COVID-19 (Corona virous) and your home game? (7 Viewers)

Trying an on-topic post:

I had my first home game in over a year on Saturday. Prior to the event when I texted people asking if they were double vaccinated (without [yet] openly stipulating that they needed to be if they wanted to play), all 22 responded that they were! Most even responded like "Of course, what do you take me for???". (My favorite response was "Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back?")

I expected this from the majority, but I was pleasantly surprised that not even a single one made a fuss about me asking or vaccinations in general.

There are of course anti-vaxxers in Sweden as well, but I get the feeling that we have less of them percentage wise than some other countries.

Now if they could just invent a vaccine against spewing off your chiplead on pointless stone cold bluffs...
I agree - that doesn't surprise me about Sweden. The US apparently has a lot more idiots. :X Not trying to start anything...maybe I should say...a lot less people who believe mountains of data, and a lot more skepticism.
Political Scientist-conducted polls Europe-wide show that illogical stances and conspiracy crap are highest among nations who do NOT trust their Government / State Institutions.
The majority of mankind consists of idiots anyway.
Building trust with the idiots is the job of Rule-0f-Law, Modern State Institutions, and a serious (NON-feelgood) Educational system.
Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.
Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.
Don't go to the un-vaxxed party. Even with masks (which would make it a non-party, anyway).
Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.
Like most of us on here it probably goes without saying you love your Parents and love your older relatives. While it would be fun going to your friends Annual Christmas party it would not be worth it to go to her party to deal with the crowd and the unvaccinated people to risk exposure for yourself. While everyday is not guaranteed for everyone think with your parents in their mid 70s and relatives in their 70s, 80s, and 90s you want to spend as much time as you can with those people. I would say skip the Crowded Un-vaxxed party 100%.
I had a big game over thanksgiving weekend. Everyone was vaxed. On player contacted me the day after to let me know they tested positive from a routine test they did after traveling. Almost no symptoms. Somehow that player was the 2nd last to arrive and the first to bust, so I guess that was lucky. Another player got Covid about a week after my event but that person arrrived after the other person had busted and left so I believe they acquired it elsewhere. No one else got sick which I attribute to luck and vaccines. I think this is just what we deal with now, unfortunately.
While everyday is not guaranteed for everyone think with your parents in their mid 70s and relatives in their 70s, 80s, and 90s you want to spend as much time as you can with those people.
To tell the full story, it’s not just a party, it’s also a mass. My uncle the priest has been saying mass for the family on Christmas Eve since before I was born. It’s a pretty special thing. And he’s 90 and battling cancer. So let’s be realistic - I’m grateful I’ll get to share this with my kids (and parents and aunts and uncles and cousins) at least one more time. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought missing it last year might have been the end of the line for that tradition.
Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.
Cancel the big party, with apologies to the host. Give them the full details.

Anybody worth talking to socially will understand your concern for your parents, and your super-high risk uncle.

You don't leave a baby unattended in a bathtub. You don't drive drunk. This is just one more sacrifice we must make - not for ourselves, but for others.
Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.
I’m vaxxed, my kids just got vaxxed, so I’m clearly not against it.

But I disagree with many comments here. If you’re triple vaxxed, and your parents and people at mass are vaxxed I don’t see the issue with congregating with others prior.

There comes a point where we need to move on. I respect people’s choices even if I think they’re mistaken not to vaccinate these days, but the risk of you getting it and passing it on and then those vaxxed people dying is so low I’m sure the risk driving to the party for them is higher.

It’s up to you, but if it was me I’d go to both and wouldn’t feel guilty in the least. The vaccine was supposed to get us back to normal, missing parties out of fear isn’t normal.

Either way, it’s your choice. :)
Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.

Why not go to the first party and then get a same day PCR test the day before the next party. I test my self very frequently because my business involves mass gatherings. I think a testing strategy is the key to navigating situations like this. There are plenty of options around here for PCR tests with results same day for a fee. Many more options with PCR results within 24hrs.
The vaccine was supposed to get us back to normal, missing parties out of fear isn’t normal.
That was the hope.
On the one hand, we have the new omicron variant, and we don't know exactly how easily it spreads or deadly it is or how the vaccines have prepared us for it.
On the other hand, there will always be new variants.
I don't have answers, I have only questions.
Why not go to the first party and then get a same day PCR test the day before the next party. I test my self very frequently because my business involved mass gatherings. There are plenty of options around here for PCR tests with results same day for a fee. Many more options with PCR results within 24hrs.
I was thinking about testing myself anyway, even if I skip the first party.
But my thoughts are that since the second party is far more important to me, that it just isn't worth risking the first party, if there's a chance it could force me to miss the second. I guess the problem is I could extend that reasoning to, "it isn't worth going to the grocery store, or letting my kids go to school for the next two weeks.
But my thoughts are that since the second party is far more important to me, that it just isn't worth risking the first party, if there's a chance it could force me to miss the second.
I think you got your answer right there. Given how you feel about it, would you even be able to enjoy yourself at the first party?
But my thoughts are that since the second party is far more important to me, that it just isn't worth risking the first party, if there's a chance it could force me to miss the second.

I totally get this. Although this is a separate issue. But that just might be it for you then and you know what to do.

I certainly wouldn't consider it reckless though to attend two separate parties as a fully vaccinated individual a week apart if you get tested in between.

I guess the problem is I could extend that reasoning to, "it isn't worth going to the grocery store, or letting my kids go to school for the next two weeks.

We are all trying to understand and manage degrees of risk which can be hard to compute given such dynamic context. I think its a fools errand at this point to try to achieve anything like a zero risk approach to Covid. I think well thought out strategies of mitigation and testing are the right approach.

As far as Omicron is concerned, all the evidence I have seen is that the illness it causes is less severe. And I haven't seen any indication that it is very widespread in the US. I see no reason why it should be causing acute concern or shaping behavior for most Americans at the moment.
(My favorite response was "Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back?")

I dunno. Does she sleep on her back?

Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.

Only you can determine whether there is enough risk of transmission from one group gathering to the next. If you are double/triple immunized, the chance of you picking up the virus and becoming contagious from the first party is quite low, but not zero. The chance of someone at your second party catching it from you (as opposed to from somebody else they've been in contact with) would also be very very low, but their incremental risk will be higher if they are more than 6 months out from their last shot (due to the phenomenon of waning immunity).

Myself, I feel comfortable enough to go to indoor gatherings where everybody is fully immunized, without mandatory masking and distancing. But I fully understand and respect those who may not, for whatever reason. For me, life has 97% returned to normal because my vaccination status allows me to do everything that would normally do, like go to restaurants, theaters, museums, parties, etc.

In my opinion (at this moment), I am not particularly worried about Omicron, from what I know from circulating information and based on my own background as a health professional and academically trained in viral science. The vast majority of cases/spread out there is Delta, and probably will be for some time. Best case scenario is that Omicron is both more virulent and less deadly than Delta, which means it will eventually outcompete it with less negative impact on health systems, etc.
Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.
Are rapid tests easily available? Reasonably cheap insurance, but yeah catching a cold, or getting sick of any kind is a major pain these days.
Are rapid tests easily available? Reasonably cheap insurance, but yeah catching a cold, or getting sick of any kind is a major pain these days.
I don’t know about up there, but here, you can get a two-pack at Walmart for $14. I think I read they were subsidized by the government
The sad thing is that omicron shouldn’t even be a word we know. There’s no cause for alarm, we have NO idea if it’s more severe, and it’s likely much much less. Hell we should be welcoming planes from SA according to current data.

Fucking media.
I thought that Omicron was a Transformer so it shows you how much I know.

Early signs are that it’s more transmissible than delta (doubling every 2days) and that vaccines are less effective (triple vaxed giving 70% protection).

The only thing being said regarding severity is that it’s not any worse than the othe variants going around. I’ve heard rumours that it’s less severe but they’ll need another week or so worth of data. So far they’ve only been able to study 600 cases.

I suppose just like everything that’s gone before with covid we’ll just have to wait and see what happens…
I don’t know about up there, but here, you can get a two-pack at Walmart for $14. I think I read they were subsidized by the government
We paid about $20 CAD each earlier on, but they are now (finally) being distributed by the government at no cost.
Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.
Not even a question: skip your friends party.
Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.
For me I think it'd come down to what is COVID-19 doing in your state? If numbers are high probably best to skip the big party and attend the family gathering.

I wanted to throw a rager this year as the friends who have thrown holiday parties in the past dinked out last year due to COVID-19 and did a small girls-night for this year (I'm a guy) due to COVID-19. So I was toying with hosting a large gathering, inviting that friend group, plus poker friends, plus neighbors, kind of going all-out (not TOO crazy, but yeah, for my age....), no kids, etc. But numbers in my state, NH, are out of control right now! The highest they've been the entire pandemic, and they were highest in the country for a while there. So yeah, even if I tried to pull that together, my guess a lot of people would nope out, and it'd be pretty irresponsible. I also have friends who are not vaccinated by choice and I wouldn't want them spreading it around or amongst each other.

So I think it depends on what's going on in your state/local area. If numbers are low, and you are fully vaccinated, I'd say go to both. You are mitigating your risk highly. Otherwise, probably skip the big one, tell the host why you have to, and make sure he/she knows you appreciate the invite and will make future events.
My brother will be hosting a small (12 people) event Christmas eve. All are at least double vaxed, and I think most or all of the attendees will be masked. I also plan to take a rapid antigen test before heading to his place. Strange times indeed.

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