Sorry to ask but why is this called a GB ?
Based on this info:
OK gang the group buy chips finally showed up. There were more than expected and the price changed some. Basically, to get more sets together I purchased another big set holders chips at a somewhat larger price. By merging the sale I was able to get more 100s which are getting scarce, Spinetti's is selling them for $7 each.
Liftapint originally got me started down this path about doing a full buy out several months ago, so I gave her first shot. She picked up a lot of chips from the group buy. I'll let her go over those details if she wants to share them. I built my set out from my personal chips and added some to the group buy to make some additional playable sets for this group buy.
I must conclude that this should not be called a GB, but a are just selling 5 chip sets ?
You have bought a big batch, used the chips you/Liftapint needed and added selling the remainders.
Don't get me wrong, no harm in what is's just not a GB IMHO