What video games are you playing? (7 Viewers)

I've got ~450 hours playing HumanKind on my PC. I can't progress past the Nation level of difficulty without getting my ass stomped.

Does anyone else play this?
Is anyone playing Tom Clancy's Division 2?
I have a friend who I play with constantly. We are looking for a couple more steady players to join us on a regular basis.
So Monster Train First Class is now finally on sale in the eShop for 50% off. I'm really liking it. Liking it a bit more than StS ATM. The latter wasn't bad at all, in fact it's a good bit different than MT but I'm digging the gameplay a bit more here.

Nearly all strategy games I wishlists I now have. Just waiting for Tactics Ogre and the leaked Final Fantasy Tactics remaster to come out and I should be good for getting any more tactical strategy games until one really piques my interest.
So Monster Train First Class is now finally on sale in the eShop for 50% off. I'm really liking it. Liking it a bit more than StS ATM. The latter wasn't bad at all, in fact it's a good bit different than MT but I'm digging the gameplay a bit more here.

Nearly all strategy games I wishlists I now have. Just waiting for Tactics Ogre and the leaked Final Fantasy Tactics remaster to come out and I should be good for getting any more tactical strategy games until one really piques my interest.
Glad you like it!

I just finished the action RPG Ys VIII on PS5 (it's free with the highest sub level). I really liked it. Great story and fun quick combat.

Going to start on Ys IX or maybe... Persona 5 Royal. The latter will end up being quite the time sink if I follow through.
Glad you like it!

I just finished the action RPG Ys VIII on PS5 (it's free with the highest sub level). I really liked it. Great story and fun quick combat.

Going to start on Ys IX or maybe... Persona 5 Royal. The latter will end up being quite the time sink if I follow through.

I tried I believe Ys 8 demo a while back and seemed fun. Reminded me of the Trail of Mana game and Marvel UA3. Combat seemed fun but not as deep as I wanted.

I'm hesitant on Persona5 since it's a big game, but P5 Strikers looked interesting if it ever has a good discount sale.
No idea why I'm admitting this, but I recently pulled out my son's Skylanders games and figures and have been messing around with them on our original Wii console. Been collecting dust for about 10 years until now. It's a silly, easy game, but it's kind of fun with the figures that "come to life" when placed on the portal of power.

I tried I believe Ys 8 demo a while back and seemed fun. Reminded me of the Trail of Mana game and Marvel UA3. Combat seemed fun but not as deep as I wanted.

I'm hesitant on Persona5 since it's a big game, but P5 Strikers looked interesting if it ever has a good discount sale.
Strikers was free on PS Plus months back. Only downside, is it REALLY helps to have played Persona 5 first because it's sort of a continuation except that it didn't count the extra stuff from Royal.
I've been sampling a good bit lately.

I recently picked up a Switch, and I've put some time into Little Nightmares, Metroid Dread (demo), Torchlight 2, and Crypt of the Necrodancer.

On Xbox, I still zone out here and there with Power Wash Simulator. I also played through an "interactive film" called Immortality. It's pure story - basically your job is to discover film clips non-chronologically, and use them to piece together the story of an up and coming starlet. It was okay, but I would not have understood the story without online assistance.

Finally, I started Scorn. I love the feel and the environment, but gawd is it slow and hard to figure out. I don't expect to put a lot of time into it.
Finally, I started Scorn. I love the feel and the environment, but gawd is it slow and hard to figure out. I don't expect to put a lot of time into it.

I haven't played Scorn but I'm led to believe it's more of an atmospheric puzzle game (like Myst) than the shooter it may have have (mistakenly) presented it to be. I think it looks awesome. I'll probably pick it up.
I haven't played Scorn but I'm led to believe it's more of an atmospheric puzzle game (like Myst) than the shooter it may have have (mistakenly) presented it to be. I think it looks awesome. I'll probably pick it up.
Oh I get that, and I love puzzlers so that's not a problem.

Scorn drops you into the world with no hints or explanation of WTF is going on, so it takes time to orient yourself, which is fine. But (trying to avoid spoilers), it quickly moves into large puzzles that require a lot of repeated back and forth, but minimal guidance to let you know you're doing the right thing.

It's not for the easily frustrated.
Just played Red Alert (through CNCNet) with 2 cousins. It brought great memories !

Tomorrow we'll give OpenRA (which is a modern RTS with old school Red Alert skin) a shot.
Factorio is a huge time sink.

It also comes with a ton of mods for those that develop an addiction.
I haven't been into gaming much lately. Loved Diablo 2, PoE, Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy games, and strategy card games (MtG, Hex, etc).

Marvel Snap send me down a deep tunnel. I played the first week to get whatever rewards and didn't really care much. The IP doesn't much matter to me, but the gameplay is too addicting for me. I don't want to know how many hours I've played in the last week. However, once I don't play for a day or two, who knows if I'll even care (aka Hearthstone, MtG Arena, Super Auto Pets, so many Idle games).
I’m still playing Rocksmith. It’s a “game” that lets you play real songs on a real guitar or bass, but gameplay is like Guitar Hero. It’s a hoot.
You can also modify it to play custom downloadable songs, available from a large online community.
I’m still playing Rocksmith. It’s a “game” that lets you play real songs on a real guitar or bass, but gameplay is like Guitar Hero. It’s a hoot.
You can also modify it to play custom downloadable songs, available from a large online community.
I absolutely LOVED guitar hero. Guitar Hero II had the best songs IMO.
I’m still playing Rocksmith. It’s a “game” that lets you play real songs on a real guitar or bass, but gameplay is like Guitar Hero. It’s a hoot.
You can also modify it to play custom downloadable songs, available from a large online community.
I unironically learned initially to play drums on Expert in Rock Band 2. Realized the drum parts had the exact beats to the songs, learned to and picked up on what pad represented what, learned to coordinate, and would later get an electric kit to learn drum parts in songs that I hear. Spent years playing and practicing that way since I forgot to read music a long time ago.
this looks really well done, but i can't imagine the fiddliness required to truly capture the spirit of StS in a physical game. can you imagine trying to play an Anger deck with actual cards? :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Some things are obviously simplified.

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