You ! PCF Lucky Gambler (game contest) (3 Viewers)

Very surprised to see that :kc::qc: is ahead of :as::tc:, when there is another king and queen already out, but only one other ace and no other tens. Wonder if :ac::ts: would swing it the other way.....


Smart money is on :ah::2h:, but I'm predicting a 10-way chop with a JJJ55 board. Maybe quad threes.
Lotta straight possibilities for KQ still available. And still five clubs for flush.
the KC is clearly ahead of me for two reasons, I'll get rivered even if I flop a straight....I never win a flip...
Votes are closed.
Winner (with 4 voices) will be notified,
Flop coming soon,
here we go



crazy flop !


k9dr's leading, but most of you got something on it :sneaky:
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Backdoor straight draw with that board ain't so bad :D.
Though some cards are already there
Running spades, straight draw, two pairs.
Many possibilities.
Screenshot 2015-12-10 06.43.23.png

DD Flopped dead, and at least 3 others will be crushed on the Turn. Spikes flush draw makes him a favorite, K9 needs to fade that to survive. Jem waits with a gutshot, but don't rule Puggy's straight, flush or top 2 pair runner-runner combos out yet!

At less than 1/2% I'm just happy to have won the presentation!
hmmmm Im ahead but I also have to lose to Puggy on our side bet haha.. this will be tough. How do I win and lose at the same time ?! :)

edit. just seen turn. Damn I lost to you @Puggy , you do have worse luck then me hahah
I like a heartbreaker. Let's see the 4 of spades. Then let's river the straight flush. How do you sloooowwwww rooooooll an internet flip? :LOL: :laugh:

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