discussed and debated around here, but like p0rn, I know it when I see it and I'm not sure I see it in the Tigers.

Like them or not, all of that is indisputable.
And I'm obviously in the "not" category. That's been my feeling from day one. If someone gave a set of these to me, I'd turn them down.

Now here we are bickering because this dude didn’t incorporate enough bland colors like Mustard and Colon?? GTFO.
I didn't say that. My contention is using almost exclusively bright dayglo colors was clearly chosen as the majority of the user group here loses their mind over chips that look radioactive or would be best put in play during a night of Cosmic Bowling with the UV lights turned on.

Am I a fan? You bet! Should everyone be? Of course not. Are they worth it to some and not to others? That’s how the world works. But some of these arguments y’all are spouting on about are so disingenuous that it’s maddening.
Agreed with you that some of the arguments are indeed maddening. The fawning over these as the be-all end-all GOAT set of Paulsons is particularly maddening to me as it's clear they were designed to appeal to the masses, which they look to have done. That doesn't make them all that as a lot of the recent posts and general chatter (and classified for trade and wanted threads) might lead folks (and newbies to the group) to believe.
Asking this question here is a bit silly. It’s like asking my wife and her friends if their expensive handbags are really worth the prices they’ve (and I’ve) paid for them. The answer is obviously subjective and you’ll get every opinion imaginable.

Were these chips priced appropriately? This is actually an easy question to answer. Appropriate pricing should be where supply = demand and we have some information on this based on what has sold and what hasn’t:

Most of the denoms have sold and there doesn’t seem to be overwhelming demand for extras
—> supply = demand and these racks were priced appropriately​

Some racks have sold out and there’s an overwhelming amount of people still hunting for moar (most of the lower denoms, the sec 1s and 25s I’m desperately looking for…)
—> supply < demand, these could’ve been priced higher​
And a some racks are still available (see Rack Sales #3)
—> supply > demand, these could’ve been priced lower​

I think the real question is why does this seemingly upset you so much? This was a positive sum event, both buyers and sellers are happy here and that’s all that matters. To me, it’s a win for the community and @kk405 and @JeepologyOffroad should be commended for their efforts.
I read a couple of pages and then a great idea hit me, so I skipped to the end. This is the best looking chip on here:

Picture courtesy of @bernielomax who obviously stole it from The Chip Guide since they own every chip pic since the Roman soldiers were gambling for Jesus' robe.

Now that I've settled this argument you all can move on to the next one.
at the chance of derailing this thread, what chips do you recommend a beginner start chasing if they wanted to go for leaded, textured (optionally shaped) inlays?
Remember how I was saying to buy things that other people don’t want? I just bought two racks of maybe near mint (hard to tell from the picture) PCA $1s. Nobody wants them because they’re RHCs. But they’re fully leaded with big textured inlays. I’m not sure what I’ll do with them, but at 1.33 apiece, they seem like a huge bargain over recent chip room sales. So I’ll take the value now and figure it out later.
Remember how I was saying to buy things that other people don’t want? I just bought two racks of maybe near mint (hard to tell from the picture) PCA $1s. Nobody wants them because they’re RHCs. But they’re fully leaded with big textured inlays. I’m not sure what I’ll do with them, but at 1.33 apiece, they seem like a huge bargain over recent chip room sales. So I’ll take the value now and figure it out later.
And I don’t mind when the $1 is an RHC. Just like most people like high denoms that are IHC.

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