What video games are you playing? (12 Viewers)

Personally, I think The Last of Us make good stories, but not games. Same with Unchartered, which I like more for the popcorn factor.
I really like both of those franchises. Never played LOU2 though. Uncharted was the only reason I bought a second hand PS3 fat and a PS4. Now they sit around. Oh wait, I lied, Diablo on both consoles as well. Only games I have.
I really like both of those franchises. Never played LOU2 though. Uncharted was the only reason I bought a second hand PS3 fat and a PS4. Now they sit around. Oh wait, I lied, Diablo on both consoles as well. Only games I have.
As someone with over 1000 hours in original D2, I can't play them on console. It feels so wrong.
As someone with over 1000 hours in original D2, I can't play them on console. It feels so wrong.
I feel you. Never played I or II. I'm PC master race these days but Diablo III on the PS3&4 is and was loads of fun. I originally bought it for PC but my friends don't game on PC because they're plebes. For that game I prefer a controller, honestly. You got the roll feature too lol!
Love those games! Just downloaded the remasters too.

remaster is what i am playing. i played them in a goofy order - infinite was my first because there was some deal to get it for $1 when i built my current pc back in 2015, so that was the first game i played on it. loved it, so went back to the original. loved that too, bought 2, but for some reason just never got to it.
remaster is what i am playing. i played them in a goofy order - infinite was my first because there was some deal to get it for $1 when i built my current pc back in 2015, so that was the first game i played on it. loved it, so went back to the original. loved that too, bought 2, but for some reason just never got to it.
Great games, creepy with a cool concept. I hope they make another.
As someone with over 1000 hours in original D2, I can't play them on console. It feels so wrong.
I was somewhere in that ballpark on D2, but I played and enjoyed D3 on Xbox. That said, I probably "only" logged maybe 200 hours or so in D3.

I enjoyed it, but played less due to lots of things: different time of life, different priorities, and some degree of "done this already" when playing D3.
I've become such a dad gamer lately.

I work my brain so hard during the day that I crave some mindless entertainment in the evenings. So lately, I've been playing Power Wash Simulator on my Xbox SX. I can literally just point and spray for an hour without having to react to enemies or think too much about strategy - I wouldn't call it fun so much as extremely relaxing.

I'm taking a break from Minecraft (Java). That's been my go-to for about two years now, and I have a couple of ridiculous survival worlds that I've built. I noticed that the last couple of times I played, I'd just create a new world, dick around for a few minutes, then get bored and quit. So I figured stepping away for a bit would be good.

I just (finally) picked up a Switch, and I'm going to give Breath of the Wild a shot. I played the Metroid Dread demo, and that wasn't bad either, so that's on the short list. My hands are too big for it - my wrists and fingers get sore playing in tablet mode or with unattached joycons. I seem to do better with the "grip" accessory, so I might have to pick up a pro controller or something similar.
I've become such a dad gamer lately.

I work my brain so hard during the day that I crave some mindless entertainment in the evenings. So lately, I've been playing Power Wash Simulator on my Xbox SX. I can literally just point and spray for an hour without having to react to enemies or think too much about strategy - I wouldn't call it fun so much as extremely relaxing.

I'm taking a break from Minecraft (Java). That's been my go-to for about two years now, and I have a couple of ridiculous survival worlds that I've built. I noticed that the last couple of times I played, I'd just create a new world, dick around for a few minutes, then get bored and quit. So I figured stepping away for a bit would be good.

I just (finally) picked up a Switch, and I'm going to give Breath of the Wild a shot. I played the Metroid Dread demo, and that wasn't bad either, so that's on the short list. My hands are too big for it - my wrists and fingers get sore playing in tablet mode or with unattached joycons. I seem to do better with the "grip" accessory, so I might have to pick up a pro controller or something similar.
+1 for connecting the dock to the TV and going with the pro controller. Loved BOTW. Plenty of exploring.
+1 for connecting the dock to the TV and going with the pro controller. Loved BOTW. Plenty of exploring.
Love the pro controller. First thing I included when I bought my switch. I demoed the joycons years ago when the switch first relewsed and hated how the buttons and joysticks felt.

I even use my pro controller undocked on my Lamicall T-stand.
So I played through Trials of Mana, which was solid, but shows it's age a bit with no fast travel and no save anywhere.

But what I've really been liking is Ys VIII. I played some Ys games way back in the day, and even then they were on the weird side of action RPGs. But VIII and IX (which I dabbled in a bit) have been really fun. With quick and interesting combat and surprisingly good stories.
I picked up Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Enhanced Edition, but still need to finish the final act of Divinity Original Sin 2 before I jump in
I picked up Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Enhanced Edition, but still need to finish the final act of Divinity Original Sin 2 before I jump in

Been wanting to get Div 2 for a while if I could find a physical copy or wait for a digital sale. Been getting into mostly stragedy games. Discovered Door Kickers and I love it.

Also ordered the new Mario+Rabbids game for Thurs. Reviews are coming out today and they all seem to praise it like I hoped. Some people say it's comparable to Div 2 with its movement and tactical combat.
Been wanting to get Div 2 for a while if I could find a physical copy or wait for a digital sale. Been getting into mostly stragedy games. Discovered Door Kickers and I love it.

Also ordered the new Mario+Rabbids game for Thurs. Reviews are coming out today and they all seem to praise it like I hoped. Some people say it's comparable to Div 2 with its movement and tactical combat.

I actually quit Divinity 2 awhile back shortly after I reached Act III because of some frustrations I had with the game. Almost EVERY combat sees your party all clumped together (i.e. easy targets for area of effect spells) while enemies wind up having high ground and are spread out.

In addition, usually there's poison or oil barrels or damaging substances on the ground nearby so then the enemy gets initiative a lot of the time and they just hammer the absolute fuck out of your party.

So a lot of the combats wind up coming down to:

1. Find where the combat happens
2. Get your shit kicked in round 1
3. reload with knowledge of what to expect so you can approach differently, spread out your party, apply buffs, etc

It's just a frustrating slot designed for masochists where you often have to google a lot of stuff to figure out different puzzles or locations, as the quest markers aren't all that great and lots of the stuff you need to solve might be found in one of the gazillion books you find (don't get me started on inventory management, it's a frigging nightmare)

The real saving grace for me was that there were a ton of voiced characters in the game that keep you interested and good dialogue all around. So I actually care about the party members, the quest, etc.

It's just that whomever designed the game seems like a Dungeon Master that just fucking HATES you and wants you to be miserable. You're going to wind up doing a lot of trial and error as you go along.

Another thing is that it uses magical vs physical shielding and damage. So in most RPG's you'd lean towards having a mix of physical and magic damage dealers. But in this game what happens is you encounter a create that has differing levels of shielding (perhaps their physical resistance is high but their magic armor is low)

So your mage hits them with a spell and drops their magic armor to zero, now they can start doing damage to the creatures health. But when your fighter steps up to hit the same opponent, they can't damage its health because they still have to slog through the physical armor.

Thus you wind up wanting a party that's focused on either physical or magical damage to maximize how quickly you can drop opponents so there's one less hitting you each round.

Anyway, I'm now in the final act of the game, but only just started it.
Anybody getting the Tactics Ogre: Reborn remaster in a few weeks? Saw much of the QoL improvements to units and gameplay with the original creator one this one too so I'm excited. Never played it but played Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced as a kid. Didn't care much for tactical strategy when I was younger.

Also been playing Mario+Rabbids Sparks of Hope. Really like the new mechanics to the tactical combat, but still unsure how I feel overall compared to the first one but they're honestly practically two separate games mechanically which is nice not making the first one obsolete.
Bought COD MWII. Was trying to hold out until they have their first sale price. Lost that battle when I found out you can start the campaign early if you pre-order. Well played Activision.

Tried out Overwatch 2. Not really impressed with this. It's more of a slightly re-vamped Overwatch 1. At least it's free, but the new battle pass is garbage. OW was pretty much the only game I played for years. Tried out Orisa and they completely changed her. Supposedly she's better now, but I would have to learn her new moves. Switching to Junkrat and Deva.
Anybody getting the Tactics Ogre: Reborn remaster in a few weeks? Saw much of the QoL improvements to units and gameplay with the original creator one this one too so I'm excited. Never played it but played Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced as a kid. Didn't care much for tactical strategy when I was younger.

Hell freaking yes! Though I have it on my Christmas wishlist so it'll be delayed for me until then at least.
Hell freaking yes! Though I have it on my Christmas wishlist so it'll be delayed for me until then at least.
I poured tons of hours into FFT back in the day. But since then, I've never been able to get back into TRPGs. I can't even get myself to play FFT again. Not for lack of trying either as I have tried multiple Disgaea games and a the recent a Triangle Tactics and I'm always just left feeling meh.
Playing MLB The Show just to continually flog the Astros and Madden to prove to myself that someone other than Jerry Jones could’ve successfully navigated the salary cap and won multiple Super Bowls.
I poured tons of hours into FFT back in the day. But since then, I've never been able to get back into TRPGs. I can't even get myself to play FFT again. Not for lack of trying either as I have tried multiple Disgaea games and a the recent a Triangle Tactics and I'm always just left feeling meh.

Really comes down to if you want to invest the time and effort into planning out your roster. When the gameplay itself isn't very interactive, it can provide diminishing returns.

I still love Elden Ring even now, and God of War will of course be played after Christmas which are far more demanding. But sometimes, unplugging from having to do excellent reactions in combat is needed so TRPGs or Slay the Spire are exactly what the doctor ordered.
Really comes down to if you want to invest the time and effort into planning out your roster. When the gameplay itself isn't very interactive, it can provide diminishing returns.

I still love Elden Ring even now, and God of War will of course be played after Christmas which are far more demanding. But sometimes, unplugging from having to do excellent reactions in combat is needed so TRPGs or Slay the Spire are exactly what the doctor ordered.
Well I'm 300 hours in on StS. And I've still never really bothered playing much with Ascensions.
I've been dumping hours in Valheim with some friends. It's really relaxing and enjoyable if you want to take things slow, but it can ramp up and get pretty intense in some of the later bioms. Never been one for survival adventure, but this game changed that. I'll probably try the COD eventually, but I'll wait for the free modes.
I poured tons of hours into FFT back in the day. But since then, I've never been able to get back into TRPGs. I can't even get myself to play FFT again. Not for lack of trying either as I have tried multiple Disgaea games and a the recent a Triangle Tactics and I'm always just left feeling meh.

Well I'm 300 hours in on StS. And I've still never really bothered playing much with Ascensions.

I now love tactical strategy games. Whether they're RPG or not, I just want good fun gameplay that has longevity and replayability. I feel these games have deeper mechanics for creativity and customization in tackling opponents. Its where im at the point where im not really invested in thebusual Zelda games I always loved anymore and sink into turned-based tactical games that itches that critical thinking mindset.

I was intrigued by Triange Strategy, but with the heavy focus in story, much less it being a big bulk of the game over gameplay, turns me off where I want to play the game, plus I have gaps between play time so I'll forget the story after a while to not be able to get sucked back into the story.

Also I still recommend Into the Breach and Battle Brothers. The latter is really addicting once it clicks amd player higher difficulty, while the latter is strategic combat with close RNG to XCOM2 with army management sim. I got StS and is for sure fun, but somehow lost interest in it. Maybe if I tried going back into it. Heard Monster Train is really good.

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