Thought this was an interesting hand, too. Ran it through GTOWizard, with some approximations that don't capture the nuances of your game structure (overlimpers, etc.), but seemed ok to me lol.
Let's assume 100bb eff (your hand was 120bb eff) and simplify to UTG+1 raises, you 3B in SB and he calls. The app suggests you check all the way post flop (like you did).
For villain's entire range, it suggests mostly taking the line he did - bet small, check turn, bet large on river. In that case, JJ mostly calls the river.
But for villain's specific flopped bottom set, it agrees with the small flop bet, but thinks he should bet the turn for 3/4 pot and then shove the river. In that line, JJ calls the turn 50% and folds river 100%.
At first glance, GTOWiz thinks you played the hand fine and villain lost a lot of value against your range.