4 of a Kind
Beautiful set Kam! Thats an awesome lineup!
Just read your journey... surprisingly since January I took the same journey designing CPC sets only to stumble onto JACKs and ended up with Paulson. I look back now at my old posts designing CPC with the design tool and feel totaly different about the CPC order. Learned so much and so glad I'm almost done with the JACK build. Great to see I'm not alone. Glad you found what you love! This set looks amazingLast update for this thread at least… last night I may have bought another BR Pro Poker sample set, then found myself wandering aimlessly through the classifieds, as one does…
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And found some glorious chips I haven’t seen yet! Offer was graciously accepted by @WhiteMamba1646 this morning and picked up an IG cash set in person today with some bonus chips:
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The $1 and $5 workhorse chips in this set are really similar to the colors in my CPC drafts… and they’re in excellent condition so very happy. Now my next learning will be on fracs to get a 25c chip, something about ‘murdering’ chips…
Thanks for all the input and guidance so far on this thread everyone much appreciated - helped me get to this point. Time to build!
Awesome - any pics to share of your JACKs set? Sounds great, and I’m in the same boat with CPC to Paulsons. Will likely go back to the CPC design at some point in the future, but I was surprised at the lead times as I was looking at a specific mold that wasn’t coming up. I keep finding new (old) chip designs on the classifieds as well with designs I love and also looking at others customs - definitely the right although impulsive call to go down a different path. I’m planning to do a relabel of the cash set, and loved @MrRossKeys Tina Hybrid set as well - so my next chip adventure will be a collaborative custom tournie ceramic set based on @tallsbutler Kodiak design. Early days on that one but very excited once I get some more spare time to work on it. And then I’ll be done…Just read your journey... surprisingly since January I took the same journey designing CPC sets only to stumble onto JACKs and ended up with Paulson. I look back now at my old posts designing CPC with the design tool and feel totaly different about the CPC order. Learned so much and so glad I'm almost done with the JACK build. Great to see I'm not alone. Glad you found what you love! This set looks amazing
That sounds like a great plan man Love how the set's looking. And love the fracs you picked. How did you find paris 2s with the right label on them already? or did you relabel them? Great minds think alike. The Paris 2 makes a great frac.Awesome - any pics to share of your JACKs set? Sounds great, and I’m in the same boat with CPC to Paulsons.
Thanks, Ya I’m so excited to label my Paris 2s. Yours look insane. You and I are proof you can do it right even a few months into PFC.I got lucky through the forum and @harrysallout reached out offered his Paris $2s that were already relabeled from his below project (think he ended up going with the IG snappers instead for the 25c):
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I think a yellow based frac would work as well, but they are like gold dust and I’ve not seen many in the classifieds (or I should say not within my budget).
So many nice chips in your set, the $25 watermelons are epiccongrats!
Save yourself some money:
Personally, I would consider DG yellow or canary for the frac and light green for the 25.
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Third. Customs. Here comes the echo chamber. Tastes, wants and needs change. A lot. What you like one day, will change the next, you need that one idea that you let stew and stew, that festers til you can't get it out of your head - that's your custom set. This is my latest iteration, it's been with me for months and I haven't moved on it yet, because I'm still not certain.
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This was my first iteration (well 10th after some seriously righteous criticism my other nine got here on the forum), that I was CERTAIN of.. until the next thing popped into my brain. It's crap.
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Happy chippin' dude.
Now my cash set is done. DONE I tell you. At least from a quantity & chip perspective. I tell myself this as it’s now an even thousand and that’s all the Versa case can hold. Gives me full flexibility for fun family microstakes up to low/mid stakes that I’m comfortable playing at now and in the future. Next step is label design and to get in line for labels.
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Will share the label and ceramic design stuff here as well. Then will try to do a better photo shoot of all the chipz…
Cheers - Kam
I did the label design, the font , the script portion anyway, was a hand draw by myself. Thanks I appreciate itThose yellows look awesome! I might steal the design![]()
Those designs are awesome! Do you mind sharing where you got the label design from? I love the font!
And honestly... you're setting me back to square 1 for what I've been planning![]()
Gotta say its pretty awesome seeing your evolution in this thread going from wanting custom CPC's to getting these instead. Congrats!
Do you do commission work? Its incredible to see what an actual designer can do with a custom set... compared to my very bad designsI did the label design, the font , the script portion anyway, was a hand draw by myself. Thanks I appreciate it
I do, typically I do designs for table tops and have to only dabbled in inlays, I'm actually going to probably use someone who's not me to do mine lol, as I think an outside perspective is always refreshing and really, almost necessaryDo you do commission work? Its incredible to see what an actual designer can do with a custom set... compared to my very bad designs![]()
Purchased some tools tonight, thank you to @grantc54 for his ‘how to’ posts and youtube video’s to remove inlays - helped me decide to try it at least.
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Yep!I think you bought too much. I X-acto knife and a few small box cutter blades and needle nose pliers is the bulk of the equipment you need. The rest is just curses and sweat.