Full House
Check call and evaluate on turn. Looking for a 4 8 or obviously that 7. If any of these cards come out check raise on the turn. If not then go with gut. As you mentioned he can bluff, is on the button. 2nd to last hand may just want to force some action.All good stuff. Ok, continuing...
Here’s a fun hand I was in, coming up on the current season of HSP. Thought you could play along, will leave enough time for comments / strategy.
Hero is UTG. It is the 2nd-last hand of the day. Currently sitting at about $495K, having started the day at $250k. Blinds are 500/1000 with a $1k BB ante. Looks down and sees (I may have the suits wrong).
Hero does a standard raise to $3k. Hero image is tightish-aggressive, but with a penchant for ill-timed donkey bluffs.
HJ (TAG, killer player, but down today almost $500k) calls.
Button (TAG, known for tournament play and well-timed bluffs ) ponders, and raises to $20,000. Villain on button has $475k behind. Button is up from a $300k starting stack.
Blinds fold. Pot is now $28,500.
It's the 2nd-last hand of the night, and hero has seen BTN 3-bet with a wide range on the button. Could have a suited Ace, a smaller pocket pair, maybe even suited connectors. Hero calls the $20,000.
HJ folds.
Pot is now $45,500.
Flop is.
Hero is first to act. Hero?
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