What a joke! (5 Viewers)

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Nope. This is their position and it doesn't seem nuanced at all:

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I don’t understand. Reread my post. That’s exactly the position I thought the mods took on moderating the sales ads.

I think the confusion here is that there are differences between what is legal and what is right as well as what people can do and what people should do. My point is that the mods have different opinions on what people should do and what the site and moderators will restrict them from doing or force them to do.

Communities (professional, neighborhood, sports, hobbies, etc.) don’t operate pursuant to laws, but pursuant to customs, norms, communication, respect, integrity, and other human aspects of character and interpersonal behavior. Now it’s just a question of whether you view this as a community.
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As you said, it’s simple. If you list a rack of chips for a price of $200 and I say I’ll take it. I intend to pay you $200 for your chips and I expect to get those chips, plain and simple. Like a virtual handshake as someone mentioned.
It’s how I personally do business. If I missed something for what ever reason, that’s on me as well. Trust me, if you ever do business with me, I’m not a member you’ll regret making any kind of transaction with.
My word in person or on a screen means something, it should mean something to all of us in this community. Just my opinion though.
i never gave you my word, but you whined as if i did..
I fail to see why some are confused about people being upset about the actions debated here. These sale posts constitute contracts, and even more binding than "verbal" contracts. Sellers says "I will sell XXX for $Y". Person comes and says "I will buy it (aka DIBS)". This is a contract. So when person C comes up and whispers "I'll pay you more to sell to me", that is very slimy behavior at the least. But for the seller to turn around and then sell to person C constitutes a breach of the contract.

Thats why people are upset. When you enter into a verbal or written contract and then back out, for anything other than extreme circumstances, people will always be upset.
what if the guy whos yells dibs shows a swastika in his profile picture and me not wanting to sell to nazi's. As a seller i have the right to refuse the sale to whoever the hell i want, If there was a PM and that yes, the chips are yours, different story, but that never happened in this deal at all.

so your point is mute.
Just wanted to say that I can appreciate pieces of all of these arguments. I think for the transaction in question here, a lot of issues would have been solved by explicitly stating that it wasn't going to be a dibs transaction. Also - I understand that he did mention that priority would go to larger lots, but then he also turned around and gave a single rack to some unknown party (again, totally his right).

Everything that happened after the transaction, is a separate issue. i think most of the backlash here is because of the member's attitude and general animosity (as much as he denies it) towards pretty much everyone else. Totally appreciate you're not here to make friends, and you're only here for the money to make a profit, and you think everyone here should go get f*cked. But spoiler alert: PCF is a community and I think most here would like to continue to operate as such. There are plenty of other environments to sell your chips if your only aim is to make a profit and you have absolutely zero interest in being a contributing member of a community forum.

Should you be strung up and crucified for wanting to sell at a profit or sell to whomever you choose? No.
Should you maybe accept that your ad wasn't quite as clear as it could have been? Yes.
Should you try to appreciate how a bunch of members might be upset with the way things went down? I think so.
what part was not clear?

the animostity is stems from a few things. Too many people yelling they were victimized and looking for reparations of some sort and then the entire GANG UP AND BULLY mentality.

yea I said some things that were on my mind, ill say it again, i dont give 2 fucks about your community the bad apples are the loudest ones.. Maybe have your community look within...

proof.. i made another ad, selling my CPS chips. and look what happend, THE FUCKING TROLLS CAME IN DROVES. soo how does that look for your community? DId anyone make a post called, "what. a disgrace!" and shame these guys?

didnt think so,

"Should you try to appreciate how a bunch of members might be upset with the way things went down? I think so."

but what did i actually do? what actions justify their hurtfulness? they are entitled to be upset but at the end of the day, i promised NO ONE my chips.

I read the rules of the classifieds, there is NO dib rules. As someone mentions i had 10 posts.. so is everyone with 10 post supposed to know about this phantom rule?
Ya, don’t tell us to get F***** that’s not cool, I highly doubt he tells that to his family, which is what we are, a community/family of friends who try to do right by one another and help each other out when possible. So many people have been so nice and helpful to me, why would I ever want to do anything wrong to anyone on here. If you aren’t here to make friends but just profit, that’s fine too, but don’t be a dumb ass, because you don’t know your pricing on certain chips. If you have something stated at a set price, then sell it for that price Jack Ass. Don’t be like, “well I didn’t know I could get more for them, so I’m going to sell to someone with a higher offer.” That’s chicken shit, because you didn’t want to take the time to research prices. I always say set the price at what you feel comfortable selling it for and if it doesn’t sell, then lower your price or take down the listing if you don’t want to sell for a cheaper price.
how fucking dense are you? I DID SELL THEM AT THE SET PRICE..
honestly how fucking hard is it to get that through your guys skulls?
We got one motherfu**er who literally was told off by those he said would vouch for him :ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO:(lol he’s even met them in real life), and another new member who is currently banned from classifieds telling us what the site rules are:ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO:!?????

I really have nothing to add.

But did this singer nail it or what?

FWIW, my complaint about ole Tootsie Roll’s sale was never really dibs related, not once he clarified that he was going to prioritize multi-lot buyers over first come first serve. I even partnered up with a couple of folks to increase the number of lots we were willing to buy to try and I meet his terms.

But I thought it was pretty scummy to post for a fair price and then say he was going to pull chips and auction them after apparently multiple people had agreed to buy at his stated price. He obviously didn’t end up doing that, though it isn’t clear he didn’t negotiate higher prices through PM.

The only reaction I planned to have was to post negative feedback about the auction switcheroo, which to me suggests the guy isn’t trustworthy. I was informed site policies don’t allow it. Like lots of others, I didn’t start busting on Tootsie until he started showing his ass in this thread.
maybe this will refresh your memory?

"i guess i can not edit the thread, i will give priortiy to those who are willing to buy more lots than a single. otherwise 1st come 1st serve.

please if you want a quote give me your address as well."
”Hey I’m new here. This seems like a nice place! Tell me, how do you guys and gals do things here?”
CPC is the only site in the world that has classifieds?

really? thats your angle?

i mean this site gets new members every day, and some of them must have post in the classifieds.. where are all the "im new here how do classified work?" post?

Victim blaming , ah i see, I SHOULD OF KNOWN BETTER or at least asked about PHANTOM RULES!

Good point!
We got one motherfu**er who literally was told off by those he said would vouch for him :ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO:(lol he’s even met them in real life), and another new member who is currently banned from classifieds telling us what the site rules are:ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO:!?????

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yep and remember the piece of work, who tried to buy my chips for a laughable offer of $0.38 each? what a joke he is , i mean come one, you were blatantly trying to rip me off, Stay classy barry.
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CPC is the only site in the world that has classifieds?

really? thats your angle?

i mean this site gets new members every day, and some of them must have post in the classifieds.. where are all the "im new here how do classified work?" post?

Victim blaming , ah i see, I SHOULD OF KNOWN BETTER or at least asked about PHANTOM RULES!

Good point!
It’s just the non-asshole way to get to know a new place and its members. Or one can also just tell everyone to fuck off. Whatever rocks your boat, man.
If a bear says dibs in the woods, and nobody hears it, did it really happen? Let's say not.
If you post a public for sale message and somebody calls dibs where everybody can see it according to the rules you listed for the sale, it happened. So if you then wander off into the woods for a good time fuck with the bear who PM'd you and come back out with a smile saying "what dibs?", realize folks will get upset. It's not the letter of the law, but people often get more upset with breaking tradition or respected behaviors than actual written rules.

I will agree the seller has every right to post and act how he wants. It's his name and reputation only at stake. Nobody here signed a legal contract. However, he shouldn't cry if a bunch of people think he's an asshole. He has the right to be an asshole and is doing a great job continuing to exercise that right. People don't have to buy from him or sell to him. And he can continue to sell how he feels is fine as long as the site t&c are not violated and realize he cut out a portion of his potential buyers because he doesn't conform to his word on the site. A lot of stuff here exchanges hands in good faith so that is not such a minor thing.
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It’s just the non-asshole way to get to know a new place and its members. Or one can also just tell everyone to fuck off. Whatever rocks your boat, man.
nah you are wrong, i rocked the boat WELL after this shit community started throwing the 1st stones.. Well after

yet you still blame me for being in the wrong.. Again, im not saying my language during the "fight " was nice.. but the entire point of this shit show is ,

i ripped people of and im really sour..

Yet did nothing of the sort and i will wager anyone here $1000 if they can prove i accepted any offer on my chips and didnt follow through.
I said some things that were on my mind, ill say it again, i dont give 2 fucks about your community


proof.. i made another ad, selling my CPS chips. and look what happend, THE FUCKING TROLLS CAME IN DROVES. soo how does that look for your community?

I honestly don’t even care that much about the classifieds rules or norms. I’ve had great luck buying and selling chips, both from strangers and from friends and trusted members, and am thankful to be able to do so for free (lest I lose even *more* on every one of my transactions here lol). But come the fuck on with this. You can’t tell us all to fuck off and then cry foul if we don’t play nice in your sales thread.
yep and remember the piece of work, who tried to buy my chips for a laughable offer of $0.38 each? what a joke he is , i mean come one, you were blatantly trying to rip me off, Stay classy barry, stay classy you fucking
What chips are these that you’re referring to, if you don’t mind me asking
If a bear says dibs in the woods, and nobody hears it, did it really happen? Let's say not.
If you post a public for sale message and somebody calls dibs where everybody can see it according to the rules you listed for the sale, it happened. So if you then wander off into the woods for a good time fuck with the bear who PM'd you and come back out with a smile saying "what dibs?", realize folks will get upset. It's not the letter of the law, but people often get more upset with breaking tradition or respected behaviors than actual written rules.

I will agree the seller has every right to post and act how he wants. It's his name and reputation only at stake. Nobody here signed a legal contract. However, he shouldn't cry if a bunch of people think he's an asshole. He has the right to be an asshole and is doing a great job continuing to exercise that right. People don't have to buy from him or sell to him. And he can continue to sell how he feels is fine as long as the site t&c are not violated and realize he cut out a portion of his potential buyers because he doesn't confirm to his word on the site. A lot of stuff here exchanges hands in good faith so that is not such a minor thing.
Dibs is a Phantom rule, please remember that in your analogy .
nah you are wrong, i rocked the boat WELL after this shit community started throwing the 1st stones.. Well after

yet you still blame me for being in the wrong.. Again, im not saying my language during the "fight " was nice.. but the entire point of this shit show is ,

i ripped people of and im really sour..

Yet did nothing of the sort and i will wager anyone here $1000 if they can prove i accepted any offer on my chips and didnt follow through.
I blame you for being an asshole mostly. I don’t care what you post or don’t in the classifieds as I won’t deal with you
I honestly don’t even care that much about the classifieds rules or norms. I’ve had great luck buying and selling chips, both from strangers and from friends and trusted members, and am thankful to be able to do so for free (lest I lose even *more* on every one of my transactions here lol). But come the fuck on with this. You can’t tell us all to fuck off and then cry foul if we don’t play nice in your sales thread.
exactly, this is why the childish members leave the biggest shit stain on your community.

they really need to just grow up and get over it.
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