Been wanting to get Div 2 for a while if I could find a physical copy or wait for a digital sale. Been getting into mostly stragedy games. Discovered Door Kickers and I love it.
Also ordered the new Mario+Rabbids game for Thurs. Reviews are coming out today and they all seem to praise it like I hoped. Some people say it's comparable to Div 2 with its movement and tactical combat.
I actually quit Divinity 2 awhile back shortly after I reached Act III because of some frustrations I had with the game. Almost EVERY combat sees your party all clumped together (i.e. easy targets for area of effect spells) while enemies wind up having high ground and are spread out.
In addition, usually there's poison or oil barrels or damaging substances on the ground nearby so then the enemy gets initiative a lot of the time and they just hammer the absolute fuck out of your party.
So a lot of the combats wind up coming down to:
1. Find where the combat happens
2. Get your shit kicked in round 1
3. reload with knowledge of what to expect so you can approach differently, spread out your party, apply buffs, etc
It's just a frustrating slot designed for masochists where you often have to google a lot of stuff to figure out different puzzles or locations, as the quest markers aren't all that great and lots of the stuff you need to solve might be found in one of the gazillion books you find (don't get me started on inventory management, it's a frigging nightmare)
The real saving grace for me was that there were a ton of voiced characters in the game that keep you interested and good dialogue all around. So I actually care about the party members, the quest, etc.
It's just that whomever designed the game seems like a Dungeon Master that just fucking HATES you and wants you to be miserable. You're going to wind up doing a lot of trial and error as you go along.
Another thing is that it uses magical vs physical shielding and damage. So in most RPG's you'd lean towards having a mix of physical and magic damage dealers. But in this game what happens is you encounter a create that has differing levels of shielding (perhaps their physical resistance is high but their magic armor is low)
So your mage hits them with a spell and drops their magic armor to zero, now they can start doing damage to the creatures health. But when your fighter steps up to hit the same opponent, they can't damage its health because they still have to slog through the physical armor.
Thus you wind up wanting a party that's focused on either physical or magical damage to maximize how quickly you can drop opponents so there's one less hitting you each round.
Anyway, I'm now in the final act of the game, but only just started it.