Who's Who of PCF (2 Viewers)

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3 of a Kind
Nov 6, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I saw a version of this thread on CT and thought I might start one here to see the faces behind the chips.

Please use this thread to post pics of yourself. Bonus points if you have a picture that doesn't include poker chips. I know that may be hard for some of you poker addicts.

Here's me and my wife:


And here's the little guy that's taken away any youthful glow in the photo above (but who needs that anyway:)

Railroad, Communications and Signals dept.
Firefly guy!

Yup, Cap't Mal himself. He's as affable and gracious as you would want him to be. We of the Psypher clan are definitely Browncoats! I try to keep my nerd a little separate from my poker, but when someone asks for the real Psypher...well, you get both. Really enjoyed his panel and glad I got the opportunity to call him cap'n. If the opportunity presents itself again, I'll definitely be paying to get an autograph, cost be damned.
Tommy, you so busy at work that you have no time for bathroom breaks? Just wipe as you type. ;)
Tommy, you so busy at work that you have no time for bathroom breaks? Just wipe as you type. ;)

I took me a minute to get that. I was like WTF? LOL That's a roll of paper towels, not tp. :cool:
All this good food. :( My ice hockey and basketball days are over so I have to eat this sort of stuff now. Plus a little health scare I had about two weeks ago gave me a big wake up call.

I am actually a squash player but not as much anymore (former big time beach volleyball nut). I am fixated now more on weights and nutrition currently.
I am looking to compete in a few years in fitness competitions locally. I have a good solid 205 lbs frame at 6 feet at 10% body fat but when I cut this summer I will be about 187-190 at 5-6%.

This from 2012 and I am a decent size bigger now I think.
I am actually a squash player but not as much anymore (former big time beach volleyball nut). I am fixated now more on weights and nutrition currently.
I am looking to compete in a few years in fitness competitions locally. I have a good solid 205 lbs frame at 6 feet at 10% body fat but when I cut this summer I will be about 187-190 at 5-6%.


Loved me some beach volleyball back in the day. Stoklos was my favorite, but watching Kiraly/Steffes play was somethin' special.

And then there was Liz Masakayan... #crush
Wife and I sat in the center, father-i-l and mother-i-l to the right, brothers-i-l (with one of the wives) to the left:

Beautiful families
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