Tropicana Group Buy. Lottery for spot in line ends 11/29 9PM Eastern (2 Viewers)

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This is a classic case of stupid bureaucracy making things way harder than they need to be. And the idea of a GB requiring the buy coordinator to do chip by chip QA checks is just LOLOLOL.
This is a classic case of stupid bureaucracy making things way harder than they need to be. And the idea of a GB requiring the buy coordinator to do chip by chip QA checks is just LOLOLOL.

Sure, you could try to mock me... I tried to post an honest opinion about something without calling out Harley (because there is no reason to).
I do think same rules should apply for all posters including you.
Harley bought some chips. Harley is selling some chips. Harley posted an earlier thread making sure there was enough interest in people buying the chips so he wouldn't get stuck with a bunch of extra chips he didn't want. Nothing wrong with any of that.

But it doesn't make it a group buy. Just somebody buying and reselling chips. No group collection of monies to purchase anything, no equally shared costs, no equal risk spread across all participants, no above-board disclosure of costs and how they affect all participants.

Even if we stipulate that yours is the best definition of a GB, what is the purpose of designating a GB as such? I still haven't heard anyone say why it matters that it's a GB or a WTS.
Nothing hard here at all, bergs. Harley has a bunch of chips to sell. Some are 'damaged'. He's not planning on sorting them, so the risk of getting damaged chips rests solely on the buyers. His prerogative to do so, and the buyers' prerogative to accept that risk or not.

If it were a group buy (where all risks are shared equally), then the damaged chips should be distributed equally across all participants -- including those received by H/Q and liftapint.
The risk is shared equally by me and the other buyers -- there will be no special sorting on my behalf either.
I would avoid ever running a group buy just for the accountability for damaged chips then.

Maybe my earlier post came off as harsh - I just think people are putting rules around things that inherently don't need nor will benefit from rules. This isn't Chiptalk where Greg was trying to monetize everything as a revenue stream, which was the real reason for the GB vs WTS distinction in the first place.

Regardless, there is no publicly accepted standard on the differentiation. Sellers / GB organizers are free to call these whatever they wish and buyers are free to buy or not buy has they wish - unless Tommy decides to issue a fatwa to the contrary. :-)
Great house mold classic chips!
Awesome price!
Upstanding seller!

Thanks H|Q! Wish I could buy more!
Can I have a fractional number? Also, I could collect all of the money, pay HQ with one payment, sort all of the chips, then send them out as separate packages to each of the winners. lol, just kidding, but good luck you junkies!
I would avoid ever running a group buy just for the accountability for damaged chips then.

Absolutely this. This aspect of this whole debate is the most inherently dumb imo.

Let's get it straight: we want a structure in place where the organizer is prevented from benefiting from the sale in any way and yet also bears all the liability of being "responsible" if someone thinks they received chips of a different quality than those received by another participant. So no benefit but all the risk. That will surely encourage people to make highly sought after chips available to the community.
Great house mold classic chips!
Awesome price!
Upstanding seller!

Thanks H|Q! Wish I could buy more!

Quiet you! You're always causing trouble.

Group buy and WTS don't have any impact on this site other than what forum it belongs to.

Until PCF defines a group buy we are just arguing semantics and opinion. Which is an argument that doesn't have any place in this participant thread.

Let's move it along to the WTS vs GB thread.
Nothing hard here at all, bergs. Harley has a bunch of chips to sell. Some are 'damaged'. He's not planning on sorting them, so the risk of getting damaged chips rests solely on the buyers. His prerogative to do so, and the buyers' prerogative to accept that risk or not.

If it were a group buy (where all risks are shared equally), then the damaged chips should be distributed equally across all participants -- including those received by H/Q and liftapint.

I participated in the CPS group buy and received several chips that were missing labels on one side. Can you confirm that all of the chips were inspected prior to being shipped and that I received a proportionate number of flawed chips in comparison to all others who participated?
I'm also considering throwing my name in while figuring out what project gets some funding taken away form it for these. Whenever I make a purchase that I don't really need for more than I thought I would spend I always justify it to myself that I could always sell said item and get my money back...but damn I HATE selling stuff.

I posted a pistol that I don't shoot much anymore on one of the local gun boards, if it sells today while watching football I am throwing my name into the hat. I figure that even if it sells and I don't get lottery picked I've got a decent chunk to put towards the first set of customs...or whatever else I find to buy. lol
If I didn't have so many PCA's I would make this my cash set. I've played with Trops at Sanels and Dolomites and they are a perfect "performance" chip. They shuffle the eva' and have that classic leadalicious casino Paulson weight to them.

For those that know Harley, we know he's trying to hook up the chipper community. He intentionally overbought a buttload of sweet chips from a private source with the sole intention of putting them in the right hands (aka PCF). He's done this many times without asking for profit. However, it seems like it needs to be a straight up FS otherwise it becomes a shit show.

If Harleys rules seem complicated, its really a small cost of acquiring these chips at under $2 per. Once dispersed I can see the Trops sets climb to $2-$5 per chip.
2015 - where the vocal minority scream enough to outweigh the silent majority. Pretty simple, if you don't like his rules, don't participate.
2015 - where the vocal minority scream enough to outweigh the silent majority. Pretty simple, if you don't like his rules, don't participate.

So I tried to play nice and all I get is this nonsens... go crawl under a rock if you cant stand another opinion
So I tried to play nice and all I get is this nonsens... go crawl under a rock if you cant stand another opinion
I don't think the replies you are taking offense to are being directed at you personally FWIW.

At any rate, on to what's important. Chipes!
I don't think the replies you are taking offense to are being directed at you personally FWIW.

At any rate, on to what's important. Chipes!
Mine was just a general statement, never even noticed who originated the argument, didn't particularly care
@H|Q I have been watching this thread and trying to resist but I think I want in now. I did have one question though. In the original post it says $1.86 per chip. With all in is it not $2.01 per chip? Still a great deal!

Give me a lucky number for the drawing!!!


David O
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@H|Q I have been watching this thread and trying to resist but I think I want in now. I did have one question though. In the original post it says $1.86 per chip. With all in is it not $2.01 per chip? Still a great deal!

Give me a lucky number for the drawing!!!


David O

I think if you take out shipping it would be about 1.86/chip is how I'm thinking about it. Can't count shipping for the cost of the chip.
I think if you take out shipping it would be about 1.86/chip is how I'm thinking about it. Can't count shipping for the cost of the chip.
You do have to count shipping in the cost of the chip because that is the actual cost of the chip, To purchase this set you are paying just a fraction over $2.01 per chip. Assuming they were $1.86 per chip plus shipping that would make shipping $61.

Still a great deal though.
You may be absolutely right about the numbers, I definitely didn't do the math, but the reason I wouldn't count shipping is because it's a cost that I can't avoid, where as if I lived next door to HQ I might be able to save in shipping. Don't get me wrong, I get what you are saying, but to me shipping would not be what I paid for the chip, only what I paid for someone to bring me the chips.
Could be that out of the $805, $1.86/chip covers the chips themselves ($744). The rest covers shipping, insurance and paypal fees ($61).

Just a guess.
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I know how many think but with my background I always have a retail skew to how I think. When we purchased items for resale we had to put all costs to acquire an item to get the correct ROI.
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