SOLD Jack Detroit Primary and Secondary Early Sale thread - SOLD OUT (3 Viewers)

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We will post later this week about a sale on St Patrick's Day for the add-ons.

Thanks Jim, looking forward to it.

Quick question for the veteran members here (sorry, I'm newer here and don't want to step afoul of site rules/norms) - what is the policy on listing chips for trade that aren't in hand yet? I'm trying to build a cash set of Jacks, but due to the percentage limitations, have ended up with some higher denoms (specifically primary 25s and secondary 500s) that I don't need. Is listing those for trade in the classifieds frowned upon? I'm not trying to be a dirty flipper, just trying to build a playable set, and if possible it would be great to line up trades in advance of next Sunday so that I don't end up buying chips as part of the add-on that I may not need.
Thanks Jim, looking forward to it.

Quick question for the veteran members here (sorry, I'm newer here and don't want to step afoul of site rules/norms) - what is the policy on listing chips for trade that aren't in hand yet? I'm trying to build a cash set of Jacks, but due to the percentage limitations, have ended up with some higher denoms (specifically primary 25s and secondary 500s) that I don't need. Is listing those for trade in the classifieds frowned upon? I'm not trying to be a dirty flipper, just trying to build a playable set, and if possible it would be great to line up trades in advance of next Sunday so that I don't end up buying chips as part of the add-on that I may not need.
it's totally fine
Making the thread available to only members solves visibility issues. Anybody that can script and has access to static links will be able to easily have multiple PayPal accounts buy from the posted links. I understand that @TheChipRoom, or any vendor, has an interest in recouping their large investments. This is a hard problem to solve when demand is so high.
Making the thread available to only members solves visibility issues. Anybody that can script and has access to static links will be able to easily have multiple PayPal accounts buy from the posted links. I understand that @TheChipRoom, or any vendor, has an interest in recouping their large investments. This is a hard problem to solve when demand is so high.

Being a vendor has nothing to do with today’s fiasco. Putting % limits for each denomination is fine, but don’t cancel orders if % is wrong. Just re-adjust.

For me it was place order, 25c out of stock, remove them. Re-calculate, re-enter. $500 out of stock, recalculate, re-enter. $100 out of stock... no point now.

But what leaves a bad taste is not that I didn’t manage to get any, but that the chips will start showing up in the ads from people trying to make profit out of them.

This is probably my last post. Have already requested my account to be deleted. I am sure there are good people in the site(have met and transact with a few), but the bad apples make it a shitty place. Over and out.
Being a vendor has nothing to do with today’s fiasco. Putting % limits for each denomination is fine, but don’t cancel orders if % is wrong. Just re-adjust.

For me it was place order, 25c out of stock, remove them. Re-calculate, re-enter. $500 out of stock, recalculate, re-enter. $100 out of stock... no point now.

But what leaves a bad taste is not that I didn’t manage to get any, but that the chips will start showing up in the ads from people trying to make profit out of them.

This is probably my last post. Have already requested my account to be deleted. I am sure there are good people in the site(have met and transact with a few), but the bad apples make it a shitty place. Over and out.

This is a massive over reaction, and totally classless to post it in the vendors forum. @TheChipRoom busts his ass to get chips to us in the fairest way possible. Good riddance to you and your sour grapes
This is a massive over reaction, and totally classless to post it in the vendors forum. @TheChipRoom busts his ass to get chips to us in the fairest way possible. Good riddance to you and your sour grapes
Total over reaction.... We play by his rules, they are reasonable rules. He's a business and has goals. This Is a better system then the previous auction process.
I completely struck out trying to buy chips in the chip sale too.

But Jim @TheChipRoom is a freakin' super hero in my book. He just brought a TON of minty Paulsons to market, and makes every effort to make the process as fair as possible -- and his prices are terrific. He's a huge asset to our weird little community. I sent him a message today, requesting that he never retire. We need him here!
Being a vendor has nothing to do with today’s fiasco. Putting % limits for each denomination is fine, but don’t cancel orders if % is wrong. Just re-adjust.

For me it was place order, 25c out of stock, remove them. Re-calculate, re-enter. $500 out of stock, recalculate, re-enter. $100 out of stock... no point now.

But what leaves a bad taste is not that I didn’t manage to get any, but that the chips will start showing up in the ads from people trying to make profit out of them.

This is probably my last post. Have already requested my account to be deleted. I am sure there are good people in the site(have met and transact with a few), but the bad apples make it a shitty place. Over and out.
I took no part in the buy today. This is a ridiculous statement. @stafil — I doubt you will be missed.

@stafil I think our tones are a bit contradictory. Im not mad about any of it. This is no different than those that buy hot concert tickets and flip them for profit. In this intance, I could have given ten of my friends the links and ended up cashing in on the chips. Or you could create multiple Paypal accounts, find the links for each chip type and script a mass buy. It's hard to source a solution, and as a vendor, you are still getting your buys. The only other way to defeat it would be to have registered users for the sale with unique links for the buy. That's a lot of overhead and a mess when selling this volume of chips.
Being a vendor has nothing to do with today’s fiasco. Putting % limits for each denomination is fine, but don’t cancel orders if % is wrong. Just re-adjust.

For me it was place order, 25c out of stock, remove them. Re-calculate, re-enter. $500 out of stock, recalculate, re-enter. $100 out of stock... no point now.

But what leaves a bad taste is not that I didn’t manage to get any, but that the chips will start showing up in the ads from people trying to make profit out of them.

This is probably my last post. Have already requested my account to be deleted. I am sure there are good people in the site(have met and transact with a few), but the bad apples make it a shitty place. Over and out.
Its crazy that someone whos only been here a couple months is this sour over the situation. Theres chippers who have been waiting years for an opportunity at mint Paulsons and would never think of saying something this ridiculous.
Being a vendor has nothing to do with today’s fiasco. Putting % limits for each denomination is fine, but don’t cancel orders if % is wrong. Just re-adjust.

For me it was place order, 25c out of stock, remove them. Re-calculate, re-enter. $500 out of stock, recalculate, re-enter. $100 out of stock... no point now.

But what leaves a bad taste is not that I didn’t manage to get any, but that the chips will start showing up in the ads from people trying to make profit out of them.

This is probably my last post. Have already requested my account to be deleted. I am sure there are good people in the site(have met and transact with a few), but the bad apples make it a shitty place. Over and out.

I'm seconding @hdgeno on this one. Any vendors that have put rules / requirements on purchases have done so for a reason. A number of the past @TheChipRoom sales have been the target of profiteers that would buy out the rarer chips (ie. fractionals and high denoms) and then immediately offer them on the secondary markets for inflated prices -- this would basically harm the members on this site who would be interested in putting together playable sets, and taking advantage of Jim's low prices.

Jim advertises the percentage requirements well in advance of his sales, and almost everyone states that backup plans should be ready in case you can't fulfill your order. While it may be frustrating, cancelling the orders means that (for a time) people can't take advantage of "forgetting" the order limits when purchasing chips.

TLDR: @TheChipRoom is a valuable contributor to the site, and chipping in general. If you want to participate in his sales, then you follow his rules. There will always be "bad apples" who will try to profit from his generosity and goodwill. It's your decision whether to transact with these people.
@TheChipRoom - don’t stop doing what you’re doing.

Demand is so high for your product that people will sell their organs (and left nut, always the left nut) for it.

Thank you for being an awesome part of the community for so many years.
Wait a second... you mean I might get more money if I offer to sell my right nut? Hmm...
Being a vendor has nothing to do with today’s fiasco. Putting % limits for each denomination is fine, but don’t cancel orders if % is wrong. Just re-adjust.

For me it was place order, 25c out of stock, remove them. Re-calculate, re-enter. $500 out of stock, recalculate, re-enter. $100 out of stock... no point now.

But what leaves a bad taste is not that I didn’t manage to get any, but that the chips will start showing up in the ads from people trying to make profit out of them.

This is probably my last post. Have already requested my account to be deleted. I am sure there are good people in the site(have met and transact with a few), but the bad apples make it a shitty place. Over and out.

You will not be missed lol
I run a very successful Ecom company that ships 50k orders a year serving a niche with the same sort of "hobbyist" customers..... and am always surprised at how people get crazy when things don't go their way. As a vendor all you can do is give people the chance.

I made a valiant attempt today, and even though I ended up with nothing, I am grateful that Jim made these available. He seems like a stand up guy and it was, without a doubt, handled fairly.

Thanks Jim!! I'll keep an eye out for the add on sale.
The more we have people complain and bluntly.... bitch, the more likely he will just move to sell in eBay, make more money, but kill his time table. Take a breath, be thankful for us having this chance, and remember.... It's discs of clay. This should bring us together more then pull us apart, but the Tonkawas, Native lights, and now Jack's have shown just the opposite. I miss 2006-2008 when people where just happy when the Emperess, PCAs and Grand Victoras popped and everyone was just happy... Ugh.
Being a vendor has nothing to do with today’s fiasco. Putting % limits for each denomination is fine, but don’t cancel orders if % is wrong. Just re-adjust.

For me it was place order, 25c out of stock, remove them. Re-calculate, re-enter. $500 out of stock, recalculate, re-enter. $100 out of stock... no point now.

But what leaves a bad taste is not that I didn’t manage to get any, but that the chips will start showing up in the ads from people trying to make profit out of them.

This is probably my last post. Have already requested my account to be deleted. I am sure there are good people in the site(have met and transact with a few), but the bad apples make it a shitty place. Over and out.

I was trying to hold back from chiming in and I realize it’s difficult for some not to “get what they want” but um...

Thanks Jim, looking forward to it.

Quick question for the veteran members here (sorry, I'm newer here and don't want to step afoul of site rules/norms) - what is the policy on listing chips for trade that aren't in hand yet? I'm trying to build a cash set of Jacks, but due to the percentage limitations, have ended up with some higher denoms (specifically primary 25s and secondary 500s) that I don't need. Is listing those for trade in the classifieds frowned upon? I'm not trying to be a dirty flipper, just trying to build a playable set, and if possible it would be great to line up trades in advance of next Sunday so that I don't end up buying chips as part of the add-on that I may not need.
That's fine. They're your chips
In spite of saying that I was going to sit this one out, I couldn't help myself and got in on the sale today. I got some chips but not what I needed to build a playable set, and in the 3:00 frenzy to grab the last of the $1s, I accidentally ordered a pile of the wrong denom that had been in my cart from earlier.

It was crazy, and a lot of people (myself included) didn't get what they wanted. Still, my hat is off to Jim for offering fantastic chips at a great price, and trying to do it in a way that made it possible for us to get playable breakdowns while discouraging flippers from buying up all the highly desired denoms for later resale.

Was it perfect? No. Will some of these chips still get flipped? Of course. Are a few people butthurt because they didn't get what they wanted? Duh.

Jim, thank you.
In spite of saying that I was going to sit this one out, I couldn't help myself and got in on the sale today. I got some chips but not what I needed to build a playable set, and in the 3:00 frenzy to grab the last of the $1s, I accidentally ordered a pile of the wrong denom that had been in my cart from earlier.

It was crazy, and a lot of people (myself included) didn't get what they wanted. Still, my hat is off to Jim for offering fantastic chips at a great price, and trying to do it in a way that made it possible for us to get playable breakdowns while discouraging flippers from buying up all the highly desired denoms for later resale.

Was it perfect? No. Will some of these chips still get flipped? Of course. Are a few people butthurt because they didn't get what they wanted? Duh.

Jim, thank you.
Mic drop [/thread]
I for one like the limits and believe it was necessary for things like the higher denoms. Most likely there just was not alot of higher denoms avail. I priced out a set for the quantity i wanted and couldnt get over the 9.00 or 13.00 prices for highest denoms. I dont think this is gouging.. but really availability. Thanks for setting this up. I put serious thought into buying a set.
In spite of saying that I was going to sit this one out, I couldn't help myself and got in on the sale today. I got some chips but not what I needed to build a playable set, and in the 3:00 frenzy to grab the last of the $1s, I accidentally ordered a pile of the wrong denom that had been in my cart from earlier.

It was crazy, and a lot of people (myself included) didn't get what they wanted. Still, my hat is off to Jim for offering fantastic chips at a great price, and trying to do it in a way that made it possible for us to get playable breakdowns while discouraging flippers from buying up all the highly desired denoms for later resale.

Was it perfect? No. Will some of these chips still get flipped? Of course. Are a few people butthurt because they didn't get what they wanted? Duh.

Jim, thank you.

Mic drop [/thread]

Shut the thread down now. This is all we needed! :tup:
I got my order through with no trickery.
Yup. Me too. Not sure what everyone else was doing saying they got shut out. Click. Quantity. Checkout. Took me probably 30 seconds. Only thing I missed out on was primary $500’s....which seems to be a recurring theme....
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