RIVER ACTION (will do spoilers later tonight because this was a tough decision and a lot of thoughts went through my head!):
Context: Playing a $1/3/10 game (It was billed as a deepstacked $1/3 game with $2k rebuy limits and everyone has been straddling). Mix of super action players (a few of them super splashy) and 3 strong regs. We are currently 9-handed and the game has been playing fast/loose with opens usually coming in at $50 and 3bets at $250. While it is technically deepstacked, the straddles and the action are making this game play a lot shallower than it might seem. I am $1200 effective, main villain in the hand has me covered.
Action: UTG straddles to $10 and UTG +1 (strong player) limps in for $10 which has becoming more common as the action players have just been blind raising almost any hand to $50 preflop. This has meant that some of the regs have mixed in some limp-raises and limp-calling into their strategy (usually all of us would 100% come in for a raise if entering the pot). two more calls to me in the SB and I look down at

Hero raises to $125. While I think there are some merits for slow playing JJ here, I think in a game like this it a bit too strong of a hand to play this way. I will almost always be check folding the flop and am just letting everyone into the pot with weaker ranges, basically giving up with what is likely the best hand if I don't flop a set. Bit too weak for me, I want to see if I can take it down or get heads up vs a weak range. If someone 3bets, me, I can reevaluate. We see the flop below) and have our next decision...
UTG+1 limps $10
UTG+2 folds
MP 1 folds
MP 2 folds
HJ calls $10
BTN calls $10
Hero (SB): Raise to $125
BB Folds
Straddle folds
UTG +1 Calls $125
HJ folds
BTN folds
Pot: $270

Hero (SB) checks
Villain (UTG+1) bets $100
Hero calls
Pot $470
Hero (SB): Checks
Villain (UTG+1): Checks
Hero (SB): Checks
Villain (UTG+1): Bets $300
Additional reads/context: Villain is very capable of bluffing here. I think hero is often capped at one pair, making this a nice bluff spot for villain. At the same time, hero is clearly invested in the hand, so what is villain hoping that hero might fold here as played? Another thought that went through my head was that villain was stuck around $1500 at this point (one buy-in, nothing big but enough where he might be opening up a bit). Problem is, that could mean he has a ton of hands pre that called me wide but then got there, and it could also mean that he shows up with hands that he feels has to bluff the river. At the same time... doesn't he just check hand most of his Tx here? Like if he called me with say JTs pre (totally reasonable hand). Does he really bet $300 here on the river for thin value? It feels like a polarizing bet (~65% pot). Tough spot!