*** Results ***
Yep, should have folded. . . .
Hero calls. Villain tables

for top two pair.
It was an interesting evolution of expectations. Hero starts thinking he will let villain hang himself by taking a sneaky line. But by the time the river got dealt, Hero was expecting to lose and makes a crying call. In truth, there is never going to be a fold in this hand because villain has a well earned reputation for foolishness. Just prior to this hand we saw villain take a bet/bet/bet line and then turn over pocket sixes playing as 4th pair. Hero might find a way to fold vs a more predictable villain, but not vs this one.
However, villain's play here left $17 behind that hero might well have called if Villain had taken a different line. That happens a lot with this villain, he wins less than others do when holding winners but pays off in full when the shoe is on the other foot.