Okay here is the reveal. Hero shoves, V1 folds, V2 calls and has 44 as
@BGinGA foretold.
Now the truth is, I was actually V2 in this hand, but I didn't find any of my decisions that interesting, so I posted from the perspective of the early position guy as hero.
It was just odd to be in this spot where I have the top of my range and I am facing a hugely strong line, but I can't put EP guy on much of value because he didn't open, nor limp-reraise. And on my second hand no less, and while I am a regular in this game I don't believe I had played with this particular opponent before. I have to figure he's overplaying a middling ace or has some sort of combo draw. If he played AA or TT that goofy he gets the money. (Or at least would have if I didn't happen to bink the fourth four on the turn anyway.)
So I found the line confusing and that's why I posted this from that perspective, but I felt my actions were still clear nonetheless.
Personally if I am in EP's shoes I am always opening ATs for a raise to 4 or 5 as most responders stated, especially with loose passives left to act. Not sure if it changes the outcome in this case, which is a cooler, but I figure to be in more favorable spots and want to collect from the any ace callers.
if V1 calls the raise then V2 probably does as well, and probably calls or maybe 3 bets if he had JJ-KK.
But thanks for all the responses, I guess AT should eb in the realm of possibility even if the prefloo action didn't make perfect sense.