Upcoming Pentagon UFO/UAP Report - Anyone Else Interested? (7 Viewers)


Aug 12, 2019
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United States
Discussions are actually heating up about this, among serious people.
We should have some interesting news this month and could expect a cascade of additional stories throughout the year.

It’s intriguing, no doubt. But it has always seemed too “out there” to be credible. That said, there was a pretty high profile case recently over Manitoba that the airline didn’t want to comment on.
Hey, when a Pentagon official with SAP security clearance (Luiz Elizondo) says, ‘these things are clocking in at 600-Gs and making 90 degree turns,’ they have my attention.
Apparently, the fastest publicly known aircraft can only fly about 15% that speed and takes ‘half the state of Ohio’ to make a left-hand turn.
They’re also saying that they have footage of these UAP emerging from the height of earth’s atmosphere to sea level in under two seconds - at times even emerging in and out of the water without any influence on their speed.
They’re being spotted in fleets, have been recorded merging into one vehicle and separating into multiple vehicles.
All seen by military trained eye witnesses, battleship radar, submarine radar/sonar, F18 FLIR infrared cameras, Top Gun pilots, night vision.. it’s pretty legitimate evidence they’re bringing to the table.
Most of all, they refuse to talk about aliens..
So the focus being on the hard evidence and credible witnesses of some unknown vehicles actually has legs.. this won’t go away quickly.
Pilots are saying they saw these things, not once, not twice, but every single time they went up into the air, every single day, for years. Air craft carriers were being stalked out at sea for long periods of time by fleets of UFOs that never ran out of ‘fuel’ and the Navy/Air Force couldn’t do anything about it.

This story is red hot.
I don't expect any evidence of extra terrestrial activity. It's more likely the release will point to, "Unusual phenomenon that we don't have enough evidence to explain".
I'm interested. For decades the gov't always took the stance of everything was explainable - weather balloon BS, strange light effect, etc...

At least they are coming out now and acknowledging they don't know what these things are, and releasing some information on what they are seeing.
The UFO/UAP Task Force report was released yesterday.
A preliminary & unclassified report was posted online yesterday, by Avril Hanes' office (Director of National Intelligence) - Link
The content is pretty bare-bones, nothing sensational to see in terms of extraterrestrial intelligence.
The gist seems to be, 'technology exists which is outside of our current scientific understanding, it is breaching restricted airspace, there are multiple military-grade sensors which are simultaneously reporting/confirming the same data.' (well over one hundred recent cases served as hard examples for the committee)
You never know if classified briefings will leak, if we even want them to leak; conflicting feelings there..
But hey - There it is: This information is in congressional hands and the federal steering-wheel will have to adjust to it.
It isn't a conversation that lays dead outside of DC..
Chris Mellon and Luis Elizondo aren't stopping here - We can also expect George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell to release new footage in the near future..
Stay tuned and let me know if anyone crosses interesting info!
I've been a UFO buff since my youth, it has always been a fascinating topic to me. In recent years since the O'Hare and Stevenville incidents I began to feel we are just never ever gonna get some real evidence. Then I heard David Fravor talk about his encounter, also witnesses from the other plane that was with them. To me it's the most compelling eye witness account from a credible source I've ever heard. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't watched this, do so.

I've been a UFO buff since my youth, it has always been a fascinating topic to me. In recent years since the O'Hare and Stevenville incidents I began to feel we are just never ever gonna get some real evidence. Then I heard David Fravor talk about his encounter, also witnesses from the other plane that was with them. To me it's the most compelling eye witness account from a credible source I've ever heard. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't watched this, do so.


1:39:20 :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

tic tac meme, rogan 1,39,20.png
These pilots are seeing some crazy stuff. It's so fascinating. The Gimbal UFO video is super interesting and reminds me of a 1966 sighting that happened in Australia, where the UFO was flying in the conventional way we think of them, with the base towards the ground, then rotates sideways to enter into something like a high speed mode. Check out this report, it's a read but it's really interesting. This case was also mentioned in the documentary called "The Phenomenon". It's also very similar to the way Lazar described how some of the objects cruise one way, then rotate to fly another way.



Here is the part of the video, which I also recommend watching where Lazar describes these rotating craft. Pretty interesting stuff.

Now, there are compelling video out there debunking and explaining some of these recent videos we've all seen. I'm not sure what I believe exactly, but Fravor's encounter and other similar accounts from highly trained respected military personal can't be discounted.
These pilots are seeing some crazy stuff. It's so fascinating. The Gimbal UFO video is super interesting and reminds me of a 1966 sighting that happened in Australia, where the UFO was flying in the conventional way we think of them, with the base towards the ground, then rotates sideways to enter into something like a high speed mode. Check out this report, it's a read but it's really interesting. This case was also mentioned in the documentary called "The Phenomenon". It's also very similar to the way Lazar described how some of the objects cruise one way, then rotate to fly another way.

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Here is the part of the video, which I also recommend watching where Lazar describes these rotating craft. Pretty interesting stuff.

Now, there are compelling video out there debunking and explaining some of these recent videos we've all seen. I'm not sure what I believe exactly, but Fravor's encounter and other similar accounts from highly trained respected military personal can't be discounted.
Totally agree, 100% - Thanks for posting this!
I didn’t realize how old that image was!

For anyone who is seeing this image for the first time, this is actually a Polaroid image that was taken in 1966!
It puts to rest a lot of the ‘photoshop’ discussions.
I couldn’t even capture the spacex satellites with my iPhone and they were perfectly visible to me in the night sky.

The guy who captured this with a 1966 Polaroid camera must have had such a nice view!!
There’s a special on TMZ about it right now.
Best way to gain credibility.
Show pictures of UFO’s, then pictures of Britney Spears father and talk about their court battle…
This has definitely been an issue with the subject in general for forever. It gets tossed in with a bunch of other nonsensical trash nobody gives a shit about. Nobody really takes it seriously. Especially when you have guys that look like this on television as well spouting and believing all sorts of wacky things.
This has definitely been an issue with the subject in general for forever. It gets tossed in with a bunch of other nonsensical trash nobody gives a shit about. Nobody really takes it seriously. Especially when you have guys that look like this on television as well spouting and believing all sorts of wacky things.
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Ain’t that the truth.
Then add in that every Tom Dick and Harry has access to a video camera and show them “UFO’s” on their favorite trash content program… now ever flicker in the sky is a “UFO”
Ain’t that the truth.
Then add in that every Tom Dick and Harry has access to a video camera and show them “UFO’s” on their favorite trash content program… now ever flicker in the sky is a “UFO”
This has been one of the main reasons for some of my skepticism over the past 10-15 years. I mean, back in the 80s and 90s the videos you'd see were shot with VHS mostly, like the Phoenix Lights case (which by the way, the most interesting part of that whole case is what happened hours before the video we all know of and rarely gets talked about), most are shaky trash, out of focus, etc... Everything looked just a light blob in the sky. Now, almost everybody on the planet has a camera/recording device in the palm of their hands that's pretty capable of recording and taking decent pictures and we still don't seem to have any proof that gets us closer to the truth. It really is quite frustrating.

Even though I still get giddy and experience a rush when I see a new video or picture, I have tended to rely more on the military or pilot accounts than anything else these days. The military is observing and recording with state of the art instruments these things just sitting up in the sky, motionless, disappear, then re-appear 60 miles away in seconds. Drop down from above 180k feet to surface level in a flash, then go right back up. I mean wtf? There's definitely some strange stuff going on and while a good majority of it can be explained away, there's that percentage that is truly incredible and mysterious. I love this topic :D
Also, Chris Mellon is a no-nonsense guy:


"Chris Mellon (right) and former Secretary of Defence Bill Cohen in 1995."

He wouldn't jeopardize his or his family's reputation without serious motivation.
In the past, I would chalk up sightings such as these to the various black-ops aircraft that the military was testing. Nothing like "aliens" to put the public off the actual scent.

Now, I don't find it unimaginable for there to be technology that can fly at silly speeds, pull ridiculous Gs or appear one place and then another. For one, there is no longer a need to put a person in these vehicles to fly them so you don't have the same limitations that you had before. And I think it highly likely that there is some kind of projection technology that allows you to project the appearance of an object and make it move in crazy ways. There certainly is technology that allows you to befuddle radar.

Remember the B-2 was designed in the 70s, built in the 80s and first flew over 30 years ago. The F-22 was designed in the 80s with prototypes in the 90s and first flew over 20 years ago. Who knows what something designed in the 2010s would be capable of - and with CNC and additive manufacturing, they can go from design to working prototype much faster than in the past.
What happened before the Phoenix lights?
One of the things that's fascinating about that story is you always associate the case with the video of the lights by the Barry Goldwater Range, the footage we've all seen. The more interesting part of the case is all the eyewitness accounts of the humongous flying V that silently flew across the entire state hours before that 2nd incident. That's the more intriguing part to me. I remember watching this on the History Channel back in the day and have a recording of it somewhere, but this incident and the video of the light are two separate events on the same night. The lights in the video probably are flares, but who knows for sure. Nobody agrees, surprisingly :rolleyes:

In the past, I would chalk up sightings such as these to the various black-ops aircraft that the military was testing. Nothing like "aliens" to put the public off the actual scent.

Now, I don't find it unimaginable for there to be technology that can fly at silly speeds, pull ridiculous Gs or appear one place and then another. For one, there is no longer a need to put a person in these vehicles to fly them so you don't have the same limitations that you had before. And I think it highly likely that there is some kind of projection technology that allows you to project the appearance of an object and make it move in crazy ways. There certainly is technology that allows you to befuddle radar.

Remember the B-2 was designed in the 70s, built in the 80s and first flew over 30 years ago. The F-22 was designed in the 80s with prototypes in the 90s and first flew over 20 years ago. Who knows what something designed in the 2010s would be capable of - and with CNC and additive manufacturing, they can go from design to working prototype much faster than in the past.
This is one of the more exciting aspects of this whole ‘movement’ in that guys like Chris Mellon are said to have access to those black projects.
As far as I’m aware, the Department of Energy was the only curtain that he wasn’t able to open in its entirety.
I’m still learning though, admittedly, as these people take more things public.
But this is another reason why they’re sticking with ‘multiple sensor sightings.’
A projection, in this example, might fool certain sensors but not a full-fledged battleship and all of its capabilities.
But still love the idea of advanced holographic/physical projections - that could be equally as exciting to see.
In the past, I would chalk up sightings such as these to the various black-ops aircraft that the military was testing. Nothing like "aliens" to put the public off the actual scent.

Now, I don't find it unimaginable for there to be technology that can fly at silly speeds, pull ridiculous Gs or appear one place and then another. For one, there is no longer a need to put a person in these vehicles to fly them so you don't have the same limitations that you had before. And I think it highly likely that there is some kind of projection technology that allows you to project the appearance of an object and make it move in crazy ways. There certainly is technology that allows you to befuddle radar.

Remember the B-2 was designed in the 70s, built in the 80s and first flew over 30 years ago. The F-22 was designed in the 80s with prototypes in the 90s and first flew over 20 years ago. Who knows what something designed in the 2010s would be capable of - and with CNC and additive manufacturing, they can go from design to working prototype much faster than in the past.
Yep, all of these things need to be taken into account, which is why they eye witness testimony of Fravor and the other pilots helps. Obviously, even trained observers can make mistakes, but 4 people describing the same thing and a craft of some sort moving in ways which no know craft can do, is very intriguing.

100% that some of the UFO sightings can be attributed to the F-117, that's for sure.
however you look at it the outcome should be the same...... its no good for us

if its of this planet, we lost the technology edge. This is the cost of our tech companies working off shore, allowing competitive countries to hijack all communications within the tech companies (can give many examples here). Who cares about IP protection? The AI gap ( which we are on the wrong side of) will widen exponentially, as AI is allowed to develop AI. Small example... look at any DJI drone and compare it to any rival.... the sw code will keep DJI years in front of their competition.
we should be debating how to teach more STEM in schools not the bs being debated currently.
We need to get the laid off engineers\scientists back to American manufacturing and R&D. Example all american telecom has been sold off to foreign companies, at this point who needs to hack, the cellular equipment already has back doors built in.



if it is extra terrestrial... why would scots be surveying our military sites? :unsure:

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