COVID-19 (Corona virous) and your home game? (7 Viewers)


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I feel fine but need to isolate for 10 days so that’s next week’s game off

I wouldn’t worry since those tests are wildly inaccurate, and if anything you’ll hope you have omicron. It’s flying through my town right now and people are saying it’s like a kid cold.

Started feeling sick this weekend, took two of those home tests that both came back positive. Got my PCR results back this morning. Yup, I have Covid.

It feels like having a bad head cold for a day or two. Ended up sleeping through the worst of it and today, after first showing symptoms last Friday/Saturday I feel almost 100% back to normal already.

Feeling lucky that it was so mild for me. Yes, I’m vaccinated which must have helped
Yeah, it is spreading like crazy right now. I hate to say this, but I don't think playing poker is a good idea right now. Our next game is in January, I hope the situation is better by then, but I seriously doubt it:mad:
Yeah, it is spreading like crazy right now. I hate to say this, but I don't think playing poker is a good idea right now. Our next game is in January, I hope the situation is better by then, but I seriously doubt it:mad:
Yeah in NH it's really bad. I have a buddy who's a nurse. As of Friday he had 22 patients in the ER without beds. The pediatric unit was converted to a COVID ICU. They had patients they were trying to transfer to a larger hospital in Boston and were getting denied.

And get this, and apparently he's not the only one...they had a patient with COVID-19 who was offered remdesivir which is standard for really sick COVID-19 patients. He refused care. Wanted Ivermectin. Continued to get worse, continued to refuse remdesivir. Died.

I mean, really? Can't you just see Jesus up there with the whole "I sent you a boat" joke? Sickening stuff.
Getting closer here for sure. One of the children of my cohost (we use his garage, i do everything else) just tested positive for covid. Omicron definitely spreads much easier/faster based on the number of people I know who have gotten it.

Back to online poker until at a minimum players have a booster. Likely until February. Argh
until February
I can appreciate the optimism, but booster shots aren't even available for anyone to just go and take/receive

Wife and I tried already, and it's a no go and will be for many people as the almighty smart government agency, will only invite people for boosters if they have had the vaccine for 6-8 months at minimum, and they won't even start this til January.
Yeah in NH it's really bad. I have a buddy who's a nurse. As of Friday he had 22 patients in the ER without beds. The pediatric unit was converted to a COVID ICU. They had patients they were trying to transfer to a larger hospital in Boston and were getting denied.

And get this, and apparently he's not the only one...they had a patient with COVID-19 who was offered remdesivir which is standard for really sick COVID-19 patients. He refused care. Wanted Ivermectin. Continued to get worse, continued to refuse remdesivir. Died.

I mean, really? Can't you just see Jesus up there with the whole "I sent you a boat" joke? Sickening stuff.
I hate it for your buddy and the staff that has to deal with patients that get their healthcare tips from Dr. Facebook. It seems to be an insurmountable battle. Like high school science classes should only be taught in memes now, because that's all some people will respond to.
I can appreciate the optimism, but booster shots aren't even available for anyone to just go and take/receive

Wife and I tried already, and it's a no go and will be for many people as the almighty smart government agency, will only invite people for boosters if they have had the vaccine for 6-8 months at minimum, and they won't even start this til January.
Correction, for 65+ boosters are underway. I am at 6 months as of the weekend, so expect ro get in early in January.

I'll start up once I have enough for a table. Also depends on temperature. Once we can play in an open garage I expect we can start sooner.
I’ll write you a note you can give to your employer :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
It didn't work last time, but try, try again!
I’m vaxxed, my kids just got vaxxed, so I’m clearly not against it.

But I disagree with many comments here. If you’re triple vaxxed, and your parents and people at mass are vaxxed I don’t see the issue with congregating with others prior.

There comes a point where we need to move on. I respect people’s choices even if I think they’re mistaken not to vaccinate these days, but the risk of you getting it and passing it on and then those vaxxed people dying is so low I’m sure the risk driving to the party for them is higher.

It’s up to you, but if it was me I’d go to both and wouldn’t feel guilty in the least. The vaccine was supposed to get us back to normal, missing parties out of fear isn’t normal.

Either way, it’s your choice. :)
The problem would be the potential that his aging parents and relatives might require hospitalization should they catch break-thru covid. It might not be as severe had they been unvaxxed but not worth taking a chance and taking vital resources away from critical need patients. imo anyways.
Yeah in NH it's really bad. I have a buddy who's a nurse. As of Friday he had 22 patients in the ER without beds. The pediatric unit was converted to a COVID ICU. They had patients they were trying to transfer to a larger hospital in Boston and were getting denied.

And get this, and apparently he's not the only one...they had a patient with COVID-19 who was offered remdesivir which is standard for really sick COVID-19 patients. He refused care. Wanted Ivermectin. Continued to get worse, continued to refuse remdesivir. Died.

I mean, really? Can't you just see Jesus up there with the whole "I sent you a boat" joke? Sickening stuff.
I know of a woman (anti-vaxxer) who got covid and gave it to her adult special needs child still living at home. Both were hospitalized and intubated. Both died. Remaining family refuses to acknowledge they died of covid. The utter madness is sickening.
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Not exactly on topic, but here goes.
A friend is hosting her annual Christmas party, next weekend. It will be a big, crowded house party, and I know there are some anti-vaxxers in that crowd. I was looking forward to it. I’m triple vaxxed, and at this point, I’m not worried about dying from covid - I could catch it, but life goes on.
But, it just occurred to me that my mother’s Christmas Eve party is the following weekend. That’s a party a would never willingly miss (except last year of course, because it didn’t happen.). My parents are in their mid 70s. There will be relatives there in their 70s, 80s, and 90s - all vaxxed, of course.
I’d hate to go to my friend’s party, catch covid, and have to miss Christmas Eve. And of course, the worst case scenario would be to catch or carry covid to that party and kill my parents or older relatives.

I’m thinking I have to skip my friend’s party. I kind of feel like it would be irresponsible, or even reckless, to go to both parties.
Hopefully the only footnote to this post - one (unvaccinated) family who were supposed to be at that party, all came down with Covid in the week before the party. As of last night, the father was just put on steroids - his seems to be the most serious case, and hopefully he heals up at home.
Needless to say, I didn’t go. I guess we’ll learn in the next week or so, whether this was the super spreader event I feared. Meanwhile me and my kids plan to test on n Christmas Eve afternoon and hopefully join the old folks for some Christmas Eve joy.
Correction, for 65+ boosters are underway. I am at 6 months as of the weekend, so expect ro get in early in January.

I'll start up once I have enough for a table. Also depends on temperature. Once we can play in an open garage I expect we can start sooner.
Not to be Debbie Downer...

Pretty sure the BC government just announced some new rules that pretty much shut down poker...

I think maybe Poker is a pretty reckless activity at this point. Even if you have 10 boosters...

Just a thought
Not to be Debbie Downer...

Pretty sure the BC government just announced some new rules that pretty much shut down poker...

I think maybe Poker is a pretty reckless activity at this point. Even if you have 10 boosters...

Just a thought
New regulations go until jan 18th BUT based on the increase in cases today who knows when we are back. PCF BC meetup 2024?
One confirmed death due to omicron in the entire US as of today — unvaxxed, 50s, at least one underlying condition.

My game is still on for the time being.

I agree - that doesn't surprise me about Sweden. The US apparently has a lot more idiots. :X Not trying to start anything...maybe I should say...a lot less people who believe mountains of data, and a lot more skepticism.
Sweden: 17 million doses, 75% vaxxed
US: 497 million doses, 73.5% vaxxed

Maybe people forget (or never learned in school) how large and expansive the US is compared to most European countries?
One confirmed death due to omicron in the entire US as of today — unvaxxed, 50s, at least one underlying condition.

My game is still on for the time being.

Sweden: 17 million doses, 75% vaxxed
US: 497 million doses, 73.5% vaxxed

Maybe people forget (or never learned in school) how large and expansive the US is compared to most European countries?
Where did these numbers come from? 73.5% is a VERY high number.

Not to downplay your point of how vast the US is, but just saying....the data is much different than what I am seeing.
I think our differences lie in what we consider shot or fully vaxxed.
I’m not considering anything, only comparing similar data. Happy to use whatever matching stats you like — the plot is still the same. US and Sweden have extremely similar vaccination stats.

Direct from CDC (US):

490,030,849 Vaccines Administered

240,321,022 People who received at least one dose

203,159,327 People who are fully vaccinated*

72.4% Percentage of the U.S. population that has received at least one dose

61.2% Percentage of the U.S. population that has been fully vaccinated*

So can we get back to comparing US to Sweden and how many more “idiots” live in the US?

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