COVID-19 (Corona virous) and your home game? (8 Viewers)

Well, on the bad side, I just cancelled my March Madness poker game for the 2nd year in a row :mad: . On the good side though, the vaccine availability seems to be really ramping up. Many people I know have gotten it. I'm looking forward to live poker again soon!:tup:
The numbers in my state are almost down to my "trigger point" to schedule a game...tantalizingly close...2 days ago, it was 5 cases, 10. Psyched for it to dink over soon! Hopefully people actually show, LOL.
Based on the anticipated vaccine rollout here in Florida, I expect that Mrs. S and I will be able to get our shots sometime in the next 2-4 weeks, and many of the players in my game will have the same opportunity. So assuming things go as expected, I hope to start hosting live games again in May.

In keeping with updated CDC guidelines, I will ask that players attend only if they've been vaccinated, have already had COVID, or are in a low risk category. I will limit my game to one table (9 players max) and I don't plan to require mask usage. Of course, players who want to wear masks will be encouraged to do so.

I plan to spend the next several weeks removing a year's worth of dust from my chips, cards and tables. :cautious:
In keeping with updated CDC guidelines, I will ask that players attend only if they've been vaccinated, have already had COVID
I'm doing the same thing for my April game, but I'm requiring players to text or email me proof. I told them that trust me doesn't cut it.
I'm doing the same thing for my April game, but I'm requiring players to text or email me proof. I told them that trust me doesn't cut it.
I thought about this, and I've decided I'm not going to ask for proof.

My group is relatively small and close knit - most of us have been playing together for years, and several of us are friends who socialize outside of poker. I believe that most if not all of the people in the group will be honest. On top of that, we've been playing together online weekly, so I already know who in the group has had COVID, and I'm hearing about those who are getting vaccinated too.
Based on the anticipated vaccine rollout here in Florida, I expect that Mrs. S and I will be able to get our shots sometime in the next 2-4 weeks, and many of the players in my game will have the same opportunity. So assuming things go as expected, I hope to start hosting live games again in May.

In keeping with updated CDC guidelines, I will ask that players attend only if they've been vaccinated, have already had COVID, or are in a low risk category. I will limit my game to one table (9 players max) and I don't plan to require mask usage. Of course, players who want to wear masks will be encouraged to do so.

I plan to spend the next several weeks removing a year's worth of dust from my chips, cards and tables. :cautious:

Same here. Lots of friends have been getting vaccinated in the last week or two. I just got approval today so hopefully I get get mine in the next couple days. Things are looking brighter for a game soon enough. I may actually have to finish one of these sets I have been working on.
Most of my poker group have been vaccinated. Just waiting for a few stragglers including myself. I think the tiered vaccine distribution was okay for the first couple of weeks, but I think it's time to just open eligibility to everyone. My state has 15 mil doses, and only 10 mil used. We need to get those 5 million doses into arms.

Most healthcare workers are vaccinated now, and I think that group was probably the only one where tiered distribution made sense. It's just too hard to coordinate 65+, essential workers, 55+, etc tiers. And no one really knows what tier we're in at this point. There are people that try to skip their tier and go to a vaccination site anyways only to be turned down. Those precious seconds add up (as well as take away appointment windows), and now we're just wasting doses.
Most of my poker group have been vaccinated. Just waiting for a few stragglers including myself. I think the tiered vaccine distribution was okay for the first couple of weeks, but I think it's time to just open eligibility to everyone. My state has 15 mil doses, and only 10 mil used. We need to get those 5 million doses into arms.

Most healthcare workers are vaccinated now, and I think that group was probably the only one where tiered distribution made sense. It's just too hard to coordinate 65+, essential workers, 55+, etc tiers. And no one really knows what tier we're in at this point. There are people that try to skip their tier and go to a vaccination site anyways only to be turned down. Those precious seconds add up (as well as take away appointment windows), and now we're just wasting doses.

As a Canadian I am very jealous of all the vaccinations happening in the US. I think we are at 90+ age group now and I expect a first shot for my age group in the July timeframe.

Playing regular poker is still just a dream here (fingers crossed for a September game).
Based on the anticipated vaccine rollout here in Florida, I expect that Mrs. S and I will be able to get our shots sometime in the next 2-4 weeks, and many of the players in my game will have the same opportunity. So assuming things go as expected, I hope to start hosting live games again in May.

In keeping with updated CDC guidelines, I will ask that players attend only if they've been vaccinated, have already had COVID, or are in a low risk category. I will limit my game to one table (9 players max) and I don't plan to require mask usage. Of course, players who want to wear masks will be encouraged to do so.

I plan to spend the next several weeks removing a year's worth of dust from my chips, cards and tables. :cautious:

Doing largely the same for April. Other games around me are starting to open up around the same time in Raleigh and Durham.
As a Canadian I am very jealous of all the vaccinations happening in the US. I think we are at 90+ age group now and I expect a first shot for my age group in the July timeframe.

Playing regular poker is still just a dream here (fingers crossed for a September game).
Tennessee just moved into the 65+ age group Monday. Texas is at just 7% vaccinated, and lifting all restrictions.

Not all of the US is rocking out the vaccine, as things vary wildly by state. I expect to see another spike in cases soon. We're not out of the woods yet, but at least we found a path - even if many won't take it.
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So close to pulling the back into the tank! LOL.

My "strike number" is a 7-day average of 200 or less.

For 7-day average, we hit 218, 205!!!, then 207, then 210...then had 301, 310, and 245 single days, smacking the 7-day average to 232. Cry!! Now I'm guessing it'll be very hard to hit back to that 200 number without waiting for the big 300+er days to fall off. :/
Tennessee just moved into the 65+ age group Monday. Texas is at just 7% vaccinated, and lifting all restrictions.

Not all of the US is rocking out the vaccine, as things vary wildly by state. I expect to see another spike in cases soon. We're not out of the woods yet, but at least we found a path - even if many won't take it.
My brother in Johnsonville walked in to the VA and got his with zero wait time. I dont know if this was a veteran's thing or not, but there is at least some action in TN. Best of luck!
Dave, the host of Tuesday's $1/$2NLHE game has Covid. Larry is at home with the "crud." No one knows if he also has Covid. I guess it was a matter of time.

Dave is unvaccinated. No one knows for sure whether the same is true for Larry. Wishing both of them a quick recovery.
Dave is very passionate and vocal about his politics. Last week he railed against the policies of the University his daughter is attending after she came in contact with another student who had Covid. He was angry that his daughter couldn't leave her dorm room to attend classes or go to the cafeteria after paying his daughter's tuition and room and board for the semester.

Sitting to his right, I could hear him listening to a speech he had recorded on his cell phone, I assumed in preparation for his meeting with the Dean. He would pause and then playback certain parts, holding the phone close to his ear. Looked to me like he was editing, making notes, but I was wrong. Dave was tapping his screen in order to view different segments of Tucker Carlson. Their voices sounded identical to one another and hearing Tucker Carlson speak was like listening to Dave. I was completely fooled by what he was dong.

A week prior I had my annual physical at the Doctor's office in the town where I play cards. I have an awful habit of starting conversations by asking people what is new or what is going on. I asked the nurse the latter question. She said the number of patients they were seeing with Covid was way up.

My doctor tried to persuade me to get the flu shot after completing my physical. I declined for no other reason than I have never had a bad case of the flu. As a matter of fact, I can't remember having the flu in the last 10 years. I don't smoke, I don't drink, my blood pressure is good, however I am carrying an extra 10 pounds. My doctor persisted nonetheless. I changed the subject by asking how he was doing.

He said his office had received five phone calls that morning by people with flu like symptoms that wanted to come in and get tested for Covid. This is at 8:30AM. I told him I wasn't surprised, that I played cards with a group of people who were against getting vaccinated and did not believe in wearing masks. He looked me straight in the eyes and cautioned me to be careful.

Players were speculating as to whether Larry might have also caught Covid. They wondered when did Dave contract the virus. Was it when he went to the University to visit his daughter after last week's game? Or did he catch it in town?

I informed my parents this morning that I sat next to Dave at last week's game and that he is sick with Covid, even though I feel fine. Thankfully, both of my parents are vaccinated. (As am I.) My Father, who is 76 and a cancer survivor, reads the local paper. He said the funeral home in the area has reported three deaths due to Covid related symptoms over the last two months.

I was glad to hear last night that the two oldest players in our group, despite their politics, chose to get vaccinated. Dave has two teenage boys and even though we may not see eye to eye, I hope he and his family aren't terribly affected by the virus.

Dave is a good host and an excellent cook. He loves his family and is touched by the generosity of others, all admirable qualities. Everything I have come to understand about the virus leads me to believe that Dave is at the age where he will be okay, but it doesn't lessen my concern.

I plan on calling him tomorrow to let him know that he is in my thoughts.
@Mojo1312 I hope you and your friends are going to be okay. Take care.

This month, for the first time since our fully vaccinated group returned to playing in late May, I thought about possible COVID spread in the game. The levels are very high again nationally. It's not too bad in my state though. Even with everyone vaccinated, there is still a risk. For now, I think it's a small enough risk that we are continuing to play. I put a touchless soap dispenser in the bathroom and disposable towels to make myself feel a little better (even though spread by surfaces is a much smaller risk than aerosols).
Things that make you go hmmmmn:

@Mojo1312 I hope you and your friends are going to be okay. Take care.

This month, for the first time since our fully vaccinated group returned to playing in late May, I thought about possible COVID spread in the game. The levels are very high again nationally. It's not too bad in my state though. Even with everyone vaccinated, there is still a risk. For now, I think it's a small enough risk that we are continuing to play. I put a touchless soap dispenser in the bathroom and disposable towels to make myself feel a little better (even though spread by surfaces is a much smaller risk than aerosols).
Yeah NH numbers are spiking, but I'm kind of done with all this. Everyone in this house who is eligible for a vaccine is vaccinated. I don't think anyone here is in the high risk category. Some of my players aren't vaccinated. The majority are. So if the unvaccinated ones want to come and spread it around to the other unvaccinated ones, go collect your Herman Cain awards! LOL.

I have a buddy who is vaccinated, got COVID-19 even though he was vaccinated, and it wasn't pleasant but he said the worst part was quarantining!

I am past the point of debate on the merits of getting vaccinated and whether or not the vaccines are safe and wearing a mask is effective. I chose to get vaccinated because I work with the public, a high percentage of which are elderly, otherwise I would have taken my chances.

I think therein lies the difference. I am not concerned with my safety, I am concerned with the safety of others. I don't get tied up in the purported risks associated with the vaccine or get the moral outrage at having to wear a mask, (even though I have not worn one for most of the summer) for the simple reason that I don't view mask mandates or vaccination cards as a slippery slope to tyranny where the government's next move will be stripping away our right to own guns or whatever other freedom people who hold such beliefs claim we are in danger of losing.

For me, the arguments dividing the country on the issue have grown tired and stale. I will be wearing a mask again when I go into public spaces, at least until things on the ground have changed, not because the government is telling me I should, but because I feel it is the responsible thing to do. I would like to see the Canadian border and schools re-open, to not have to worry about people I know becoming sick due to the spread of the virus and to help ease the burden on our healthcare system, to make a change in a positive direction, however infinitesimally small.
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...I have not worn one for most of the summer for the simple reason that I don't view mask mandates or vaccination cards as a slippery slope to tyranny where the government's next move will be stripping away our right to own guns or whatever other freedom people who hold such beliefs claim we are in danger of losing.
I'm confused - did you mean you "do view" it that way? Otherwise, what is the reason?
I held my first home game last weekend- everyone was vaccinated. Plan was to go maskless, but one of the players asked if we mind if he masked up (as he has two at-risk kids at home). In response, even though he didn’t suggest it, the others volunteered to wear masks as well- it was a compassionate and friendly gesture.
As I recall, the vaccine was only approved on the basis that it lessens the symptoms. We can hope it would reduce the spread, we can hope it would reduce chases of catching it, but those were not proved before approval. Just the symptoms, as near as I can tell that promise has borne out.

I know people that have had adverse reactions to the vaccine, and that alone is justification to oppose any sort of mandate.

However, I think those that get the vaccine do benefit from the reduced symptoms, they aren't the ones going to the hospital if they catch it, and I think since we are probably at the critical mass of vaccination, you may as well resume normal activity.

I pretty much have since getting the vaccination. I am hosting with no restrictions other than stay home if ill. I figure the unvaxxed have made their choice and can take the risk.
As I recall, the vaccine was only approved on the basis that it lessens the symptoms. We can hope it would reduce the spread, we can hope it would reduce chases of catching it, but those were not proved before approval. Just the symptoms, as near as I can tell that promise has borne out.
You are mistaken.

The vaccine was designed to help the body develop the antibodies that can fight the disease. By design, that shortens the amount of time you may be contagious, which reduces the spread. Because the body produces antibodies sooner, it also minimizes the number of the viral cells that exist in a person, which also makes them less contagious and reduces the severity of those infected.
You are mistaken.

The vaccine was designed to help the body develop the antibodies that can fight the disease. By design, that shortens the amount of time you may be contagious, which reduces the spread. Because the body produces antibodies sooner, it also minimizes the number of the viral cells that exist in a person, which also makes them less contagious and reduces the severity of those infected.

I will point out that I was saying the basis for approval was on the symptom reduction, which is a good enough reason to approve. It would have taken longer to prove the contagion issues and it seems the results are mixed on that point. Some atates are requiring masks again even for vaccinated individuals.
You are mistaken.

The vaccine was designed to help the body develop the antibodies that can fight the disease. By design, that shortens the amount of time you may be contagious, which reduces the spread. Because the body produces antibodies sooner, it also minimizes the number of the viral cells that exist in a person, which also makes them less contagious and reduces the severity of those infected.

I will point out that I was saying the basis for approval was on the symptom reduction, which is a good enough reason to approve. It would have taken longer to prove the contagion issues and it seems the results are mixed on that point. Some atates are requiring masks again even for vaccinated individuals.

In the old post about vaccine strategy, which has since been removed (???), I posted links to 3 studies which showed that it does reduce the likelihood of spread. As would be expected once you understand some of the science behind it, such as viral load.

I'm not disagreeing with you regarding the approval basis, just saying that there are studies which back up a reduction in spread as well as lessening of symptoms.
studies which back up a reduction in spread
Given it’s near 85% vaccination here and it’s spreading like crazy I’d say that was wishful thinking. Also see Israel.
Reduction in severe symptoms I think is pretty well confirmed.
MRNA I BELIEVE helps produce antibodies faster, you don’t have any that I can find 2 weeks post.
In the old post about vaccine strategy, which has since been removed (???), I posted links to 3 studies which showed that it does reduce the likelihood of spread. As would be expected once you understand some of the science behind it, such as viral load.

I'm not disagreeing with you regarding the approval basis, just saying that there are studies which back up a reduction in spread as well as lessening of symptoms.

Well that would be good news. I hope it's true, jus tso hard to keep track when everyone has an agenda.

I guess my take on this is too simplistic, but I have shot, I am going to live the best I can.
Since this is a thread about the current state of Home Games in COVID, I will point out that as the numbers surged, we went back to 6 players per table, and wearing masks.

Nobody seems to have a real issue with masks. After all, we are friends, and care about each other's welfare. Even though most (if not all) have been vaccinated, we are also aware that there have been somewhere in the ballpark of 4000 COVID deaths, despite being vaccinated.

4,000 vaxxed deaths < 675,000 unvaxxed deaths, if you are anti-vax and just plain stupid.

However, masking up, being vaxxed, socially distancing, and hand washing are all safety precautions. Yes we could just cancel, but the response has been overwhelming. People want to play, and there is nothing wrong or uncomfortable with extra safety measures.
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