Why Are Paulsons The Best? (32 Viewers)


High Hand
Jan 21, 2025
Reaction score
Hi all, still fairly new to chipping.

Why are Paulsons the best? A genuine answer would be much appreciated— I understand they are the favorite among professional card rooms and casinos, but why are they so beloved among everyone? Why is it the holy grail? I have heard many people say it "feels" better— why? How?

Paulsons are also way out of my budget.

Thank you in advance,
Best way to understand... get samples. Samples of the many options. Versus ceramic or plastics, compression clay chips are just nicer in every way.

I like Paulsons but find I love CPCs more. Fully custom, cheaper per chip than most Paulsons on sale, more durable, feel less plastic.

But this is subjective territory.
They stack well, have a "soft" feel compared to others, sound different, and just better. It's more of a click or click than the clink others have. The classic Paulson molds are also classy, with a design that is elegant and underrated. Graphics are great, and they have numerous edge spots and color combos that other manufacturers don't. The only thing I have felt that compared were TR King, and they didn't have the same colors and edgespot combinations of Paulson. They are better at all the things poker chips do than any other brand is.
it’s so subjective.
For me paulsons have a lower pitch when shuffling or splashing, meaning they have a deeper sound. A lower pitch than the CPC or china clays. More pleasing to my ears.
I guess I was also too lazy to build a custom CPC set so it was cheaper and easier to buy someone else’s near mint or very good condition Paulson set.
There is something special about the feel of quality leaded paulsons in your hands. Getting samples is the only way to understand. If you’re curious enough to make this post then I bet you’ll understand. Spend 100 and get some samples. You can always resell what you don’t want.
There doesn't seem to be one right answer. Poker chips discussions seem to be a bit like speaker cables.
Shit. I always thought those guys were crazy.
On top of all the crazy sounding talk about their feel, for me there’s huge appeal to chips from a real casino.
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Best way to understand... get samples. Samples of the many options. Versus ceramic or plastics, compression clay chips are just nicer in every way.

I like Paulsons but find I love CPCs more. Fully custom, cheaper per chip than most Paulsons on sale, more durable, feel less plastic.

But this is subjective territory.
My experience with my clay samples (not Paulsons) have been that they very easily collect dirt. This has been something that’s been annoying because I’m just trying to shuffle them and you start seeing dirt buildups in the mold indents
it’s so subjective.
For me paulsons have a lower pitch when shuffling or splashing, meaning they have a deeper sound. A lower pitch than the CPC or china clays. More pleasing to my ears.
I guess I was also too lazy to build a custom CPC set so it was cheaper and easier to buy someone else’s near mint or very good condition Paulson set.
There is something special about the feel of quality leaded paulsons in your hands. Getting samples is the only way to understand. If you’re curious enough to make this post then I bet you’ll understand. Spend 100 and get some samples. You can always resell what you don’t want.
That’s true. I do forget about the resell value but the crazy price tag just turns me off.
Shit. I always thought those guys were crazy.
On top of all the crazy sounding talk about their feel, for me there’s huge appeal to chips from a real casino.
I get that, especially old casino chips from a real casino that has closed. Now I’m just wondering if it’s worth the price tag
I’m just wondering if it’s worth the price tag
No. Is a $10 paulson twenty times better than a 50 cent chinese ceramic hybrid chip? Of course not. It's a silly indulgence. But I can tell the difference, and I love the feel of the old leaded paulsons so it's worth it to me.
No. Is a $10 paulson twenty times better than a 50 cent chinese ceramic hybrid chip? Of course not. It's a silly indulgence. But I can tell the difference, and I love the feel of the old leaded paulsons so it's worth it to me.
I’m glad to hear your honest thoughts. Also a related question that I don’t really see talked about on here— are leaded chips not dangerous? Always been curious…
Part of the attraction to Paulson poker chips is simply their rarity. They are available in very limited quantities and made by a company that won't make them for or sell them to the public.

We want whatever it is we can't get. Make it available and we don't want it anymore. Make it harder to get and it's all we want.
Part of the attraction to Paulson poker chips is simply their rarity. They are available in very limited quantities and made by a company that won't make them for or sell them to the public.

We want whatever it is we can't get. Make it available and we don't want it anymore. Make it harder to get and it's all we want.
How is the next-best alternative (seems like its CPCs)? Are they at least 80/90% of Paulsons?
There doesn't seem to be one right answer. Poker chips discussions seem to be a bit like speaker cables.
Wait.....are chip molds also forged by elves during moonlight ?

Them suckkas must be busy....

There is no such thing as a Paulson chip...many kind of paulson chips: mold, formula (leaded, minerals or current formula), finishing (textured, shaped inlays or modern glossy inlays) and wear. All these things change the way a chip feels.

The attracting must be, looking at our own quest at PCF, is to mimmic casino atmosphere to the max (chips, table, cards, ....).
Since most (US based) casino (used to) use Paulson chips, this is what we want...imho
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How is the next-best alternative (seems like its CPCs)? Are they at least 80/90% of Paulsons?
Ha! Do you know you're asking the only guy in the world who sells CPCs, aside from CPC?

My opinion, CPCs are great and available on a whole bunch of different molds, many of which are superior to the common Paulson RHC.
Ha! Do you know you're asking the only guy in the world who sells CPCs, aside from CPC?

My opinion, CPCs are great and available on a whole bunch of different molds, many of which are superior to the common Paulson RHC.
Haha I did not know that, but that's great insight. I hope I haven't made too many enemies already in the forum by posting this thread :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
For me it’s the balance Paulsons have between durability and softness, textured yet smooth... They also have (mostly) great colors and spots, and the right weight.

Of course all these elements vary a bit by era, but for the most part they are very consistent.

Also they are fairly interchangeable/mixable within molds, so for those making custom or mixed sets they offer some flexibility and options, at a price. You can’t order from the company, but there are always barrels, racks and sets for sale here if one is patient.

CPCs I find are harder and the colors a bit less vibrant, but the next best thing.

If I were starting out today on a decent but not premium budget, I’d probably go first for the Tina’s. But graduate to RHCs or THCs eventually.
Shit. I always thought those guys were crazy.
On top of all the crazy sounding talk about their feel, for me there’s huge appeal to chips from a real casino.
Being audiophil and collecting chips has one thing in common...in both cases in the end you always go way beyond what you can confoortably afford...
For me it’s the balance Paulsons have between durability and softness, textured yet smooth... They also have (mostly) great colors and spots, and the right weight.

Of course all these elements vary a bit by era, but for the most part they are very consistent.

Also they are fairly interchangeable/mixable within molds, so for those making custom or mixed sets they offer some flexibility and options, at a price. You can’t order from the company, but there are always barrels, racks and sets for sale here if one is patient.

CPCs I find are harder and the colors a bit less vibrant, but the next best thing.

If I were starting out today on a decent but not premium budget, I’d probably go first for the Tina’s. But graduate to RHCs or THCs eventually.
This has got me curious, how durable are they? Does anyone know the protocol at a casino/card room if a Paulson broke in play?
From what I've seen, Paulsons wear quicker than CPCs because their material is softer. The edges will round and/or chip more. A broken chip would just get switched out.
Gotcha. So I guess it's really just a premium product then. It sounds like it's not great for rigorous use either?

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